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Okay, so here's the results for our first bimonthly First Tier Event, the Bachelorette Auction!  You ready?

For the bachelorettes:

Zecora and Frazzle Rock: Tied, with 100 votes!

Tree Hugger: 50 votes.

 Limestone Pie: 30 votes.

Miss Peachbottom: 0 votes.

For the Supervillains:

Discord: 110 votes!

King Sombra and Chrysalis: Tied, with 85 votes.

Nightmare Moon: 0 votes.

So what to do? Discord is the clear winner for the villains, but what about the bachelorettes?  There were actually three votes missing, but I never got a reply from the patrons.

So guess what? I'm gonna end up making TWO drawings for this event!  One with Discord and Frazzle, and one with Discord and Zecora. Yep. That Lord of Chaos sure does love tormenting nerds, doesn't he?


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