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Hey everybody! So, obviously, I haven't been terrible active with posting either on Youtube or here on Patreon- I have a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew, and I've done that for a while now. I keep thinking 'next month for SURE I'll be making more!' and the thought continues to just evaporate. That's not fair to you guys, and truth be told, I should have put things here on pause a while ago. I understand some people may simply want to support me, and that's sweet and I appreciate that! But others are here paying hard-earned money for new content that just isn't materializing.

I'm a full-time student and currently living on my own in a place where I don't speak the language very well (which I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to do, but realistically has come with a lot of unanticipated struggles!), and I'm dealing with some other personal things that all realistically should have had me realizing that my time and energy was going to be in short supply. Not an excuse, but an explanation at the very least!

So until I have a solid amount of content for at least ensuring few months of Patreon-exclusive updates, I'm gonna put things on pause, meaning there won't be any charges until things start back up (which, if possible, I will notify you all prior to if Patreon gives me a way to do that!) It's possible I may end up moving to a different service such as ko-fi, but I'll keep you all in the loop as best I can. I also hope to create some content that will exclusively be sent to prior Patreon backers for the support over such a long period of time where I hadn't posted here.

Thank you all very, very much for the patience you've had with me, and I apologize again! I hope you've all had wonderful starts to your new year, and I look forward to hearing all about it.

Much love for all of you. 💖


TLDR- thank you very much, Patreon is temporarily going on pause because I took on too much and delivered too little, and will eventually be back once I have actual content created, finished, and ready to deliver!



Hi Salem, Thanks for this update, and take care. I'm a recent subscriber, after following and enjoying the channel for years. I've been happy to pay a monthly charge the last few months both for easy, youtube-free access to your backcatalogue recordings in audio format, but also in appreciation of the value I've enjoyed from your free public content. Your work has been a continual comfort for hundreds of hours of play now, soothing and gently engaging when any other music, tv, or reading was too much. Like Lofi Storytelling just to me. So thanks <3 がんばって!


Take all the time you need! Hope you're having a fun time where you're at! We'll be here when you return :D