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Sorry that real life issues have been keeping me busy, among other things. But here's the latest storyboard for The Kinniku Kiss. Expect to have the next few ready soon.

Sigh...gotta admit, I've been feeling really down in regards to Naruto lately. Now let it be known that I do not watch the sequel series Boruto. Or rather, I watched enough to be convinced that it's an inferior cash grab relying on nostalgia. I don't like it, and I have enough reasons for not liking it to go on a rant.

However...recent events have really left me feeling down. Finding out about Kurama...ugh...

Sigh...anyway, back to work for me.



Mike Smith

Oh trust me. I know. I know very well the stupidity that is Boruto and the stupidity they just did. And you know what? I'm more convinced than ever that Naruto himself isn't cared about at all as a character or a protagonist.


Which is just one of the many reasons I overall do my best to pretend that Boruto doesn't exist.