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Elania stood at the start of the airship bay jetty, simmering in anger as she watched the Lightbringer ship dock. The vessel had regained power just as they arrived at the city, so it had detached and moved to dock on its own.

It slid into place with practiced ease.

The Heart settled into its berth a few minutes later, and crew poured out to unload the shipment for transport on another vessel.

The Gold was out on its own, and the Heart needed a day of maintenance. The delay and failure of the transport would cost her a hundred crit in failure fees.

It stoked her anger, and while Elysia had promised to pay for it, Elania wasn’t appeased. The thought of being forced to assist the very people who had butchered Neftasu left a bitter taste in her mouth.

As Elania watched the Lightbringer vessel tie off with ropes, a large group of Silvers arrived and locked down the area. Without a word, people evacuated the area silently, taking the hint that lingering wasn’t advised.

Except for Elania.

Lyra appeared, her gaze falling upon her. The Tower’s expression was one of displeasure, clearly unhappy to see her there.

“If you’re here to cause trouble, leave,” Lyra said.

Elania met Lyra’s gaze, her own anger barely contained. “I have every right to be here.”

Lyra ignored her, moving down the jetty with purposeful strides.

Bishop Lefarne and a few of his followers were the first to disembark from the ship. They walked up the jetty to meet Lyra, their robes billowing in the wind.

Elania’s hands clenched into fists at her sides as she watched the exchange.

The sight of the Lightbringers being welcomed into Contia made her blood boil.

She wanted nothing more than to confront them, to demand justice for the lives they had taken. For what they had done to Yolani. But she knew that any action on her part would only lead to further trouble.

Elania watched as Lyra and Lefarne exchanged words, her stomach churning with each politeness exchanged. The Bishop smiled, his eyes glinting with a smugness that made Elania’s skin crawl.

“Thank you for your warm welcome, Lyra,” Lefarne said, his voice dripping with false sincerity. “I must request that my men be allowed to rest and recuperate while we visit your fine city. The journey has been long and arduous.”

Elania’s muscles tensed, her hands balling into fists at her sides.

But Lyra’s response cut through Elania’s rage. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Bishop Lefarne. Your men must remain on board. Only you and your personal retinue may disembark.”

Lefarne’s smile faltered, his brow furrowing in displeasure. For a moment, Elania thought he might argue, but instead, he inclined his head. “Very well. I accept your terms.”

As the Bishop and Lyra made their way down the jetty, Lefarne’s gaze fell upon Elania. His lips curled into a grin.

The Silver Guards flanked the jetty, their presence a stark reminder of the delicate balance of power at play. Elania’s fingers twitched, itching to take Eziel and cut the smirk from Lefarne’s face.

But she knew she couldn’t. Not here, not now. Her anger was clouding her judgment, making her irrational. She needed to clear her head, to think straight.

With a growl of frustration, Elania launched herself into the air, the wind whipping through her hair as she soared above the city.

She needed to warn Gaston, to let the Neftasu Guard know there were Lightbringers in the city.

They needed to avoid the Wharf. Somehow she doubted everyone would be able to contain their anger.

With a sharp turn, Elania angled herself towards the Guard’s barracks.

The entire trip she couldn’t help but try and think of the dangers having the Lightbringers nearby could bring. It was like clutching a poisonous snake to the chest.

She landed with a soft thud outside the entrance, her eyes scanning the area for trouble. It was quiet until she made her way inside.

Crates and boxes were stacked haphazardly, and there were signs that men were preparing to move out of the building. The usual bustle of activity seemed more frantic than usual.

Surely it was too early for them to know about the Lightbringers?

Elania spotted Henri and waved. He grinned and jogged over to join her. “Elania, you’re just in time. We’re preparing to transfer over to the new compound.”

Oh, so that was it.

Elania nodded absently, her mind still focused on the Lightbringers. She quickened her pace, heading towards the back of the hall where Captain Gaston usually stationed himself or the on duty officers.

“Oh, and guess what?” Henri continued cheerfully, oblivious to her mood. “We got our muskets back, too. The first batch went out with the latest patrol. Pretty cool, huh?”

Elania’s heart skipped a beat, a flare of panic rising in her chest. She broke into a run, leaving a confused Henri in her wake.

Gaston looked up as she approached, his brow furrowing at the sight of her haste. “Elania? What’s wrong?”

“We have a problem,” she said, her voice tight with tension. “Lightbringers are in the city.”

The entire hall fell silent, her words echoing in the air. Gaston’s frown deepened, his eyes narrowing as he leaned forward. “Tell me more.”

Elania took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “They came in on an airship. They’re restricted to the ship for now, but I think we must have the men avoid the wharfs as much as possible. Especially sending anyone who might be... inclined to extract vengeance.”

Gaston nodded slowly, his expression grim. “I understand. I’ll see to it.”

“What about the musket-armed patrol?” Elania asked. “If they stumble across the Lightbringers...”

Gaston shook his head. “Don’t worry. The patrol isn’t anywhere near the wharfs. They’re headed to the Neftasu District.”

Elania felt a small measure of relief, but the knot of tension in her stomach remained.

The Lightbringers’ presence was a powder keg for the refugees, or a slow acting poison for Contia.

Neither was good.


“Look like they are pushing things along nicely,” Elania said, her finger drawing Yolani’s gaze to a clump of workers moving around a cluster of buildings.

The sound and sight of progress was visible all around them as they moved down the main avenue of the new ‘Neftasu’ district.

The hum of saws and the clang of hammers filled the air as workers swarmed over the abandoned buildings like industrious ants.

A sense of fulfillment swelled in Elania’s chest as she watched the revitalization effort unfold. The investment they had made was paying off, the fruits of their efforts blossoming in the form of patched walls and repaired roofs.

Yolani glanced at Elania. “Are you nervous?”

Elania blinked before glancing at her partner. “No, why?”

