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I like how Ha Doyoung doesn't abandon Yesol...


The way Dong Eun got rid of her mom was so satisfying. Her mom kept telling her all this time that she can't hide from her no matter what, because since she's her mother the government will give her information about her. Dong Eun specifically used her daughter-mother connection in order to remove her mother from her life. Her mother says "How can you do this to your own mother?" but I think the fact that she had her institutionalized instead of scheming to get her arrested or something shows that she does still care about her despite how she's tried to ruin her life. The next episode is a really good episode and I'm excited for ya'll to see it, I think you'll have a lot to talk about


I think what made Dong Eun putting away her mom so powerful, was the contrast of how cold she was. Whereas the previous episode, Dong Eun's mom was the one person that could emotionally bring Dong Eun so low because the betrayal is so immense. The moment Dong Eun's kneeling in front of her mom, with the fire, clutching her pants, saying "thank you mom for never changing. Thank you". Like that was so powerful. You could just tell it was a breaking moment for Dong Eun. Maybe before then she had hesitation, she didn't quite know if she wanted to commit to taking her mom out. And then her mom goes and proves that all these years, she's still the worst, the lowest of all the perpetrators. Her utter lack of care and regard for Dong Eun in the most callous way, absolved Dong Eun of any hesitation or guilt. So thank you mom. for helping me find my resolve.