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Hello and welcome to another post that isn't a chapter!

First of all, I'd like to say the last chapter was received more positively than I'd expected; glad you lot enjoyed it as much. Its definitely the most  liked chapter for MGO, finally joining SOW and MS up there and I couldn't be happier. Also, pls ignore the AN. I'd felt quite shit at not completing my promise on bringing an end to Lightning thief's arc (plus was having an awful day), and totally rushed that ending, which is probably why I didn't feel it was up to par. But clearly I was worrying needlessly.

Now moving on, I have for you today another Poll for MS, and the topic is...Lily. I've been getting more and more people asking me to dismiss the public and have Harry screw Lily here as well, and it has made me reconsider my decision. 

I know, I know, I promised not to torture James needlessly...but if that's exactly what you lot want then who am I to complain? ....Except being the Author that is.

Which is why I'm holding this poll. My question for you all is simple: Do you guys want to see some Lily/Harry action in MS as well?

Admittedly, it'll be much easier to write Harry/Lily here as compared to SOW. I'd already laid the foundation when they met, tho it kinda petered out once the pairings were confirmed and I made that previous decision to not include her.

Do know however that if she is selected this time, she won't necessarily be in the pairings, cause I have something different planned for her. 

Lastly, did anyone see Multiverse of Madness yet? Is it worth it? Doesn't seem to be as well liked as No way home. Let me know what you thought cause I'd rather not waste time on it.

Anyway, that's all for today. Hope you have a wonderful Monday and I'll see you on the chapter updates the day after tomorrow! 

  • Elder Gods: SOW Ch.20
  • True Gods: MGO Ch.31
  • Minor Gods: SOW Ch.18
  • Demigods: MS Ch.19



Ilay Hyams

My friend watched it and said it was one of the best Marvel movies in a while but that may be hype and on a rewatch it would not match


Man, the hype was just too high for this movie. Tho it seems its still very much worth seeing.


Lots of men of culture I see