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Ohhhh I'm glad you did two episodes this week and ended exactly here. The next eps are gonna be awesome. Things will make a lot more sense soon. This show has such a star studded cast and they still manage to cover so much. Like Frank, Bungyeman, the 3 former (now deceased) agents evvvvveryone gets their time to shine either through back stories or epic fight scenes. It's really awesome writing. OK ok enough hints lol. Also there's a theory, did the US dude mean for Frank to die? Why abort the mission and instead of texting him to return to mission 13 he sent him to mission 8 (Huisoo's dad) especially after agreeing with the Korean director (?) to suspend/terminate Frank's mission. Just if so that's even more messed up. Kinda feel bad for Frank.

Edward Lee

and BOOM.....that's how you do a reveal with an A+++++++++++++++ actor


The conversation with Bongseok and his mom was so heartbreaking. I absolutely loved Han Hyo Joo's acting here. She really moved me!



Winter Rian ~

And we finally get to the point where the show just gets absolutely incredible I CAN'T WAIT for the next episodes going forward. I loved the show up until this point but this is the episode where it absolutely gets exciting. Watching this week to week was such a pain when it aired xD The care put into the story and characters paired with the huge budget of the show....


btw the north korean agent that appeared is the actor from my name, he is the gang leader

Alisha Hol

The next 2 episodes are the backstory of Bongseok’s parents so I’m so excited!!


oh we're so close to my favorite episodes, i'm so excited!!! i truly don't know how the author could write a character so full of love like bongseok, bawling my eyes bc of him every time lol, he reminds me of mob from mob psycho so much, the soundtrack of the show also reminds me of the anime, both with such good mcs. i love that you guys are catching the small details, this show is on a attack on titan level when it comes to that😭