“Because its the first time we’ll meet with the entire council,” Yolani said.

Elania paused, a realization dawning on her.

There was a time when the thought of speaking to strangers would have filled her with dread.

Heck, she muted unknown numbers calling on her phone as a matter of course.


The prospect didn’t faze her in the slightest.

Had everything that had happened changed her so much?

Or was it something else?

Something about [Divinity] essence or being a Demi-Divine that smothered her innate introvert?

Elania shook her head, dismissing the thought. It didn’t matter, not now.

They had a council to meet, a new chapter in the story of Neftasu to begin.

As they approached the new council building, a pair of Guards snapped to attention to provide Elania and Yolani a crisp salute.

A servant greeted them at the door, his voice tinged with deference. “The council has assembled, my lady. They await your arrival.”

The interior was clean but simple. No time for anyone to pile on ostentatious trappings, yet. It actually made Elania feel more comfortable, knowing that no one had wasted any funding on something like silly vases or paintings.

Elania nodded, a wry smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Nothing like the king making a late entrance...”

Yolani grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Or queen.”

Elania drew in a deep breath, steeling herself.

With a firm hand, she pushed open the set of double doors.

The council chamber itself was a large room that stretched, a long table dominating the center. Captain Gaston and Captain Montlas stood as they entered, nodding their greetings.

“Lady Elania,” Gaston said, his voice gruff but respectful. “Glad you could join us.”

Elania’s gaze swept over the assembled civilians: Amara, Galen, Naia, Selia, and Theron. It was her first time seeing them in person, but Darius’ reports let her put a face, age, and gender to each one.

They all represented a different facet of the Neftasu survivors, a cross-section of the community they were trying to rebuild. Or at least, it was what the ad hoc voting had produced.

She nodded to each in turn, clasping their hands and exchanging pleasantries. When she made the full trip back to Yolani, she placed a hand on her partner’s shoulder.

“This is Yolani, my Oracle,” Elania said. “Any order from her can be considered the same as from myself.”

The civilians shared a ripple of concerned looks, but Elania held up a hand. “Ultimate authority for the group remains with me. While your voices are incredibly important, I will be making the final decisions.”

She paused, letting the weight of her words sink in. “That said, I will be heavily delegating areas of responsibility. I can’t be everywhere at once, and I hope the people assembled here will prove to have the skills and abilities required to see that the survivors of Neftasu are cared for and protected.”

Theron leaned forward, his brow furrowed. “What about the Lightbringers? Are we in danger?”

Of course that news had spread like wildfire. She held back a sigh.

Elania shook her head. “For now, things are fine, but I’m monitoring the situation.”

Amara spoke up next, her voice tinged with frustration. “We’re running low on supplies for the construction.”

Galen nodded in agreement. “There’s a shortage of raw materials. From what I understand, it’s due to the city requiring a larger amount for defensive construction.”

Naia chimed in, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. “We’re also severely lacking in healing supplies. The small medical providers have been overworked.”

Selia shifted in her seat. “Food supplies for the refugees have been disrupted slightly, but nothing we can’t adjust to with alternatives.”

Elania grunted and took a deep breath. It was like a wave of responsibilities hitting her from every direction. Elania held up her hand again. “One at a time, please. There’s a lot we need to go over.”

She glanced at Yolani.

The other girl give her a nod, and then stood up. Her partner’s green eyes scanned the assembled council with an intensity Elania hadn’t seen often.

Yolani’s voice rang out clear and strong, “We have several priorities right now, but the first is to avoid conflict with the Lightbringers at the wharfs. To that end, we are banning travel into the wharf district.”

Captain Montlas leaned forward, his brow furrowed. “What about the Ironfist?”

Elania nodded, her gaze meeting the captain’s. They still needed operations to continue. “The Ironfist will be permitted into the wharf district to operate our airships. Other activities will be curbed and recommended to the other districts for the time being, though.”

Theron raised a hand. “What about the legality of such measures? How are we going to express and enforce those restrictions? Do we even have any standing to do so?”

Elania took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. “The Neftasu Guard will be given auxiliary powers in the Neftasu district to operate as a local police force. Technically, we can’t force people to stay away from the docks. Being a Refugee from Neftasu doesn’t automatically place someone under our authority.”

She paused, glancing from face to face. “However, we can remove anyone who violates the restriction from our group and revoke their access to refugee supplies. If they choose to reject our authority, we will reject them in return.”

Selia shifted in her seat, her eyes wide. “That seems harsh. I’m afraid some might still go, anyway.”

Elania nodded, her expression grim. “I doubt the measure will be foolproof, but for most people, it will keep them away. That will reduce the chances of any incidents occurring.”

Yolani added, her voice firm, “We won’t be challenging any ruling from the Towers involving a refugee if they attempt to harm the Lightbringers as well. Meaning if someone causes an incident, they will be well and truly on their own. Contia’s laws aren’t kind to those who harm ‘protected’ diplomatic members, either.”

A heavy silence settled over the room.

Elania took a deep breath. Well, that was the dark part dealt with. Now they could discuss all the other things. “We should start discussing the district construction efforts and the progress that has been made.”


Elania touched down outside the entry point of the Mushroohum arena, her boots kicking up a small cloud of dust as she landed. The two Neftasu Guards stationed outside snapped to attention, their hands raised in crisp salutes.

Elania returned the gesture with a nod, her eyes sliding to a young woman who waited nervously to the side.

The woman offered a polite smile.

Elania’s face split into a grin as her suspicion confirmed itself. It had been a long while, but she recognized Allie. It was easy when there had been scant few people who had actually treated her as a person in her early Neftasu days.

“Allie, right?” Elania strode forward, her hand outstretched. “I never got the chance to thank you properly for taking care of me back then. The bath, the hair combing... it meant more than you know.”

