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Talia’s eyes narrowed as she watched the tactical monitors, her exo-suit whirring softly in the dimly lit command module.

The blues swarmed around the battle site, their vehicles encircling the giant desert worm carcass like a pack of hungry predators.

[Notice: Ferroin vehicles appear to be newer variations or better maintained than previously encountered models.]

“So they’ve upgraded their gear,” Talia muttered, her gauntlet tapping against the armrest. “Or maybe they just brought out the good stuff this time.”

[Affirmative: Highlighting Blue armored vehicle on display.]

The screen zoomed in on one of the vehicles. The layer of rust and wear was absent, and the hull absolutely gleamed in the desert sun. Neo’s analysis appeared alongside the image, pointing out the signs of a newer model: reinforced armor plating, and what appeared to be a more powerful main cannon. Or at least the barrel was larger.

[Suggestion: The Ferroin may have upgraded their supply lines or deployed higher quality forces to this location.]

Talia’s brow furrowed beneath her helmet. “Or they got reinforcements from off-world,” she said, her voice tinged with concern.

[Recommendation: Dealing with the Ferroin Gate should be a major priority before attempting planetary evacuation.]

“Agreed,” Talia said, her gaze fixed on the screen. “But first, let’s see what they’re up to.”

As if on cue, the Ferroin vehicles came to a halt, and infantry began to emerge from their armored confines. They approached the giant worm carcass, their movements cautious and deliberate.

Talia leaned forward, her eyes scanning the tactical display for any signs of their intentions. “What are they doing, Neo?” she asked.

[Analysis: The Ferroin infantry appear to be investigating the giant worm carcass. Possible objectives include gathering biological samples or assessing the creature’s potential as a resource.]

Talia slouched in her command chair, her eyes glazing over as she watched the Blues poke and prod at the giant worm carcass for what felt like an eternity. Thirty minutes, then an hour. They seemed content to stand around, waiting for something.

Talia shook her head, the tactical display casing a dull red glow across her helmet.

“Neo, any signs of long-range communication from the Blues?” she asked, her voice flat with boredom.

[Negative: No known means of long-range communication detected from the Ferroin forces.]

Talia sighed, her exo-suit creaking as she shifted in her seat. Her gaze drifted across the sensor line, the blinking dots representing her scout units scattered across the desert.

“We need a wider sensor net,” she said, her fingers drumming against the armrest. “Let’s rapid produce more scout units, Neo. Then forward deploy them all over to the southwest.”

[Warning: Prioritizing scout unit production will further delay ongoing operations.]

Talia’s jaw clenched, the weight of the decision settling on her shoulders. “I know, but we need to be able to see the enemy coming. Focus on cheap scouts for now.”

[Suggestion: Utilizing solar-powered gliders for scouting purposes could provide a cost-effective solution.]

Talia’s eyebrows raised, a spark of interest flickering in her eyes. “That’s a good idea, Neo. Show me the schematics.”

A holographic display materialized before her, the intricate designs of the solar-powered gliders rotating slowly in the air.

[Equipment: Custom Solar Scout S1-Glider]

[Description: The S1-Glider is a lightweight, unmanned aerial vehicle powered by solar energy, designed for extended reconnaissance missions. It features a sleek profile with photovoltaic cells integrated into the wings for optimal energy absorption.]

[Features: Autonomous navigation, operation reliant on solar power, basic sensor package]

[Suggested Use: Long-duration overwatch, exploration, and surveillance in daylight conditions]

[Production Speed: Rapid, due to minimal material requirements]

[Cost: Low]

Talia studied the designs for a moment before a frown crossed her lips. “Can we downsize them? Smaller units mean faster production.”

[Affirmative: However, smaller units will have reduced capabilities compared to larger designs.]

Talia nodded. “It’s a balance,” she said, her voice thoughtful. “We need them faster and cheaper, without delaying our other projects too much. But we also want them to be effective. Find a middle ground, Neo.”

[Acknowledged: Adjusting designs for optimal balance between production speed, cost, and capabilities.]

Talia slouched in her command chair, her eyes glazing over as she watched the Blues still poking and prodding at the giant worm carcass.

[Notice: User’s vital signs indicate elevated levels of fatigue and stress.]

Talia sighed, her patience wearing thin. “I’m not accomplishing anything by staring at them, Neo,” she said, her voice heavy with exhaustion. “I’m going to go rest.”

[Notice: Exhaustion can cause a significant decrease in cognitive function and overall efficiency.]

“Inform me of any changes or developments,” Talia said, pushing herself up from the command chair. “And let me know when the new scouts are deployed.”

[Affirmative: This unit will monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary.]

