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Been a long while since I've added in a new tier to the page.
So i'm not sure if/when people are notified about a new one being added.

This is a heads up for those interested in just getting your OCs drawn at some point.

The tier is for gaining access to the "thank-you-tier-OCs" channel on the patreon discord! (It is similar to the "give-me-your-ocs" channel. I freely decide on what OCs i want to draw and how many will be drawn for the month be it for practicing, studying or fun. Your OCs can be drawn multiple times but to keep things fair I will not use the same OC more than twice in a row. However the new channel will be for more than just doodles. instead for things like Colored-Sketches,Animation,3D,Paints whatever else I'm up for during that month.)

Check the discord for how it works and if you want to throw in your OC!
If you're having trouble connecting your discord, do check the FAQ here:




Okay, thanks for these clarifications. I think this is an amazing idea and I think you are right, it is better not to draw OCs multiple times.