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I think it's safe to say that I've been a perfectionist my entire. I've worked long and hard to get better at my creative endeavors, never truly satisfied with the results of my work. Always pushing myself to do better.

On the one hand, I think this drive has done much to encourage me to further my abilities and better my skills. But at the same time, it can be a drawback in terms of productivity.

One of my biggest weaknesses in terms of drawing is lineart. I cannot draw straight, smooth lines, no matter how hard I try. As a result, I frequently take a slower, more methodical approach in terms of my drawing in order to achieve the best possible results. But this also comes at the expense of my productivity.

Recently, I've been experimenting more with Clip Studio Paint's various tools to see if I can find a happier medium. Ways of achieving the best possible results while not spending nearly as much time sweating over every single detail in order to achieve them. To do so, I've been working on a sketch I started inking. I've spent a lot of time today inking and even adding basic color to this sketch.


So...yeah. It's a tricky thing at times. I really do want to give my best. But I don't want to wind up sabotaging myself in the process. Does that make sense to all of you?