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Thinking about adding cooldowns on characters that get art done two months in a row. (That includes putting my own Characters into cooldowns)

There was also a tie...lol Unsure what to do for that in the future. But wouldn't mind drawing them both.

38 - Smolder PJ or NSFW (Dragon)
23 - Kammi (Kitsune)
15 - DevilJho Female Form  (Monster Hunter World)
15 - Zero Two (Darling and the FranXX)

THANK YOU for voting!



Yush, the raging pickle commeth


I failed again v.v....


damn no poppy


My girl didn't win, but that's alright. That's some good stuff ya got there. The cooldown sounds like a good idea. As much as I adore Smolder and would enjoy something of her every month, you'll get many, many repeats, if any of these popularity contests are to be believed.


Yeeee! Pjs for the win bebe!!!

Oni Aeon

Aw, no Gwynevere? Time to get out my orange soapstone and put down a message - "No chest ahead, therefore time for sadness"