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Mostly a mish-mosh of happenings and soon-to-be happenings for my Patreon structure~

For clarification, because I had some questions from multiple people about this last month, every month you remain at the Vampire or Fox God tier, you'll get an audio for that month! It's not just a one time thing :>

This month's video poll will be up by tomorrow, and the majority if not all remaining custom audios should be going out today. I'll be doing custom audios a little different this month! Instead of messaging everybody individually, I'll be posting a Google Form available to those in the top two tiers to reply to with their prompts, scripts, and ideas, again by tomorrow- that'll help me keep things more organized and help you get your audios faster because of it! <3 

Finally, I do want to let everybody know well in advance I will likely be scaling back the custom audios after August due to school starting then! The most likely alternative will be posting Patreon-exclusive videos, but once I have the details hammered out, I'll post about that likely around mid-August.

My apologies for this being a long post, but I really appreciate everybody being patient with me while I continue to streamline all of this and get things worked out in a way that best serves both my patrons as well as keeps things manageable for myself. c: I'm looking forward to what this month has in store, and thank you so much for being here with me and supporting me!


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