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I have learned quite a few things since I started 3D work, enough to see the sloppy designs in my current models toplologies, many things that make work not just less appealing but give more troubles. Among many mistakes the largest being how I made the paw-pads as a different object instead of just part of the same mesh as the body. Not only does this make things more of a hassle to work with when I have to pose, but it also makes the hand/foot paws look not so nice, and nice paw beans are important for a nice creature!

so to fix this I don't have to necessarily start from a cube and make my models anew but I do have to sculpt better paws and hands and all around better topology for a better work flow in general. this means New UV's, new textures, and re grooming the fur. so this week, I am going to spend time fixing all my old meshes, but also working on a new meshes such as a raccoon base and even toed ungulate base. I will be posting them as WIP's and put up a poll for what mesh you all want to see turned into a whole project.

So in short not really devoting time to a full project, just getting the bases for everything ready.

any questions or suggestions for projects? please share!



Well the good news is that you don't have to restart from scratch on the old ones. Really been enjoying your model work, especially Romeo! I can't wait to see where you go from here.