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Chapter 6

Over the course of the day Tina left Lara alone. She had apparently tested most of the limits of Lara’s current programmation already without realising it. Tonight Ms. Baker would add to them however and tomorrow she was going to have coffee with the woman to get a detailed briefing on Lara’s programmation.

While Tina didn’t bother her Lara’s day wasn’t any easier. It had been about a week since she had kept a journal on the feet of everyone she saw and in that time she hadn’t once noticed a worse pair than hers. This realisation had completely swept away her sense of superiority, her safety net, her way to feel confident. As a result Lara was more stressed out than she had ever been. She needed her therapy session more than ever.

When the time of her appointment finally arrived Lara practically rushed out of the office straight to her car and to Ms. Baker’s office, unbeknownst to her straight to her doom. Rushing up the stairs in her building Lara made her way to the office space and just like usual barged in without knocking. The moment she walked in however she blacked out completely.

Ms. Baker just smiled, having called Lara a stupid slut once more sending her straight into a deep trance. Oh this would never get old. Ms. Baker was rather excited about today, that call yesterday had scared her senseless, but in the end she had a new ally in her journey of destroying Lara for what she had done to Megan and all those other people. An ally she very much wanted to impress so for today she had reserved another hour in her planning just for Lara. There was a lot to do and no time to waste. 

Today would serve as a test as well, a test to see how extensive her control over the woman was. If she was correct the constant deepening of her trance and the fact that her subconscious by now was getting used to taking commands from her voice should make Lara way more receptive. Paired with the added time Ms. Baker had arranged for this meeting she should be able to give Lara more changes and more drastic ones. In any case whether everything would stick or not was something for Tina to figure out during the week. 

The worst that could happen was that the overload of new commands was too much for Lara to handle in one session and that none of them would stick creating a slight set back in her plans, essentially losing a session. What she hoped for however was that the commands would stick which would in turn mean that she could keep up the added commands and hugely speed up her initial plans. It was only a minor risk for a possibly huge reward so Ms. Baker was more than happy to take it.

“Welcome Lara, why don’t you close the door behind you and strip before taking place on the couch as usual? Before you do that can you please hand me over your notebook with this week’s observations?” Ms. Baker commanded in her soothing voice, taking the notebook which was promptly handed to her. While Lara stripped down Ms. Baker snapped quick pictures of all pages, smirking broadly as she read the very extensive observation about her own feet.

When Lara took place on the couch Ms. Baker turned her full attention to the woman now only clad in lingerie though. “Alright Lara, I see you have observed rather than assumed you were better than everyone else? What were your conclusions?” She asked softly, projecting the observations Lara had made about feet on her as a person to feed into her self-doubt and create a feeling of inferiority. Small words and nuances could make a huge difference when using hypnosis.

“I found that I’m not as perfect after all, in fact I was unable to find anyone less perfect than I am.” Lara said in a monotone soulless voice, projecting her observations about feet on herself as a whole like Ms. Baker had done when posing the question.

“See Lara, that’s what you get for just assuming without actually observing. You should continue to observe constantly before you make any assumptions in the future. On another note how did those findings make you feel? What effects did they have on you?” Ms. Baker asked loving where this was going. It seemed that last week’s commands had prepped Lara for what Ms. Baker wanted to accomplish than she had initially hoped for.

“It made me feel worthless, inferior, nervous, stressed and full of self-doubt. I didn’t even dare show my feet to the pedicurist which in turn only made things worse, my nails not being recently done made my imperfection worse.” Lara said and while it was clear that she was feeling down about herself and stressed her tone remained flat under the hypnosis.

“Now Lara, there is no need to feel all those things. You being inferior doesn’t have to mean you are worthless, that you need to doubt yourself, that you need to be nervous or stressed. You can perfectly be inferior, but worth a lot to your superiors. I’m certain there are a lot of things you could do for them that would be useful and make you very worthily to them. You shouldn’t ponder over how worthless you are, instead you should search for opportunities, opportunities to show your worth to your superiors.” Ms. Baker started out, her questions had mainly just been to reinforce and shape Lara’s perception of herself, to mould her towards the things she wanted to get through to the woman. She was determined to get Lara to think of herself as inferior and about others as her superiors. Lara’s tendencies to use everything and everyone to feel better about herself Ms. Baker tried to shift to a mindset of how she could be useful to everyone to feel better about herself.

