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Good morning everyone 🌞

Today’s morning walk post is coming a little late in the day because I woke up late today 😅 I went to bed around 5PM and woke up at 8PM. Yikes we needed that sleep 😅😅

Because we woke up late I commuted to the office first and my morning walk consisted of the nearby outdoor mall near my office.

I am very fortunate in that my office is in a luxury area with a DIRT cheap price. My office is cheaper than a studio in LA 😭🙏🏻 This is because I reached out and asked a family friend for help because they are only one of two people who ever said they believed in me as an ARTIST, growing up.

I’ve known them twenty years and it’s only after reaching out—turns out they’re super UBER rich people. They basically own and operate a ton of super big malls and buildings in California and they gave me my office at a truly family friend price.

I’m so grateful to them, there’s a lot of things actually REALLY uncomfortable about this move but the #1 and most important selling point was the opportunity. My office is apparently 5min from the beach!!! We saw the shore as we were heading out for lunch. One of these morning walks I’ll go visit the beach and we can discover it together!

It’s been the most exhausting, mentally and physically taxing few days of my life but I’ve never been more happier or motivated. Truly this morning walk to clear my head, be present with my surroundings, and then meditating after was good for my soul.

I was so elated today because during my walk I discovered what is effectively an American 평상 pyeongsang.

You may have seen pyeongsangs in Kdramas or Variety content. It’s simply a place to sit but the size is usually big enough for several people to sit and meditate or even sleep. It’s very common to see people just napping on pyeongsangs in Korea. It’s not designed like a chair and there is a certain feeling of lightness to be lifted off the ground like that.

It’s actually been one of my dreams for the past three years to have my own pyeongsang and I’ve repeatedly tried to commission wood workers or build it myself and I kept getting ripped off, ghosted, overcharged, or not having the time nor energy to build it myself.

It is to that level I deeply love pyeongsangs.

And to think I would find one so easily on my first morning walk in LA 😌

Clarity comes through progress.

See you tomorrow! I’ll try to post my morning walk post on my actual morning walk tomorrow by trying really hard to wake up early~


  • An actual update post on our work, schedule in a few hours
  • Internet install: FIXED & successful! Fiber Optic babyyyyy~ *gonna try to bulk fix a lot of content this month*


Morning walk. Manhattan Village: Manhattan Beach, California 02.03.24 a Wednesday🌸




Schedule in a few hours?

Bettina Gabrielle Chan

Hi PD, I want to thank you for shedding light and positivity as I struggle with heartbreak and going through a rough time. I hope that people in this community continue to find therapy or peace through you and as-well that you and Blair continue to be happy and positive. Thank you for being awesome! Friends / any level of support would be much appreciated 🫶🏻


Hi Bettina. I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles but I thank you for sharing because I’m going through a very challenging time as well and I think it helps to know you’re not alone. Just trying to take things one day at a time and look for opportunities to be grateful. Today I’m grateful to my eyes for the beautiful things I get to see, and I want to thank it by searching for more beauty around me in big and small ways. I’m sending positive thoughts to you and I hope we both can see brighter and brighter days 💕✨