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It has been a minute.
Hope you all are doing well and SAFE!

There's a lot I wanna say and am excited & nervous about for this month but trying to keep my mouth shut till then. But I will say having 100% freedom on everything is going to and will be great.

I have several things planned this month.
- Summer-themed Posters.
- Special-Thing for Thank-You tier patrons. (If it goes well, could make it a monthly thing)
- Animation idea.
- 3 FULL designs are planned for June.

Back to getting suggestion posts up.
I already have summer/beach ideas on my mind!

For June:
What CHARACTERS or IDEAS would you love to see me try this month?



While Summer usually means beaches, it could mean other activities. I like the idea of taking extremely dorky outfits but sexy. Like fanny packs and Hawaiian shirts kind of summer wear.


The demon from the Demonic comic i'd love to see more of her