“You’ll see, if you’re really useful to someone they’ll praise you and being praised by a superior means you’re not useless. It confirms your worth and you should very grateful for all the praise you get. It’s addicting, something to chase after, something to crave. You need that praise to know you’re not worthless, getting praised by your superiors is your only way to feel worth something.” Ms. Baker spoke, it was the perfect command. Lara’s continued observation would keep feeding into her sense of inferiority which would feed her craving for praise which in turn would lead her to devolve into doing more and more extreme things to get such praise. After all she might get praised for doing something mundane the first couple of times simply because people weren’t used to her doing such things, but as that became the new norm the praise would stop coming and Lara would need to find something else to get praised over. 

It was the perfect vicious circle, a command designed to make Lara fall deeper without further work. On top of that it would also help make the people who Lara now considered superior feel superior over her which in turn would lead them to be more demanding towards Lara, to treat her as being inferior to them. 

“The reason you are so nervous and stressed is probably because you try to compare yourself to your old self-image, the one of you being superior. That’s basically holding on to a lie which isn’t healthy. You never were superior, you only wrongfully assumed you were. I know you are probably ashamed of believing in a lie for so long, ashamed of others seeing you for what you really are even though they had always seen so but you just never realised. One of the best ways to cope with this misconception is without a doubt to dress sexier, to become flirtier. If people see you as more of a slut they won’t think about how inferior you are. Instead they will look at you and think what they’d want to do with you instead.” Ms. Baker then explained trying to get Lara to adopt being slutier as a way to cope with the loss of her previous self-image as being superior. Lara still wanted to hold onto her old image or at least not being seen as inferior so offering this alternative was sure to be potent.

“Just like praise helps reinforce yourself worth so will getting interested looks from your superiors and reciprocations on your flirting. Being desired, just like getting praised will become an addiction to you.” Ms. Baker added to the command of dressing and acting slutier. It would help push those commands in another vicious circle which would only grown stronger over time and use.

“As for your nails, I understand you feel self-conscious about having someone superior working on your feet, there is nothing to be done about that. I understand that not having your nails done must make you feel even worse, but you could always learn to do it yourself. You could ask your nail tech if she’d offer you a private course about how to give pedicures so you can do it yourself without having to show your feet to anyone while keeping them looking as good as you possibly can.” Ms. Baker offered as a solution, smirking at the thought of Lara becoming proficient at giving pedicures so in time she could maybe slave away at other people’s feet just like she had liked to make others do.

Ms. Baker had gone hard on the reshaping of Lara’s self-image and her whole sense of self. She hoped that it would be enough to get Lara to start acting like a submissive slut. Now there was of course also the stupid part and even though the commands she had given so far had been intense and a lot to take in she just couldn’t stop herself from adding a little something towards that goal either.

First she did spend the better part of the two hours she had reinforcing the latest commands and thinking patterns though, reinforcing and firmly settling Lara’s sense of being inferior, her need for praise and the coping mechanism of acting slutier to avoid being judged. As inferior in the hope that all of those aspects would stick after this session.

Once she was confident that those aspects had the best possible chance to end up sticking she only had about ten minutes left to add something small yet significant towards making Lara seem dumber than she actually was.

“Alright Lara, I want you to listen very carefully right now. From now on whenever someone say’s your name you will blank out for a second. No matter the context or situation when you hear your name you’ll automatically go blank for a second.” Ms. Baker commanded spending what time that remained on reinforcing that order. It wasn’t extremely drastic, but a second of blanking out would be enough to get Lara disoriented and that in the middle of conversations. If she had to ask people to repeat themselves constantly then they were sure to start thinking about her as a ditz in time. The name served as a perfect trigger it was used often enough to be noticeable for people talking to her yet used little enough to make room for keeping conversations relatively normal at the same time.

This was followed by a set of quick instructions telling Lara to get dressed again and remember their post hypnosis talk that wouldn’t actually happen to be remembered as positive. On top of that she informed Lara that she had asked for a longer session because she was so stressed this week. There had to be an explanation for the extra lost hour after all or it might raise suspicions form Lara and if her lawyer friend had figured things out then she was sure Lara could as well.