Allie blinked, surprise etched across her features. She accepted Elania’s hand, her grip firm. “Oh, it was nothing, really. I’m just glad to see you’re doing alright.”

Elania shook her head, her smile softening. “It wasn’t nothing. Your kindness kept me going when I was at a pretty low place. I won’t forget that.”

A flush crept up Allie’s neck, but she met Elania’s gaze steadily. “I’m happy I could help, even if it was just a little bit.”

Elania released Allie’s hand, her expression turning curious. “So, tell me about your alchemy experience. Your application mentioned you had some background in it.”

Allie nodded, her posture straightening. “My parents were herbalists. I grew up working with them, learning the trade. But the shop was supposed to pass to my brother.”

Elania tilted her head, her brow furrowing. “And you didn’t want to keep working as a herbalist?”

Allie shook her head slightly, a wry smile tugging at her lips. “It was deemed best if I didn’t compete with him. That’s how I ended up as a maid.”

Oh. Elania’s lips turned to a frown as she understood the subtext. “Well, I’m glad you applied for this position. It seems much closer to what you really want to do.”

Allie’s smile widened, genuine excitement sparking in her gaze. “It is. I’ve been wanting to get back into herbalism and alchemy, but without any official experience, the district organizers wouldn’t take me as one. They were going to offer me duties as a maid or waitress again.”

Elania gestured to the entrance before leading the way. As soon as the seal of the heavy metal door cracked, a thick blow of humid air washed over them.

“How do you feel about working with the Mushroohums?” Elania asked, her gaze flicking to Allie’s face.

Allie’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. “I’m fine with it, actually. I’m excited to see what kind of things they might be able to grow.”

A grunt of approval escaped Elania’s lips. “That’s exactly what I was hoping for.”

They passed through the entrance, the atmosphere thickening with each step. The scent of damp earth and exotic fungi permeated the air.

Elania glanced at Allie. “Are you okay with the atmosphere? And the potential smells?”

Allie waved a dismissive hand. “I’m used to dealing with things like that, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

They descended the staircase, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls. Allie’s brow furrowed. “I’m surprised you’re handling the hiring and selection of the position yourself.”

Elania’s shoulders lifted in a shrug. “This is a special project to me. I’ve been overseeing it personally.” She paused, a rueful smile tugging at her mouth. “We had issues because we tried without someone who knew alchemy.”

Allie nodded, determination etched into her features. “I hope I can help.”

Elania led her to the alchemy workstation area, gesturing to the supplies and equipment scattered across the tables. The remnants of Yolani’s attempted potion lingered in the corner.

The recipe was still written out on parchment and Elania went straight to showing it to the other girl.

“Can you make a batch of the healing potions as a test?” Elania asked, her eyes searching Allie’s face.

Allie’s response was immediate, her tone confident. “I can. Right now?”

Elania nodded and then watched as Allie set to work.

Her movements were precise and practiced.

Her eyes scanned the ingredients list while she picked through the equipment and supplies. With a nod, she began to gather the necessary components.

The arena filled with the sounds of clinking glass and the soft rustle of baskets as Allie immersed herself in the task.

Elania leaned against the wall, her arms crossed, a flicker of hope igniting.

Maybe the project wasn’t doomed after all?

The steps largely mimicked what she and Yolani had done before. If there was a different, Elania couldn’t tell. A frown started to appear on her face.

But then the process completed. With a completely different result.

Shimmering crystal-colored liquid dripped into the beaker, a stark contrast to Elania and Yolani’s previous attempt.

Confusion flickered across Elania’s face. Why hadn’t it worked for them? A twinge of annoyance pricked at her pride in defense of Yolani, but Allie’s beaming smile disarmed the feeling. It was hard to be negative considering the result.

“The ingredients were very fresh, not dried out,” Allie said. “That should improve the potion’s effectiveness.”

Elania grunted. “You’ve got some skill, that’s for sure.”

She gestured for Allie to follow her. “Let’s go introduce you to the natives.”

On their way into the Mushroohum colony, young Mushroohums surrounded them, their ‘gluu-glaa’ noises filling the air as they trailed along.

Allie couldn’t stop glancing at them.

“They’re friendly,” Elania reassured. “They just like it when we visit for some reason.”

“I didn’t realize they had… children?” Allie asked.

Elania nodded. “When they pass their bodies form new growths which turn into their young.”

They reached the tender hut where the fungi crops grew. The [Glow Moss] lit everything up in a riot of colors and textures. Elania spotted Tre’gat’aru and waved him over, introducing him to Allie.

“Trey, this is Allie, our new alchemist,” Elania said. “Allie, meet Tre’gat’aru, the leader of the Mushroohums.”

Trey released a cloud of spores in greeting, which Elania translated. “He says welcome to the colony.”

Allie smiled, her eyes wide with wonder. “Thank you. I’m excited to work with you all.”

Elania nodded, her gaze flicking between the two. “For now, you’ll both have to do your best to communicate. Allie can’t understand spores, and Trey can’t understand speech.”

Allie seemed unfazed by the challenge, immediately giving a smile and wave to the mushroom man.

That was a bit of a relief. Even if she had been good at alchemy, working with the mushroohums was paramount for things to work out the way Elania wanted.

It sealed her decision.

“Allie, will you take the position?” Elania asked, her tone serious. “We need to bring the Mushroohum healing potions into full production.”

Allie’s face lit up. “Absolutely. I’ll do everything I can to make it happen.”

Elania nodded, a smile tugging at her lips.

She kept her worries about the potential need for the potions in the looming war to herself, not wanting to dampen the mood.

For now, she would entrust everything into Allie’s hands.


Yolani’s workshop buzzed with energy as she handed Elania the Regalia, a triumphant grin on her face. “Modifications are done. You should keep it on you at all times now.”

Elania pulled the bracer on, the metal cool against her skin. She flexed her fingers, testing the fit. “How long will the bonding process take?”