The command chair’s geometry shifted, allowing Talia to exit the desert crawler’s command module with ease. As she stepped outside, the harsh daylight assaulted her senses, a sharp contrast to the dimly lit interior. She squinted, her eyes adjusting to the sudden change in brightness.

Talia sighed, the weight of her exhaustion settling on her shoulders. She knew she needed a nap, at the very least, and started toward her habitation module, considering the idea of trying it out for the first time.

As she walked, a sense of loneliness crept over her. The vast expanse of the desert stretched out before her, a stark reminder of her isolation.

Before she reached her destination she spotted Dusky basking in the sun outside the zoological module. A smile tugged at the corners of Talia’s lips as she changed course, heading towards her arachnid companion.

Dusky perked up as Talia approached, her multiple eyes gleaming with excitement. The spider scuttled towards her, her movements fluid and graceful despite her size.

“Hey there, Dusky,” Talia said looking up to meet the spider’s gaze. “Enjoying the sunshine, huh?”

Dusky chittered in response, her mandibles clicking together in a display of affection. “Warm-Sun-Bright!”

Talia tilted her head slightly. “Did you get the nest sorted out?” she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement.

Dusky’s mandibles clicked together in excitement. “Fake-Nest-Fixed!”

Talia hummed, intrigued by the spider’s enthusiasm. “I’d like to see the ‘fix’,” she said, gesturing for Dusky to lead the way.

The spider scuttled ahead, guiding Talia into the zoological module. As she stepped inside, Talia’s eyes widened at the sight before her. The nest had undergone a drastic transformation. Scrap metal and various materials were strewn about, rearranged into new piles that seemed to defy any logical organization.

In the corner, Hot Pink and Dapple lay curled up together, their soft snores echoing through the space. Talia couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the two spiders.

“How do you like the nest?” Talia asked, turning to Dusky.

The spider’s eyes gleamed with pride. “Nest-Good-Metal-Everywhere!”

Talia chuckled. She glanced around, taking in the eclectic mix of materials and the sense of comfort the spiders seemed to find in their new home.

Exhaustion tugged at her limbs, and Talia decided to seize the opportunity for a brief respite. She lowered herself to the ground, settling in among the scattered scrap. The thought of saving time by forgoing the decontamination process was too tempting to resist.

Dusky tilted her head, curiosity evident in her multiple eyes. “Maker-What-Do?”

“I’m going to rest,” Talia explained, her voice soft with fatigue.

[Notice: Therapist unit is available for activation.]

“Can it, Neo,” Talia muttered.

The spider chirped happily, her mandibles clicking together in a display of contentment. Without hesitation, Dusky plopped down beside Talia, her torso lightly brushing against the exo-suit’s arm.

Talia’s eyes widened but she wasn’t unhappy. It was actually a bit nice. She reached up and stroked Dusky’s side, eliciting a series of happy chirps.

Talia had barely settled when Dapple’s excited voice rang out, “Maker-Maker-Visit-New-Nest!”

The dappled spider scurried over, joining Dusky beside Talia. “Just want to take a nap,” Talia replied.

Dapple chittered happily, her legs tapping against the metal. “Nest-Fixed-Good-Now!”

“Maker-Here-Maker-Here!” Hot Pink cheered, bounding over from her corner. Before Talia could react, the vibrant spider plopped down on her head, her weight pressing against the exo-suit’s helmet.

“Careful, guys,” Talia warned, her voice muffled by Hot Pink’s body. “You’re bigger than me, remember?”

Dapple clicked her mandibles disapprovingly. “Hot-Pink-Too-Excited!”

Hot Pink whined, her legs twitching. “Want-Close-To-Maker!”

With a huff, the pink spider clambered off Talia’s head and settled on Dusky’s back instead, her vibrant colors a stark contrast to Dusky’s dusky gray.

Talia sighed, relieved by the absence of Hot Pink’s weight. “It’s okay, you didn’t damage the suit,” she reassured them. “But please be careful. I don’t want to get crushed.”

The spiders chirped in unison, their voices filled with sincerity. “Promise-Careful-With-Maker!”

The spiders’ enthusiasm was palpable, their voices overlapping as they chattered about Talia and the new desert crawler.

Talia couldn’t help but smile at their earnest promise.

She closed her eyes, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with her. The soft chittering of the spiders and the sensation of closeness lulled Talia into a sense of comfort and security.

She drifted off to sleep, nestled at the bottom of the spider pile.


wrecker lawson

yay spider nap pile. i dont know why I'm afraid of spiders irl but the way you right them in this just makes them sound so cute


Adorable ❤️