Walking out of Ms. Baker’s office, fully dressed and her notebook back in place Lara was completely relaxed once more. She checked herself in the mirror before leaving the building as was part of her routine by now, feeling the urge to check herself in every mirror didn’t bother her as much as it used to anymore it was just the new normal. Even though she hadn’t spent a moment out of trance in Ms. Baker’s office she remembered how generous her therapist had been being able to provide her with an extra hour of therapy to relieve her stress. She also remembered talking of how this therapy was helping her greatly and how satisfied she was.

What she didn’t remember were the commands Ms. Baker had given her, for now she was still blissfully unaware, but soon they would start having a huge impact on her life. 

Rushing home Lara needed to hurry to still make it in time for her quiz tonight. For her outfit she decided on a classic little black dress. It was something she sometimes wore when trying to score a date, but before today she would have never considered wearing it on any other occasions. The skirt was short enough that it would give a glimpse of her stocking tops if she wasn’t careful. 

The dress was a little too sluty for a quiz event yet for some reason it felt right to wear it. She couldn’t explain it but where she would have usually looked down on women dressing like this in any other setting than at a bar on the prowl for a date, this exact outfit now provided her with a confidence boost. It just felt good so she didn’t even bother to try and look for an explanation cause heavens know that she could use something to feel good and confident after seeing her perfect self-image crumble under the observations she had made.

Matching the dress Lara also put on her date night make up for this casual event, it consisted of a heavier coating of lipstick and an extra accentuated look for her eyes. It was nothing very extreme just yet, but her entire outfit certainly was made to be promiscuous rather than to attend a quiz night with friends.

It was a fact that didn’t go unnoticed by any of her friends when she arrived at the quiz venue. Romy just teasingly asked who the lucky guy was. Charlotte’s reaction was pretty much the same as Romy’s had been, but she aske who the poor sole she’d prey on next was after having recently seen how heavily Lara tended to manipulate and toy with her conquests.

The response she Lara like most though was Kelly’s, the woman look clearly infatuated by her unable to contain herself as she gushed over how gorgeous Lara looked. The way in which she said it came off as a bit awkward though. They all knew Kelly was into women and it was evident once more with how bad she was at hiding her admiration. Normally Lara would just brush this off and not pay much attention to it, but this time she thanked Kelly profusely, paying her a little compliment about her looks back and giving her a flirty smile the woman failed to recognise back. After how down she felt this reassurance in a way felt great, even if it came from her socially awkward secretly lesbian friend.

While the flirty look back had gone unnoticed by Kelly herself, Romy and Charlotte had noticed and found it to be very odd. They didn’t know what had gotten into Lara as they all had an unspoken rule to just let Kelly be Kelly. Whatever Lara was trying to pull here it made them a little worried for Kelly. The knew Lara well enough to know that she liked toying with people and sometimes it was amusing to watch, but doing it to Kelly was taking things too far. If Lara was going to go to far here then both Romy and Charlotte had made up their mind to intervene if necessary.

Another thing they had all noticed, but didn’t really worry about was the fact that Lara sometimes seemed distracted in the middle of conversations. They didn’t even inquire about it, just playing it off as Lara having had a rough day. After all it was the first time this happened and as a stand-alone fact there was no pattern to worry about yet.

The remainder of the quiz passed by rather uneventful. Kelly was unable to keep her eyes off of Lara and Lara repaid those looks with flirty smiles. She didn’t take things further than that however and after a while Charlotte and Romy stopped worrying. They figures that whatever it was that Lara was doing wasn’t really harmful, maybe it was even compassionate in a way, maybe she had taken a pity on Kelly and wanted to make her feel good.

After the quiz Lara just ended up going home. She didn’t like that all the feet she had been able to see from her spot were still more perfect than her own as she frantically wrote down in her notebook the moment she got into the car. Despite those observations Lara was feeling a lot less stressed than she did last week after the quiz. Kelly’s constant ogling fuelled her self-worth an equal amount.

The remainder of her weekend was rather quiet. As per usual she went to the salon on Saturday once again refusing a pedicure out of shame of showing her feet to anyone. She didn’t bother asking the nail technician to teach her how to do her own nails just yet. Her nails looked kind of okay still, toenails didn’t chip as fast as fingernails did after all and she was rather embarrassed about having to ask such a thing. She didn’t even know why the idea to ask popped into her head, it just did and seemed rather logical given that she didn’t dare show her feet to anyone. No one would see her toenails yet Lara felt the urge to keep them on fleek anyways.

