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Hello Everyone,

So the story which has won the bonus story vote for September did end up being "The Doll Maker". Which was posted on the 5th.

I do badly want to continue the yearly halloween edition of "The Doll Maker" though so October will have that one featured as well. A special edition since the three guys who pushed Charlene into becoming the doll maker are freed. 

My question to you all is which characters should make a good trio of dolls?

My ideas so far are: The Powerpuff Girls, Totally Spies and the witches from Winx Club.

If you have more ideas drop them in the comments and I will make a poll about the final choice on the 15th

Kind regards,



V Soto

The witches from Hocus Pocus?

V Soto

Jossie and the Pussycats?


I see, then hem..... [big charming smile, sexy hollywood actor stare] totally spies please [pervert drool inside] /kiss


ho sry i didn't read correctly the last sentence of your post, there will be a poll of course I thought it wasn't ur style to ask for ideas without using a poll


No problem. A poll is the easiest and most fair way to get people to get their say in my opinion. I did want to see what options were out there that I wasn't thinking of though.