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  • Top 3
  • Draw lots to select 1 from nominated eligible characters after poll ended

Draw lots record



DNAevolved 115

Feels bad. Both months i suggested the same character and both time it got more votes but i didn’t get lucky in the lot drawling (unless it was excluded do to another character from the same series being on the list already) XD still some good choices this month tho. Just out of curiosity when you draw lots does everyone have an equal chance or do you increase the likelihood of on being picked based on its popularity in the suggestion post? I’m a weirdo that likes stats. Sorry

DNAevolved 115

Nvm i see how you do it. So the list is first come first serve and someone else did one piece first so mine got booted automatically, and every one has an equal chance. So a charecter that has tons of likes still has the same chances as a chacter with 0. Seems fair and unfair at the same time. But thus is life


Thanks for your feedback. This rule will change next month. If Multiple characters are the same series, I'll draw lots to decide one. Choose earilest no longer.