For her Saturday out Lara had once again taken to one of her date night dresses and as a follow up stop she had packed most of her clothes to be taken to a local tailor shop. She quite liked all her clothes, apart from the fact that they were too modest. Taking them to a tailor shop to get all her skirts shortened by a few inches was just easier than having to buy all new outfits. Her newly shortened work skirts now reached a couple inches above her knees showing more leg than she was used to at work they weren’t as short as the skirts she now preferred to wear when out on casual occasions, but still way shorter than anything she would have otherwise worn to work.

While Lara otherwise stayed in most of the weekend, not really in the mood to go out and see people, people she couldn’t help but see as better than her Tina and Ms. Baker had a fun and productive afternoon together. Tina couldn’t help but lick her lips at the thought of how she could use and abuse those commands Ms. Baker had just implanted. She had gotten a warning to ease Lara into it a little as the commands were mainly focused on having a long-term inescapable effect rather than just being an order that could fade over time when not maintained with regular new hypnosis sessions.

These commands were designed to strengthen each other above all, an inescapable trap inside Lara’s head. Ms. Baker also advised Tina to focus on the feet the most before moving on to any other bodily contact. Lara had been tricked into believing that her inferior feet made her inferior as a person, so that should go for the whole of the other person being superior. To Lara, but as that point was all held together by Lara’s observation of feet that was the safest way of approach.

As Lara enjoyed her quiet weekend in Tina busily worked on a plan to use and abuse Lara’s triggers in their best possible way to get the fastest possible result. Oh she was already looking forward to Monday so much, the day where she would get to help actively breaking Lara down. The most important step would be to manage to arrive at about the same time Lara did.

Chapter 7

Tina never liked getting up early, but in order to make this plan work to it’s full potential sacrifices had to be made. When Monday morning arrived Tina got up half an hour earlier than she used to. It would normally have been a huge pain to wake up early especially on a Monday, but this day was special, the excitement over what it would achieve was more than enough motivation and so dressed in one of her regular greyish brown skirt suits, her mocha stockings and a pair of matching leather peep toe heels Tina went into work.

Although she arrived at work half an hour early she spend most of that time just sitting in her car and waiting, waiting for Lara to arrive so she could kick off her plan straight in the elevator, first thing in the morning. After about twenty minutes Lara arrived and a few seconds after she left so did Tina, making it to the main hall with the elevators way behind, waiting slightly at the door until Lara boarded an elevator alone.

“Wait Lara, can you hold that for me please?!” she screamed from across the hall making her way to Lara’s elevator only when the doors already started to close. It was the perfect test to see whether or not the command to make Lara more helpful had actually worked and to her great satisfaction it did. Lara actually hold the door although it had been at the last possible moment. The woman had seemed a little disoriented when Tina had called out for her. She kept the elevator from closing even when Tina put some extra strain on the test by starting to move slower instead of faster.

Lara didn’t know why she did this, it just felt somehow right to be more respectful to her better, to help where she could. Holding an elevator didn’t really cost much effort at all and yet it was something she would have never done before. Especially not for Tina and most certainly not after her last elevator ride with the woman. After that she had dreaded the prospect of ever having to share an elevator with her ever again yet now she was the one making it possible. Her usual response would have been to wait but let it close right in front of Tina just to spite her. Not this time the thought of doing so felt entirely wrong.

“Thanks a lot, you’ve been a great help, otherwise I would have had to wait another minute at least. You know how the elevators in this building are.” Tina praised filling Lara with a sudden rush of self-worth she was lacking on her own. Lara didn’t explicitly know that it was working on her self-worth though. It had just felt good and rewarding to be praised even for something so simple, a feeling she wanted to chase, just like she had wanted to encourage Kelly’s ogles by flirtily smiling back at her on Friday. It just made her feel good and confident in a way.

In the elevator Tina couldn’t help but notice the definitive sexier look Lara had adopted. She had never see her wearing a skirt this short at work and one of the top buttons of her blouse was left undone. Ms. Baker’s commands had clearly worked like a charm. It wasn’t over the top just yet, but paired with a bit heavier makeup Lara was certainly going to draw even more looks than before, looks with side intentions as well most probably one thing was for certain she definitely didn’t look all business anymore. 

