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Interested in the game? You can find it here: https://vidas-salavejus.itch.io/theater-unrest



Yay! I'm happy to see that you played this. ^^ Honestly, your ridicule of the poetry is hilarious and spot-on, and your overanalysis of things and off-tangent ramblings are *very* entertaining; it's part of both your comedy and your personality that a lot of us love about you, so don't sweat it. :) Also, your childhood trauma story reminds me about one of my own experiences, not quite the same concept but it definitely burned some neurons into my memory as well. I was a little kid and looking for something on the floor in my bedroom closet. I couldn't see what I was feeling at first and I grabbed hold of something that just didn't feel "right", but I slowly picked it up anyway. Ended up being a dried-up dead mouse. Terrified the shit out of me. Another experience I had was when I was between 3-5 years old, I was sick and I woke up in my bed to the sight of something that appeared to be small and humanoid looking at me. It was making weird bodily movements like it was trying to hypnotize me. I also remember seeing form constants on the other side of my room that I guess you could say resembled some kind of "portal". Anyway, I heard my mom call for me from the other side of the house, and I had enough willpower to break free from the trance and exit my room. I remember losing most of my vision and awareness but was still able to feel my way down the hallway toward her voice. Once I met up with her most of my vision and awareness had returned, or was in the process of returning. I led her back to my room but whatever I saw was no longer there. Before she passed away back in 2010 I asked her if she remembered that occasion and she said she did. She said that I looked dazed and that I told her I saw something. Never had that kind of experience since, but I've seen, heard and sensed all kinds of strange things throughout my life.


Yay! I'm happy to see that you played this. ^^ Honestly, your ridicule of the poetry is hilarious and spot-on, and your overanalysis of things and off-tangent ramblings are *very* entertaining; it's part of both your comedy and your personality that a lot of us love about you, so don't sweat it. :) Also, your childhood trauma story reminds me about one of my own experiences, not quite the same concept but it definitely burned some neurons into my memory as well. I was a little kid and looking for something on the floor in my bedroom closet. I couldn't see what I was feeling at first and I grabbed hold of something that just didn't feel "right", but I slowly picked it up anyway. Ended up being a dried-up dead mouse. Terrified the shit out of me.