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Okay! So it's time to pick the winner for this event!  Which odd little scenario piques your interest the most?

Here are your suggestions.


She is going to wish for a pole dance from hell's most popular demon expecting Verosika. Unbeknownst to both of them, the internet has made Loona the most popular demon. Now Loona is handcuffed to a stripper pole being forced to dance, but still able to glare at Moondancer who looks on scaroused of her potential fate?


She wants to get wrapped up in a whirlwind romance.

Cue her being tied up and bound with someone else.


WISH: To be more connected with nature.

REALITY: A bunch of sentient tentacles strip away the minimal amount of clothing she Moondancer has on and proceed to give her a good taste of tentacle porn.


WISH: She wants to be able to laugh at things more.

REALITY: Loona straps her to a frame and gives her a twelve hour tickle torture session.


Twilight hasn't been keeping in touch recently, so Moondancer thought that if Twilight's going to be a bitch she might as well look the part. Luna then turns Twilight into a hellhound, prompting Moondancer to have sexy goth intercourse.


"I want to learn the lost techniques of thrusting my fist into my foes."


Wants revenge on cheerleaders. Ends up becoming the best and most peppy cheerleader around.


MOONDANCER: "Well then, I guess my wish would be for Twilight Sparkle to spend more time with me whenever she can. Studying, practicing magic, learning new spells.. just whatever takes my fancy at the time I suppose."

LOONA: "So you want to make a slave of this Twilight-whatever then? That’s easy enough."

MOONDANCER: "Wh-! Wait! That’s not what I meant at all!"

LOONA: "Hmm… so more of a desire sensory effect then? Just able to do you how you want and when you want it?"

MOONDANCER: "I-… Sort of? I just want her to spend time with me doing things I like to do when I want her to."

LOONA: "Still easy enough to do then. mMagical effects start along with some incantations"

MOONDANCER: *realizing the wording on that last part* "Wait. You meant to say “doing the things I want” rather then “doing me how I want”, right?"

LOONA: *finishes incantation and magics* "Sure, whatever. The trigger phrase for her will be “Let’s go, Twilight” whenever you are ready to get down to business with her." *floats down and knocks Moondancer onto her back.*

MOONDANCER: "Oof. That seems like a simple phra- mmh." *sudden 69 position action*

LOONA: "Meh. Whatever, just finish fast so I can get back." *still on phone proceeding with 69 actions stuffs*

-somewhere in Ponyville some hours later-

*A friend, bystander, family member, etc. casually says the trigger phrase. Awkwardness and/or sexy times ensue depending on the feelings and desires of the phrase user at the time.*

And here's a few suggestions of my own.


MOONDANCER: "I wish for my privacy to be sacred."

LOONA: "You want your privates worshipped.  Got it."


MOONDANCER: "I just... gah!  Look, I just want Twilight to come to my dumb party."

LOONA: "Twilight to cum in your slumber party.  Easy."


MOONDANCER: "I want a first edition tome of 'Harnessing Arcana'!"

LOONA: "A thirsty, bitchin' dom with harness and a cane.  Lemme check my contacts list."




#1! Full votes!


2 gets my vote.