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Gaston gaped at Elania and Yolani, his eyes wide with disbelief. “You want to go into the sewers? Are you out of your minds?”

Elania crossed her arms, her jaw set with determination. “We need those mana shards, Gaston. The city’s defenses depend on them.”

Yolani placed a hand on Elania’s shoulder, her voice calm and measured. “We understand the risks, but we’re prepared to face them.”

Gaston shook his head, his brow furrowed with concern.

“You already got the escort ready. I don’t see what the problem is,” Elania added.

“The message didn’t say what it was for, just that they were needed,” Gaston replied.

Yolani shrugged. “That’s not really important, either, is it? Besides, Keswick approved of the mission.”

Gaston deflated, totally defeated. “Fine. You both outrank me now, anyway.”

“All the captains are dead?” Elania asked, a frown appearing on her face.

Gaston grunted. “Captain Harik is missing, along with some of his cohorts. We do not know whether they are dead or found a corner to hide in until things blow over.”

Yolani and Elania shared a look. The green-eyed girl looked back at Gaston. “How is Henri recovering? I meant to go see him, but I haven’t had the chance yet.”

Gaston’s shoulders relaxed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “He’s recovering fine. The injury to his arm isn’t serious.”

He paused, his eyes sweeping over the lobby, taking in the weary faces of the guards. “Everyone who was hurt at all is being given extra rest and light duty. We’re hoping to prepare and restore enough men for defending the district.”

Yolani nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. “That’s good to hear. We’ll do everything we can to help.”

Elania turned to Gaston, her brow furrowed. “Are the troop count numbers in yet?”

Gaston grimaced, his eyes darting away for a moment before meeting her gaze. “Almost three thousand made it to safety.”

The words hit Elania like a punch to the gut. She froze, her mind reeling. Three thousand. Out of over ten thousand. The weight of the loss settled on her shoulders, threatening to crush her.

Yolani’s hand on her shoulder was a gentle anchor, pulling her back. Elania leaned into the touch.

Gaston cleared his throat, his voice cutting through the heavy silence. “By destroying the causeways, you’ve bought us some time. The Central District troops made it back nearly unscathed.”

Elania’s head snapped up, her eyes narrowing. “How many do we have in the district now?”

“Approximately eleven thousand,” Gaston replied, his tone measured.

Elania frowned, her mind already racing ahead. “We’re going to need supplies for everyone.”

Yolani nodded, her expression grim. “First, we need to go get the Syndicate caches. Without them, we won’t have enough ammunition.”

Elania nodded, her mind already racing ahead to the challenges they would face in securing the city’s defenses. Ammunition was just one piece of the puzzle.

Gaston waved them on, and they exchanged their goodbyes before departing with a dozen armed men.

They followed the guards out of the room, weaving their way through the crowded hallways of the Magistry tower. Soldiers lined the hallways, their faces drawn and weary. The sight sent a chill down Elania’s spine, reminding her of the Watch Fortress before it fell.

But the tower was different, she reminded herself. It was protected by the Celestial Engine. It would be difficult for the enemy to breach it. Hopefully.

Outside the tower, guards patrolled in tight formations, their eyes scanning the surrounding area for any sign of trouble. Others had taken up quarters in the nearby administrative buildings, transforming them into makeshift barracks.

Their escort led them to a heavily guarded section of the district, gesturing towards a small set of stairs leading downward near the wall. “This is the entrance to the sewers. It’s under heavy watch, as you can see.”

Elania frowned, eyeing the opening with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. “I guess it’s a security hazard, having a sewer route going under the wall.”

The guard looked at her. “But so heavily warded, it’s unlikely even one of the monk elders or paladins can get through.” He paused, his brow furrowing. “But once we go through, we won’t be able to use the same way to get back in. There are some points near the outer wall to come out at, near the gates.”

Yolani and the guard fell into a discussion about the logistics of their mission, but Elania tuned them out. Her gaze swept over the assembled guards, taking in their weary faces and slumped shoulders. The mission was important, but everyone was already exhausted from the fighting.

Once Yolani sorted things out, the only thing left was to dive into the muck.

Elania stepped into the sewers, her nose wrinkling in anticipation of the foul stench that usually accompanied such places.

To her surprise, the air remained clean and crisp. She glanced around, taking in the pristine walls and spotless floors, a sense of unease creeping up her spine.

“Is it just me, or does this place seem a little too clean?” she muttered, her voice echoing in the narrow tunnel.

Yolani shrugged, her eyes scanning the area ahead. “The wards keep everything in check, including the smell.”

Elania nodded, her brow furrowing as they approached the first set of wards. The air seemed to thicken, the magic palpable against her skin. She pushed forward, the sensation of walking through thick gel enveloping her body.

“What the hell?” she grunted, struggling to move her limbs.

The guard looked over his shoulder. “It’s because you’re magically dense, lady Elania. The wards don’t affect the rest of us like that.”

Elania scowled. Some warning would have been nice!

She focused on putting one foot in front of the other; the effort draining her energy. By the time they reached the other side of the wards, she was panting, her skin slick with sweat.

The guards led the way, their steps sure and steady.

Elania hung back, her eyes darting over her shoulder every few seconds. The thought of encountering Lightbringers in the sewers made her anxious. A paladin would be bad news and she couldn’t exactly fly.

There was a clear, visible sign when they left the Magistry district. Clean stone turned into green muck.

The smell hit her like a physical blow. She gagged, her stomach churning as the stench of waste and decay filled her nostrils.

“Oh, god,” she groaned, her hand flying to her mouth.

Yolani glanced back, her expression sympathetic. “The wards only extend so far. We’re in the real sewers now.”

Elania nodded, her eyes watering as she fought the urge to retch.

Why wasn’t everyone else dying like her?

She knew the answer.

Fucking darkwalker traits included enhanced smell.


Jonathan Wint

{Fucking darkwalker traits included enhanced smell.} LMAO