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Here's an epub as standard for patrons to enjoy!

Please note its the raw version, unedited, made real quick. Same as the chapters posted here, basically.

Just in an epub format for those who prefer it.


Jim Smith

I just realized you are literally 121 chapters, more than an entire book ahead of royal road. Beautiful work. I will probably go back and finish shipcore one day, but this just grabbed me the first time I read it and ran out of shipcore, and hasn't let go since.

Sovery Simple

Potential spoilers below! Really! (Why don't we have spoiler tags on this platform to hide stuff with?) Book 3, Ch 81-83: Having the promise of a Tessa scene dangled in front of me and then cruelly ripped away and immediately "forgotten" is mean. :< Also: So is Elania going to end up making Tessa into her Seraphim/Champion, and Tessa's family flock of chicken demons into a family of Seraphim as well, and then teach them/guide them all to make them into her group of "Elites" for combat purposes? Once she becomes a Tower, or events cause her and all her folks/connectons to wind up elsewhere? She'll have to make sure Tessa has/picks up the Soul Management perk so she doesn't completely lose her elf essence, and thus become completely stripped of her emotions. Would be incredibly cruel since she has a family now and all. Even if it's silly looking at first to some. Plus it'd make for a nice fit and round out her "nation" really well too. Just came to thought since Tessa is a demoness as well, and she's technically being fed Divine essence from the contract. Plus Elania became a Seraphim form from eating essence. She could even just forcefully pull out some of her own essence to give it to Tessa to feed on and convert over with. Then manage it afterwards so she doesn't "lose herself" to it entirely. Her earlier scene in this book was cute though, the one where she finally gets calmed down and given a friendly contract finally. Tossing all of this here because for some reason I can't find these actual chapters inside of this "collection" post list. So yeah. Having to make do.

Sovery Simple

Having finally finished book 3 now: "Oh, Tessa got her eye. So we're making a step in that direction at least." Surprised that this all wrapped up in the single novel though. I'd have sworn the "major events" were going to take another book to sort out, with the aftermath eating the remaining half or quarter of it.