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A lot of experiments are going on in the studio today. I'd love your feedback!


Raeonn leetshifter

Not sure what resolution it's running at, but it's sub 720 and/or really compressed.


The picture quality is great I think the video was a lot clearer then it would on YouTube and also don't it feel good when the hair falls right off the the face lol. And congrats on having the new computer up and running. Enjoyed the video as always hope you have a great weekend


Video quality was fine, no stuttering, lagging, or buffering. Only real difference compared to youtube is that I can't change the video quality. While I typically watch gaming videos at 720p, for everything else I watch at 144 or 240p to save on my data usage (yes, even in these modern times, verizon still has monthly data caps where beyond that much usage it drops down to freakin' dialup speeds). And congrats on the shaver experiment. All too often those things will take 8 layers of skin clean off the skull, so yours was a clear success.