When looking up from checking Lara out Tina was a little shocked to see Lara throw her a smile she’d definitely describe as flirty. Sure Tina had checked her out but she wasn’t expecting this. Maybe Ms. Baker’s commands worked a little too well as Lara apparently took any longer look as an excuse to start flirting a little, probably to chase more of those looks. If she did so with everyone it could lead to some embarrassing situations. Not that Tina minded. She was just surprised that it took so little to provoke Lara. “You’re looking good Lara, is that a new suit you’re wearing?” Tina asked testing the waters a bit.

She had to do everything in her powers not to start laughing when Lara looked confused for a moment and asked. “Excuse me what were you asking? And thanks you’re looking great yourself.”  She said with another flirty smile. Ms. Bakers rushed command was clearly working wonders, the name thing was subtle enough that Tina didn’t even think about really abusing it, or at least not on purpose, only catching that she had used it by Lara’s slight disorientation. It certainly helped making her appear a lot dumber than she actually was and it was hilarious.

“I was asking if that’s a new suit you’re wearing. It looks good on you.” Tina repeated herself with a smile. Loving that she was no able to observe everything going on with Lara now that she knew what to look for. Lara constantly changed between looking at her feet and smiling at her.

“Oh no it isn’t, I just had the tailor take the skirt in a couple of inches, those knee length things were just so boring.” Lara explained sticking out her chest a little to draw more attention to the slight increase in cleavage as she talked. Normally Lara wouldn’t really talk to Tina and if she did it would be to insult or otherwise try to hurt her, but now Lara seemed like a completely different person towards her. Tina used the praise and showing of interest perfectly to make Lara respond positively to her.

“Good choice, oh by the way I’m expecting a case file to be delivered to our office’s post this morning, but the post boy usually does his tour just before noon and I really want to get working on that case as soon as possible. Could you be a dear and fetch that file for me?” Tina asked with a big hopeful smile. It occasionally happened that lawyers needed to pick something up at the post office but asking another colleague to do such a thing especially a higher ranking one was unheard off. 

“Uhm yeah sure, I guess I could do that.” Lara said not actually wanting to do such a thing as she would lose a lot of time, time that was better spend working at her own cases. That and delivering a case file to someone in the cubicles would damage her social status within the firm. At the same time though she couldn’t really bring herself to pass up an opportunity to make herself useful. 

Soon after that the elevator door opened and Lara took the file number from Tina so she could go and retrieve the correct file. As Tina headed straight to her cubicle Lara headed over to the postal room, it felt weird but somehow just to make herself useful in this way. It took a couple of minutes until she found the requested file and with the file in hand she headed straight to Tina’s cubicle. “Here’s the file you asked for.” Lara said handing it to Tina and involuntarily dragging the attention of curious people in nearby cubicles.

It was strange for Lara to ever come here unless she needed something fast, but even then she mostly just called instead of coming over here in person. The fact that she actually came here to hand over a document was stunning to say the least, but even then people just assumed that it was a document that Lara needed to be worked on as soon as possible. It was strange but a one-time event which didn’t make it too shocking. It would be shocking however if they knew it was a document from the post room Lara had nothing to do with.

“Thank you, this helps a lot you can go now Lara.” Tina said just taking the document in exchange for a word of praise yet disrespecting Lara by not even looking up at her. Casually dismissing her as if she was the boss and using her name behind if for good measure. The slight moment of blanking out that caused made it look like Lara didn’t really know what to do, like she awkwardly lingered for just a second. It caused a few snickers from the cubicles around.

Embarrassed yet satisfied with the praise she had gotten Lara headed over to her office to start her own workday with a slight delay. She would need to hurry to get her case for this afternoon all set up, but she should manage. The first thing she did upon arriving in her office however was noting down a detailed observation about Tina’s feet. Not even the fact that she had changed pedicures from full white nails to a French tip had escaped her attention. The peep toe had been prefect to help her note down a lot of details about Tina’s feet.

In the meantime Tina was smiling broadly, commanding Lara around although it had still been pretty menial had been great. Without a doubt she had earned the respect of some of the others around her cubicle while Lara had lost some. Most importantly however she now knew that Ms. Baker’s commands worked like a charm and she couldn’t wait to start further exploiting them. It might be a bit risky as it would be very noticeable, but she planned on making Lara her bitch around the office and to encourage others to do the same.


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