Yolani leaned against the workbench, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “The closer you are to the weapon, the more it will become part of you. But before the process can really start, you have to reach 100% [Divinity] essence.”

Elania nodded, her brow furrowing. “If Ember’s wasting our time again, I’m going to be pissed.”

Yolani’s expression turned serious. “Ember wouldn’t explain, but she promised it wasn’t about what she suggested... last time. It’s something new.”

Elania’s lips pressed into a thin line. “While they’re crazy, none of them have outright lied about anything. We should probably see what it is.”

Yolani nodded, her fingers drumming against the workbench. “If we can find a way to not weaken you so much while bonding, that would be a good idea.”

They started to leave the estate, their footsteps echoing through the halls. As soon as they were outside, Elania scooped Yolani into her arms. “We’re flying.”

Yolani let out a surprised “Eep!” as Elania’s wings unfurled. They launched into the air, the wind whipping through their hair as they soared above the city.

Initial surprise melted into a fit of giggles as Yolani clung to Elania. The city sprawled beneath them under a warm sun.

Elania banked and spiraled downward toward the City Works after they did a single lap around the central island.

She touched down gracefully just outside the building and released Yolani to regain her feet.

The guards waved them through, a familiar routine, but Elania couldn’t shake the feeling that something had changed since her last confrontation with Ember.

At the very least, the interior was a completely different, a chaotic maelstrom of workers running about.

The clang of metal on metal rang through the air.

Dozens of workers hunched over workbenches, hands a blur as they assembled and modified a growing stack of muskets. Other military equipment glinted in the light, hinting at the City Works’ newfound focus.

Elania turned to Yolani, her brow furrowed. “When did this happen?”

Yolani looked at her. “With everything else happening, you didn’t think we were still working on fixing the lightbulbs, did you? They’re converting the Neftasu Guards’ muskets to the new version I designed. Ember thought some of my other designs were worth putting into production too, for defending the city.”

Elania fell silent, her mind racing.

If Contia upgraded all their weapons with Yolani’s help, it could trigger a military revolution.

She mentally kicked herself for not charging the Towers more for Yolani’s research and development services. That would be something to consider negotiating right away.

Almost on cue, Ember materialized from the chaos, a grin on her face. “Elania, Yolani, glad you could make it. Come on into my office. We have much to discuss.”

Elania hesitated, memories of their last encounter still fresh in her mind.

Ember seemed to catch that and held up her hands in a placating gesture. “I promise, no funny business this time. Tower’s honor.”

Elania sighed. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

They followed Ember into the office; the door clicking shut behind them.

Elania decided to get straight to the point. “Yolani already told me about your offer. We are not accepting under any circumstance.”

Ember waved her hand dismissively from behind her desk. “I know that already.”

“Then what’s this about?” Elania crossed her arms.

A silky smile spread across Ember’s face. “I understand your issue with essence. I’ve never seen a lesser demon Demi-Divine before, but I’m aware of how your traits work. There’s another, easy way to increase your [Divinity].” She pulled out a large opaque bottle and set it on the table with a thunk.

Elania’s frown deepened. “I’m not drinking your piss, either.”

Ember chuckled. “This isn’t as distasteful.” She popped the cork, the sound echoing in the room, then poured the liquid into a wine glass. It shimmered a deep red, golden energy swirling within.

“It’s called ambrosia. Distilled from a Demi-Divine’s blood into a sweet beverage.” Ember swirled the glass, the liquid catching the light. “A Demi-Divine finds ambrosia made from their own blood quite unpalatable. This particular vintage is from Elysia’s blood.”

She took a sip, her eyes closing in pleasure. “All four Towers make a batch every year and trade with each other. Allows us to enjoy the benefits without the unpleasantness.”

Elania’s eyebrow raised. “Benefits?”

Ember nodded, her smile widening. “Extremely strong benefits for other Demi-Divine. Power, capabilities, the works.” She took another sip. “Elysia’s ambrosia tastes like the forest. Increases regenerative capacities.”

Her gaze slid to Yolani, a glint in her eye. “Even benefits mortals.”

Elania’s eyes narrowed, her mind working. “What do you want for it?”

Ember corked the bottle and slid it to the edge of her desk. “Consider this one an apology for before.”

Elania grunted, her eyes flicking to Yolani. Yolani nodded a slight incline of her head. Elania reached out and took the bottle, the glass cool against her palm.

Ember’s grin widened as she pulled out another bottle. “Now, for this one... I want a date with the two of you.”

Elania raised her chin. “Maybe we should start with a discussion on Yolani’s ongoing employment here.”

Ember’s lips formed into a pout.


Elania strolled through the bustling Neftasu district, Yolani by her side.

The streets teemed with life as refugees went about their daily routines. It seemed like a sense of normalcy was slowly returning to their lives.

Ahead, a large stone building rose from the ground, its sturdy walls and imposing structure taking shape.

Elania’s nose wrinkled as she eyed the building. “I hate how it resembles Arlois’ tower.”

Yolani shrugged, a smile playing on her lips. “It’s a sturdy and effective defensive design. It should be fine.”

“If you’re happy with it, then I don’t mind.” Elania grunted, her eyes still fixed on the tower.

Yolani’s smile widened. “We can worry about something nicer later. The Estate can do for now, but I’d like to have something more sturdy as an alternative.”

Elania tilted her head. “It probably reminds you of Neftasu because it’s stone.”

Yolani hummed, her eyes distant. “Not exactly, but the stone is resistant to cannons and other types of attacks.”

Elania’s eyebrow raised. “What about super lasers?”

Yolani grunted. “Maybe if you don’t get too carried away, it could handle one.”

Elania stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide. “Really?”

Yolani nodded. “I’ve interfaced various artifice workings into the base layer of the stone. It should theoretically cause massive energy strikes to slide around the structure, while resisting a heavy kinetic impacts… maybe more than one?”

