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The Boss Show - September 2016

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-09-13.


Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

I suport you becourse i like what you do include the rant. I do it instad of giving to redcross etc. (For now i suport you and fox, maight get more if economic allow). Play against you on deicate server..... That makes me.... How you say it.... "Happy in my pant# i think it is ^_^. But i can only do it if it is on a game i have and right now it would be TF2 or WOT or Civi 5. Oh someone gonna do a UI in PHP? I may steal the desine then ^_^. More game video? How would i get time to see them all? Man between you and father I could watsh severl days.


You know my thoughts on it! Let there be gaming server!!!!


First off, where did you get the shirt? I need it to add to my pride shirt collection :P. On game server...sure. It would depend on the game, but it sounds like a fun idea. Also just general thanks for giving me things to look forward to watching :)


I recognise that giraffe, it's from the Eurofurence 22 charity, the Painted Dog Conservation. They dismantle wire snares that kill the dogs and make those sculptures out of them. More bird bawks would be awesome, it's always fascinating to hear your thoughts on current events. Same with a gaming server, be great to meet more patrons.


Gaming server would be epic sauce! Heck, even a Steam group or Teamspeak server would be nice too. More bird Bawks would be good, too. Or maybe short vlog-like videos of you reacting to news just after you hear it? That way you wouldn't need multiple topics and they'd be sooner to the actual events, instead of a week later . But whatever you want, it's all cool! Much love, Bird!


By the way 100$ patreon 2 :p, but yeah if there is enough want from people I am looking forward to setting up the server :D Also love the bird bawks alot they are a blast to watch. Remember, 2 take a break from time to time to just relax and enjoy a day off!


As far as the content of your channel, keep doing what you're doing and saying what you have to say. I'd much rather have all of us signing your paycheck than some corporation that thinks they can tell you what you can and can't say. And regarding the Bird Bawks, you've definitely got thumbs up from me on that. They're kinda like rants but more blended with a vlog/commentary, and the channel definitely has room for that if you have the material and the time to make them. And as far as the collection of hi-res videos, it'll just be easier for me to go over to [your webhost's] house and copy them to a thumb drive or my laptop. Much faster than downloading over my shitty internet! :P I'll most definitely want to get the hi-res version of the Ori and the Blind Forest series. That game is far too beautiful to not watch again, and while the HD youtube versions look good, I'd like to see them in as high a quality as possible. (Maybe I should just buy the game and play it myself!)


I have ori and the blind forest and got him the game cause i wanted to see 2's reaction to it. I must say it is beyond worth getting and playing yourself. The music the gameplay and the story are fun to play yourself.


Ewww, you're a grotty birb. Gro-tee! Go clean your dishes, lol.


Ewww, you're a grotty birb. Gro-tee! Go clean your dishes, lol. Also, throw out that nasty cider vinegar bottle I see in the background :) Seriously though, I really did like the Bird Box.


Wow, sorry about the double-post. Patreon's comment system doesn't work like I expected. Enter submits the comment, rather than starting a new line/paragraph, as does control-enter. And I have no idea why a comment edit didn't replace the existing comment, and instead posted a new one. Sorry about that ^^;