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(Those on discord already know I'm doing alright, less panicked and better!)

Just a minor copy/paste from my twitter account.

Doing alright and well. (Following Doctor's, friends and mutuals suggestions, given the last few weeks some time to see if I felt worse physically. Been feeling pretty alright) the sudden scans,meds,vacs was less expensive than expected but damn. Gotta take better care of myself

September was a weird reminder. Gotta really start paying even closer attention to do what I do and also not sit around even if it's work for excessively long periods of time. I ain't 20 or in my teens anymore either. It is taking its toll physically. (Just to be clear, I'm 27)

I got some solid advice on the importance of ergonomics as a freelance Artist. Removed a lot of screens, replacing some stuff still (getting a standing desk, just for adjustability. current one is limiting.) But it's been better than grinding my spine/twisting my neck into dust.)

Gonna get back to streaming more this month. But will be switching up future streams either to be shorter or breaks being longer for streams going over 4-6hrs straight.  A lot to post, a lot to catch up on and a year-long personal project almost ready to be shared publically.

Done with the tweeting/yapping, will back active this month and try to do better staying decently well health-wise. ( hoping THIS ages well x_x )

Sitting on a ton of drawings that are still in their flats, will get those shaded up and uploaded here then as soon as possible twitter.



Your health and happiness first my god emperor of awesomeness friend. We will always be here cheering you on and supporting you. *yetihug*


Glad to have you back!


Hope you get a lot better very soon we all support you~


Glad you're doing better and glad to finally support you after forgetting to for a while ^^"