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Interested in the game? You can find it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2207970/Interior_Worlds/



Dude malls are starting disappear and it's sad I loved going to the mall I mean we still have some decent malls where I live we have one with a casino hotel connected to the mall so that is still doing good. If you ever get the chance check out a guy on YouTube his name is Dan Bell he has videos on about dead malls its really interesting.


Now I want to visit the local mall


About the Patreon address experiment thing: Yeah, don't bother getting into precise keyframing. That is for infinite-energy crazies who are hyper-attentive to detail. I only know one person over 30 who actually does that, and he's in constant pain for up to a week when he does. The technology has a long way to go before using it doesn't constitute self-harm. As for malls... meh. The only things I remember liking about them were free samples and a few novelty/joke shops that are no longer around, even on their own. Seriously I haven't seen a Spencer's anywhere in over a decade. That's all I really miss about them. The food courts were always... there, but not something I would ever miss. Ask Bobot how many splines he reticulates on the average day. (If you get that reference, extra extra kudos.)


Reticulated splines sounds vaguely familiar but I just can't place where that's from.


Ye olde Sim City reference. Upon map generation the robo voice lady would say "reticulating splines" in a blase tone of voice.