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Full version of https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96858520

Hi, TightWeb here!

I made another OC. I've put a little description of him below here. Hope you like him and enjoy it!

Please press like if you like the illustrations and feel free to leave comment here!


Name : Bryan Yan, Bryan, Yan-yan (Close friends only)

Code Name : Azure Wing

Age : 24

Height : 175 cm

Likes : Sunflower seeds

Dislike : Anything too sweet

Fav Superhero : Spider-Man

Bara's childhood friend. Leader of the squad and the manager of development team. He is the one who sent invitation to Bara. He seems to be capable of doing everything. He rarely talks unless its necessary. During childhood, He and Bara often get restrained by their friend. He had enough because their friend often irresponsibly forget to release them. He decide to learn about bondage tools works so he able to release Bara and himself when he wants to. As a result, he start to like being restrained and develop sixth sense where he sort of knew if Bara is in trouble again.




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