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Hey guys!

I'm putting together an ARC team, to help with the upcoming release of Demoness on Amazon! I'll be self-publishing it, so I need to do a bit more on my end and this is one solution I've found for it.

Basically, I will be sending out the ebook for free to ARC readers a month before release (June 1st!). Then hopefully they can leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads on the day of release since they had a chance to read it already.

I know some here might be like 'But, Erios, you already give up epubs of the story when they finish here on Patreon!'

Yes, that's true! But those are generally packaged up pre-editing and stuff. This will be the same copy as that goes to Amazon, and they should be more polished. I don't know if people actually like collecting them or hoarding them, but its a way to get the ebook version without having to purchase!

To organize the ARC Team, I'm going to be using BookFunnel for distribution, etc. It will be opt-in (you have to provide your email. You can always unsubscribe if a mail annoys you, etc.) The ARC Team will be not just for Demoness but for all my self-published works going forward. (So Demoness and Sigma as of now. But potentially more in the future.)

You'll get one mail with a epub of the ARC Team info. A month before release, the ARC copy will go out to everyone who signed up. On release day a reminder email will go out, with links to where you can review.

You aren't forced or required to review (as per retailer policy for ARCs) but it is very much encouraged. (This is the entire point of the ARC Team, getting early reviews that help on day 1.) There also is no expectation of a good review or anything, and it doesn't effect your eligibility for receiving future ARCs.

You also aren't forced to purchase the book to leave a review, but you do need an Amazon or Goodreads account to leave one!

Link to the sign-up here.

Please consider joining the ARC Team!

Demon's Ascent (Demoness 1) Arc will be going out on April 30th or so!



That‘s basically the same content you post on Patreon, right? So I can judt go an review the book, when it‘s out, can I?


Its the same story content. The editor did a copyedit (working on clunky sentences and stuff), and then its been through an additional proofread!


I'll give it a try!