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I want to inform you all about how I will be handling Patreon rewards in the future for levels 3 and 4.

Starting with this period for November and December, 3rd adn 4th tier patreon rewards will be bi-montly events, with new ones coming out every second month.  

Q: So what happens if you donate in that tier for only one month, compared to what you get if you donate both?

Well, not much difference. You only get the reward once for that level. You DO get some other perks, like extra votes on the First Tier reward event, but rewards will still be handed out to members once every second month, regardless of whether they donated in this tier one month or both.

Q: So if I donated $25 in both months, can't I just apply for the $50 tier reward instead?

Well, even though new rewards come out every two months, patrons receive them as soon as their patronage is processed, which can still be halfway through the period. If you wish to get the $50 tier reward, better save your money on the first month and place it all on the second.

Q: So you said "Starting with this period". What happens to those of us who donated twice in the last period?

You will get double rewards for that period alone. You can pick whether you want your reward to be another Trixie lapdance drawing, or an extra Chrysalis transformation from this bimonthly event.

Q: So why are you doing this?

Because if I offer rewards twice a month, there is really no difference work-wise than simply asking me for a commission instead... which you can totally still do, by the way. As a patreon, you are a supporter. As a commissions client, you are a customer, and if anything, customers should have even more of my attention than supporters. And I'm discovering that I am severely at risk of neglecting my commission clients right now if I do not do this.

Q: So why should we remain a patron? Why not simply buy a commission instead?

You can absolutey become a commission customer instead, and that would give you the perk of getting exactly what you ask for, and to have every dollar you put in count.  But it does mean being put on a waiting list, while Patreon rewards always get priority the moment their patronage goes through.  

And of course, I try to make my patreons as large a part of my creative life as possible, making a Discord chat community, and creating events they can all participate in (with more to come, so keep an eye out for that!).  But ultimately I do see Patreon as a way for people who like my artwork to support me in doing what I love, which is mostly my own projects, while people who commission me are customers first and foremost. It's really up to you to decide what you want to be.


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