Elania stared. “When did you have time for this on top of everything else?!”

Yolani blinked, a smile spreading across her face. “While you’ve been busy doing your things, I’ve been working hard too!”

Elania wiped her forehead, a chuckle escaping her lips. “I can see that.”

Yolani beamed a smile at her.

She took Elania’s arm and led her inside the new tower. The interior was rough, but the foundation and walls were slowly taking shape.

Elania glanced at the time on her HUD. “Time’s up. We should head to the budget meeting.”

Yolani nodded. They stepped out of the tower and back out into the sun. It wasn’t that far to the Neftasu Guard’s new barracks and the council building beside it.

Just about everyone they saw moved with purpose. It triggered an unhappy thought.

“Where did all the people living in the slums go?” Elania asked.

Yolani frowned. “You mean the people from the slums, before we rented the buildings?”

“Yes, exactly. They had to go somewhere?” Elania mused.

“Um. I guess they went elsewhere? We can ask Gaston, I think there were a few buildings that needed evictions because they were there illegally and didn’t want to go,” Yolani said.

Elania grunted. That wasn’t great.

It wasn’t like she was planning on making a charity to take care of all the city’s poor, but now all she could do was picture them shoving half the city’s poor on top of the other half and crowding them, with no help or warning.

And the speed at which things were moving was breakneck.

Elania’s mood soured. Maybe they could move on to helping them once they were better established.

Inside the city council chambers, they met with Amara, Galen, and Captain Gaston, exchanging brief greetings before taking their seats at the council table.

Yolani cleared her throat, her voice steady. “Today, we’ll be discussing the budget for the District, Guards, and all of our projects.”

She laid out the current income streams and potential estimates for extra revenue. Amara and Galen chimed in, providing insights into the district’s building and funding expenses. Captain Gaston broke down the guards’ costs, then revealed the bonus Arlois would be providing to Elania.

Elania leaned forward. “The Mushroohum project isn’t producing highly yet, but I believe it will soon.”

Yolani nodded, a smile playing on her lips. “I’ve also negotiated for my work, which will add to our income.”

She presented a concise chart detailing their revenue streams.

Previous Months Income:

Airship Operations: 6,432 Crit |

Yolani’s Work: 2,500 Crit |

Arlois’ Bonus: 956 Crit |

Miscellaneous Income 7,917 |

Elania frowned as she noted the very high ‘Miscellaneous’ line. “What’s all this?” she asked.

Yolani pulled out a sheet of paper with hundreds of different transactions recorded on it. “Everything that didn’t fit in any of the other categories. It includes the Digger Crab and Mana Shard sales to the bank, donations from the refugees, confiscated materials, and the extra income from the missions you’ve done for Arlois. Essentially everything we have done so far that isn’t on the other lines.”

Elania sighed and nodded. There was a lot more there than she realized, but they had been busy. Constantly. “Well, good to know we have a lot of bonus money.”

Yolani shook her head. “Not so fast.” She held out the month’s expense sheet.

Previous Month Expenses:

Housing/Building Rent: 4,551 Crit |

Basic Rations: 3,611 Crit |

Construction: 5,432 Crit |

Supplies: 1,411 Crit |

Medical Costs: 501 Crit |

Miscellaneous Expenses 1,000 Crit |

Current Account Balance: 1,299 Crit | Monthly Gain: 1,299 Crit

Elania rubbed her head. “Sheesh. Uhh. 16,506 in expenses? We would have been negative without those bonuses.”

Yolani nodded. “We had a small surplus, but if things don’t go so well again, we could see our entire reserve wiped out easily.”

Elania nodded, her fingers absently tracing the smooth surface of the bracer on her forearm.

Gaston cleared his throat, and all eyes settled on him. “We should discuss future taxation of the district. We’ll need to rely on additional funding as expenses increase, especially if we plan to continue extensive public works in the future.”

Elania’s brows furrowed, a sigh escaping her lips. “I’d like to avoid heavy taxation, but I agree that some is necessary.”

Amara nodded. “We could take the same approach as the Towers. They invest heavily in businesses and properties across the city and reap a large amount of income from their share of the profits, then reinvest them into more things, creating a constant economic cycle.”

Elania frowned. “I’m familiar with the concept, but we’ll likely need to be conservative with our projects at first. There’s also… how long until people have actual businesses to invest in?”

“I’ll look into things when I can,” Yolani said.

Elania turned to her. “I can help.”

Yolani shook her head, her eyes softening. “You already have a lot on your plate. I promise I can handle it.”

Elania’s smile widened, and she nodded.

The council continued their discussion, weighing the pros and cons of various investment strategies. Elania listened intently.

As the meeting drew to a close, Elania stood, her voice firm. “We’ll start small, focusing on businesses that can provide immediate benefits to the district. Once we have a stable foundation, we can expand our investments. We’ll also be claiming a ten percent ownership in every business that we are paying the startup costs for, which is… most of them. That should cover the ‘taxation’ needs for now.”

Each council member nodded to Elania in turn as she looked at them.

She just hoped that they had time to see things through.

If they were all suddenly forced to relocate again… or worse…

She wasn’t sure that there would be enough morale left for it.


Elania strolled down the unfamiliar street, her eyes widening at the lush greenery surrounding them.

Vibrant flowers bloomed in every corner, their petals swaying gently in the breeze.

She glanced at Yolani, who seemed equally enchanted by the greenery.

“It’s like a garden,” Elania mused, her gaze sweeping across the colorful flora. “I knew it was colorful from flying by, but a glance didn’t do it justice.”

Yolani nodded, a smile playing on her lips. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Elysia really has done a nice job.”

Elania’s brows furrowed slightly at the mention of the Tower. She had mixed feelings about Elysia, but she couldn’t deny the beauty of her domain.

