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It is with a heavy heart that I'm writing this update. I know I haven't been consistent in the last few months, and I know you're more than fed up with the continuous strings of broken promises and long silences. In an ideal world, I would've posted two more chapters in December itself, preferably on Christmas and New Year, and started off 2023 with a bang. Sadly, that seems like a laughably high goal for me now. 

Anyway, I thought I'll at least give an update on what the fuck I'm doing with my life. This should've come much sooner I know, but I was feeling too cowardly to face your disappointment one more time. But with the next month almost upon us, I've finally worked up some courage to at least not leave you with false hope. 

I haven't been writing. Like, anything. So I have nothing to show this time for my long silence (except a half-finished chapter). The only thing I've managed to do in the last month is wallow in self-pity and curse my life. I've kept you updated on my family situation on and off over the last year, and I'm afraid to say that things finally came to a head a few days after the New Year's Eve. One big fight where I was definitely the villain, at least according to my dad. I won't claim I had the worst start of the year in the world, but it wouldn't be wrong to say it was probably one of the worsts in my city. 

The conclusion of it is that I'm breaking off from my family. Yep, like completely breaking off, moving far away from my parents and their problems, and with no intention to keep in touch. Will be busy with shifting tomorrow and would settle in the new house in a couple of days. Thankfully, this is most likely the last you will ever hear from me about my irl problems, so this is nothing but good news as far as my writing goes. Not only would I get a quiet place to lose myself in writing, I would also be free of absolutely every responsibility that I was wrapped under till now. 

Also, I'm pausing the billing for the month of Feb. Just pretend that January never happened, and that my new year starts from the next month. Cause that's what I'm gonna do. I do hope your year started better than mine, but if not, I'm truly sorry I wasn't able to help any.

I would've liked to give a bigger update, especially on the new project that I was planning to surprise you with on New Year, but I'm really, really busy with the relocation right now. Suffice to say, I have plenty of things planned for this year, though the biggest one to focus on will still be improving my horrid consistency.

Hope you have a good day. See ya soon!



Hope you have a better time in your new place man, just try and take it easy

Ilay Hyams

Hope you get into a better situation man, I just wanted an update to know whats going on