As they walked further, a particular bed of flowers caught Yolani’s attention. She tugged on Elania’s sleeve, pointing excitedly. “Look at those! They smell amazing.”

They moved closer to inspect them.

Elania inhaled deeply, the sweet fragrance filling her nostrils. Without thinking, she reached out to pluck one.

Yolani’s hand shot out, grasping Elania’s wrist before she could touch the flower. “Don’t! Do you want to end up in another trial?”

Elania blinked, realization dawning on her. “Oh, right?” She offered a sheepish grin. “I wasn’t thinking. I thought it would look nice in your hair.”

Yolani’s eyes softened, and she squeezed Elania’s hand. “It’s okay. Thanks for the thought, though.”

They continued their stroll, the incident with the flower quickly forgotten. Elania’s mind wandered back to the Green Tower, and she couldn’t help but voice her concerns.

“I’m not sure what to make of Elysia,” she admitted, her brows knitting together. “She’s been on our case since we arrived in Contia.”

Yolani tilted her head, considering Elania’s words. “We can’t ignore her request to meet with us, though. It could be important.”

Elania grunted, a hint of frustration in her tone. “She’s the one who stopped me from chopping those Lightbringers. It’s like she’s always watching us, waiting for us to slip up.”

Yolani’s expression turned thoughtful. “To be fair, she seems to enforce the law fairly. She’s not singling us out.”

Elania paused, mulling over Yolani’s point. As much as she wanted to argue, she couldn’t recall an instance where Elysia had acted unjustly.

“I guess you’re right,” Elania conceded, a sigh escaping her lips. “But she’s so rigid. It’s like she has no sense of justice beyond the letter of the law.”

Yolani nodded, understanding etched on her face.

They fell into a comfortable silence as they navigated the winding paths of Elysia’s district.

When they finally came to a stop outside the Green Tower itself, it was impossible to not be impressed.

The western district of Contia had transformed into a lush paradise, with flowers blooming in every corner and trees bursting with life.

“These aren’t even high altitude plants like the ones in our estate’s gardens,” Elania remarked, her gaze sweeping across the exotic flora.

Yolani nodded, a hint of awe in her voice. “It must be the influence of the Demi-Divine’s domain.”

Elania grunted, a flicker of unease crossing her features. “Maybe we should reschedule the meeting somewhere more neutral.”

Yolani’s brows furrowed slightly. “It might be too late for that.”

As if on cue, a figure dropped out of a nearby tree, laughter ringing through the air. Elysia landed gracefully, her presence causing the flowers to bloom even more vibrantly as she walked past them.

“Welcome,” Elysia greeted, a smile playing on her lips. She pulled out a flower and presented it to Elania.

Elania’s eyes narrowed, her stance guarded. “Nature and law seem like a weird mix of Demi-Divine domain powers.”

Elysia’s smile widened, a glint of amusement in her eyes. “On the contrary, nothing is more natural than the law of nature, which mankind’s laws eventually descend from.”

Elania accepted the flower, and then she realized it was the same as the one she’d been about to pick. A warning that they were being watched by her? A threat? Elania’s mind whirled, but the only thing she could think to do was turn toward Yolani.

The other girl raised an eyebrow, but understanding filled her face, and she tilted her head. The flower tucked behind an ear looked every bit as pretty as Elania hoped. “It’s perfect.”

Yolani blushed slightly and murmured a reply.

Elania turned to Elysia and nodded. “Thank you,” she said. Then she took a deep breath and cut straight to the point. “What exactly did you call us here for?”

Elysia’s expression shifted, a hint of seriousness creeping into her features. “As the keeper of law in Contia, I have some questions for you.”

Elania’s jaw tightened, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. She glanced at Yolani, who returned the look.

“But we can go inside and have some refreshments while we talk,” Elysia added. The woman turned and led them to the main entry point of the tower. Vines climbed and wrapped around the stonework, and it looked like there was an entire thicket of thorned bushes at the base of the construction.

That would suck to have to repair or work with. A wave of warmth exploded outward as they passed inside.

It was impossible not to gawk as they stepped into a lush, tropical paradise. The first floor of the tower was huge, with multiple sets of trees growing up to the ceiling.

Vibrant flowers bloomed in every corner, and a fruity fragrance permeated the air. Yolani walked beside her, equally captivated by the surroundings.

A servant clad in a toga approached them, carrying a tray of refreshments. Elysia led them to a seating area, gesturing for them to make themselves comfortable.

“While I’ve received numerous testimonies about the fall of Neftasu,” Elysia began, her gaze fixed on Elania, “there are still some gaps in the information. I’d like to hear directly from you and Yolani.”

Elania’s brows furrowed. “Why is it important now?”

Elysia’s expression grew serious. “The Lightbringers have made some concerning statements and accusations. I believe they’re preparing to take action.”

Elania tensed, her muscles coiling like a spring ready to snap. Yolani’s gentle touch on her hand brought a wave of calm, and she took a deep breath.

“I would appreciate hearing the entire story from the beginning,” Elysia said, her tone sincere.

Elania glanced at Yolani, seeking reassurance. Yolani nodded, her eyes filled with encouragement.

After a moment of contemplation, Elania made her decision. Honesty seemed like the best course of action.

She began at the beginning, with her accidental summoning by the Black Candle Bishop, Relain. The memory of her initial encounter with the Lightbringer Arch Paladin, Anton. His attempted murder of her with Eziel.

“That’s the blessed sword the Lightbringers were clamoring about. Something about reclaiming it, and that Neftasu destroyed it,” Elysia murmured. Her eyes when to the hilt on Elania’s back. “Pretty much the same as your magic sword. I’m surprised you didn’t include that in your Regalia.”

Elania rubbed her bracer, and the revolver at her hip pressed against her. Was it even worth trying to explain Eziel, when it was obvious he was doing some kind of trick to stay hidden?

Elania sighed and continued. Her trip through the depths below Neftasu and harrowing journey to the city-state. Yolani’s touch anchored her as she pushed through all the trials they faced and the resolution with the Magisters.

Elysia leaned back on the sofa and took one of the offered glasses of wine and sipped. “Surviving a fall into the Celestial Engine… remarkable. It explains how a lesser demon became a Demi-Divine, though. I honestly don’t know of anything like that.”

“They kidnapped Yolani…”

Elysia listened intently, her expression unreadable but not unsympathetic.

Even if she had kept nothing hidden from Yolani, it felt like a weight was being lifted from her shoulders in the telling of… everything.

All her hopes, fears, and worries…

Reduced down to an hour’s recollection.


Elania stood before the full-length mirror, adjusting the straps of her Regalia.

The intricate design of the bracer gleamed in the soft light of the estate’s bedroom. The [Glow Moss] alloy filigree contrasting with the hardened crystal alloy to cast a faint, ethereal shimmer. She tugged it on her arm, the leather skin ensuring a snug fit, and flexed her fingers. The material moved with her, like a second skin.

Then she patted her hip, double-checking the revolver’s secure placement on her belt. The massive firearm balanced precariously against her thigh, its weight offset by the flight pack on the opposite side.

Elania ran her fingers along the polished wood grip that was encased in a sheen of hardened transparent crystal, tracing the delicate engravings Yolani had painstakingly etched into the surface.

Yolani’s worried gaze followed her every movement, her brows furrowed with concern.

She stepped forward, reaching out to adjust a strap on Elania’s shoulder. “You sure you want to go see Arlois alone?” Yolani asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Elania turned to face her, catching Yolani’s hand in her own. She brought it to her lips, pressing a gentle kiss against her knuckles. “It should be fine. I don’t think Arlois would try anything again.”

Yolani’s eyes searched Elania’s face, seeking reassurance. “But what if—”

“Hey,” Elania interrupted, cupping Yolani’s cheek with her free hand. “I’ll be careful. I promise.”

Yolani leaned into the touch, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment. When she opened them again, they shimmered with unshed tears. “I just... I can’t lose you, Elania.”

Elania smiled weakly. Maybe dredging up all the bad memories for Elysia hadn’t been the best of ideas. It might have been therapeutic to relay it all to someone, but it wasn’t like Yolani hadn’t gone through hell with her.

And they’d never been given time to breathe.

Even when they’d been mostly cut loose and free to work on fixing Aetherhart’s Artifice, they’d been under pressure.

Elania pulled Yolani into a tight embrace, burying her face in the crook of her neck. She inhaled deeply, letting Yolani’s familiar scent wash over her, a mix of metal and mana and something uniquely her. “You won’t. I’ll always come back to you.”

Yolani’s arms tightened around Elania’s waist, her fingers clutching at the fabric of her tunic. They stayed like that for a long moment, just holding each other.

Finally, Elania pulled back, pressing a lingering kiss to Yolani’s forehead. “I should get going. It’s probably another mission.”

Yolani nodded, reluctantly stepping back. She watched as Elania grabbed her cloak from the nearby chair, swinging it over her shoulders and fastening the clasp at her throat.

Elania turned to leave, but Yolani’s voice stopped her. “Elania?”

She glanced back over her shoulder, quirking an eyebrow in question.

Yolani stepped forward, wrapping her arms around Elania from behind. She leaned her head against Elania’s back, her warmth seeping through the armor. “I love you.”

Elania turned around in her embrace and smiled. “I love you, too.”

Their lips met in a brief, tender kiss.

Yolani nodded, her eyes searching Elania’s face. “Good luck.”

Elania stepped out onto the balcony, the cool evening air brushing against her skin. With a deep breath, she took flight, soaring over the city towards Arlois’ tower.

The sky seemed charged with unseen energy, the city lights slowly flickering to life below. Elania landed on the roof of the Purple Tower, her arrival causing the guards to jolt.

“Go get Arlois,” Elania commanded.

One of the guards hurried down into the tower, leaving Elania to gaze out at the sprawling cityscape. The muted tension in the air seemed to thicken. Maybe it was just her imagination, or the dredging of her memories earlier in the day.

Footsteps echoed behind her, and Elania turned to see Arlois emerging onto the roof. The Demi-Divine’s eyes swept over the city lights, a flicker of emotion crossing her features.

“You wanted to see me?” Elania asked.

Arlois nodded, her gaze still fixed on the horizon. “We have much to discuss.”

Elania waited until the silence felt awkward. “Well?”

“Fly with me,” Arlois said. Then the woman stretched her wings and took to the air.

Elania shook her head and then followed suit, her grumble lost in the air.

The city lights twinkled below, a sea of glittering stars against the darkening landscape. Arlois led her in a lazy circle, dipping lower as dusk settled over Contia, each district illuminating like a patchwork quilt.

Elania’s brow furrowed, curiosity and suspicion warring within her as Arlois landed on a spire overlooking the wharfs. She touched down beside the other Demi-Divine, her eyes scanning the area below.

“What’s going on?” Elania asked, her voice carrying an edge of impatience.

Arlois turned to face her, her expression solemn. “It’s a Tower’s job to protect the city.”

Elania resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “I know that much.”

Arlois pointed to some distant buildings, and Elania’s gaze followed, spotting the defensive equipment installed on them. Recognition dawned on her features.

“Those are the machines Yolani helped Ember build,” Elania said.

Arlois nodded, her eyes still fixed on the city below. “How do you like Contia?”

Elania paused, considering the question. “It’s probably better than other places,” she admitted, her tone measured.

Arlois grunted, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Fair enough. You’ve never been anywhere else.”

Elania’s thoughts drifted to Neftasu, the memories of the underground city still fresh in her mind. “Neftasu wasn’t very nice,” she said, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and relief. “While I wish it hadn’t been destroyed, I prefer Contia.”

Not to mention she and Yolani barely drew a remark when together.

Sometimes she caught some of her own followers looking at them askance. Whether they just put up with it because ‘Demi-Divine are weird’ or what, she didn’t know. It was something she wasn’t prepared to fight with.

Facing an entire Lightbringer army seemed like an easier thing to deal with.

Arlois turned toward her. “I have a mission for you.”

Elania’s frown deepened. “You usually do,” she said, her tone bordering on exasperation. “What is it this time?”

“I need you to fly to the City State of Hels, deliver a missive, and meet with Aldric Valaran, the High Chancellor. Secure assistance from them,” Arlois stated.

Elania’s eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat as Arlois’ words sank in. “You want me to fly across the world and do some diplomatic shit? I’m not a diplomat… I’m not a Tower. Hell, I’m not even an official citizen of the city!”

Arlois didn’t look at her. “It needs to be done in a hurry. An airship would take a week to get there and a week to get back, alone even you can fly there in a day.”

Elania shook her head, her brows knitting together. “Going super fast would be too much for Yolani.”

“You’ll have to leave Yolani behind,” Arlois said, her tone matter-of-fact.

A lump formed in Elania’s chest. “I’m not leaving, not when the Lightbringers are in the city. They’re a threat to Yolani, the Neftasu refugees.”

Arlois nodded, her gaze softening slightly. “I’ll make sure nothing happens while you’re gone. I’ll protect them.”

Elania frowned, her eyes narrowing. “How can I know that?”

Arlois turned to face Elania fully, her posture straightening. “I’ll accept a demonic contract from you to ensure it.”

“A demonic contract?” Elania echoed, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and skepticism. “You’re willing to go that far?”

“This is important,” Arlois replied.

“I’m still not a diplomat, or a citizen,” Elania argued.

“I will see that you and the Neftasu refugees are granted citizenship, and you will be recognized as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the City-State of Hels,” Arlois replied.

“I hate coming up with contracts,” Elania complained. She was surprised when Arlois actually smiled.

“Even so,” Arlois said.



Oh, so the Towers don't know how Elania became a Demi-Divine. Although they should know that Neftasu's Engine was destroyed? Or do they think it's still there and taken over by the Lightbringers? And if it's the former I wonder why they don't suspect Elania of consuming the Engine, considering that they know it can be done 🤔


On another note I'm really excited to see some more of the world. Didn't think we'll get that for a while, considering how involved they became with Contia. But I suppose Elania's top speed allows for casual excursions into other countries to have some nice world exploration.

Jonathan Wint (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-02 05:23:59 God damn payment system.. Finally got my payment in by using The android app. That usually the broken thing. But where My computer couldn't get my payment verified android Did... 😒 What the fuck is wrong with Patrion? Seriously? They have one Job.. And they just cannot do it. At first I thought I was at fault Because it was using an old credit card number but I checked. It had used my new credit card number in the past. Apparently deleted and now used my old one.. So I deleted my old credit card reentered my new number.. And then it denied it. So I tried Canceling the membership trick. But it wouldn't let me. Said a never had an account to cancel. So after half an hour of this Ridiculous crap I tried using my Android which interestingly enough Still let me access all the Content..went through.. Seriously who programs this fucking thing Joe biden???
2024-04-02 00:49:04 God damn payment system.. Finally got my payment in by using The android app. That usually the broken thing. But where My computer couldn't get my payment verified android Did... 😒 What the fkck is wrong with Patrion? Seriously? They have one Job.. And they just cannot do it. At first I thought I was at fault Because it was using an old credit card number but I checked. It had used my new credit card number in the past. Apparently deleted and now used my old one.. So I deleted my old credit card reentered my new number.. And then it denied it. So I tried Canceling the membership trick. But it wouldn't let me. Said a never had an account to cancel. So after half an hour of this Ridiculous crap I tried using my Android which interestingly enough Still let me access all the Content..went through.. Seriously who programs this fccking thing Joe biden???

God damn payment system.. Finally got my payment in by using The android app. That usually the broken thing. But where My computer couldn't get my payment verified android Did... 😒 What the fkck is wrong with Patrion? Seriously? They have one Job.. And they just cannot do it. At first I thought I was at fault Because it was using an old credit card number but I checked. It had used my new credit card number in the past. Apparently deleted and now used my old one.. So I deleted my old credit card reentered my new number.. And then it denied it. So I tried Canceling the membership trick. But it wouldn't let me. Said a never had an account to cancel. So after half an hour of this Ridiculous crap I tried using my Android which interestingly enough Still let me access all the Content..went through.. Seriously who programs this fccking thing Joe biden???

Jonathan Wint

Hel...Elainia going to a city named Hel.. How come I suspect that ether demons rule there or made use of widely or possibly standard citizens? 🤔 On a side note the towers are women yet a male LightBringer Embassdor is chosen.. How come I suspect LightBringers are a boys only club and no women Paldins. They wear in a war, there wear female Magestrates and city guards but we never saw a Single Female Paldin or common solder. So what was going on? Are they a all boy club ? If so is it they got very specific gender roles l? But even in the dark ages you would have nuns healing camp hands cooking meals or are they more like a womans place is gagged in the stocks chained up producing babies? Where in that scale do women appear? If so more of a slave state it speaks of a hyper misogynistic behavior greater than any in Earth's history except perhaps the Isis. If so will this affect the way towers handle them ? Artois was very clear she had very bad relationships with men raped to produce children and being freindly or trusting the LightBringers shouldn't be on the table. In war nothing is more devastating than being betrayed by an Allies. Even pretending to be freinds With someone your ideologically opposed with should be off the table. ( Something the US should learn.) So are the LightBringers Isis?


Lol, Arlois knows Elania well enough by now to know that when she's reduced to complaining about petty things, its because she has no actual argument against the request xD