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Hey guys it’s Blaire! After seeing the post and what people said, ok we hear ya! We really appreciate the feedback and it helped PD a lot mentally to know y’all are not hard deadline people either ☺️

Looking at our schedule for this week, PD is wanting me to let you guys know that we will have it all out by the 25th. PD feels very guilty all the time being unable to film and it has been eating at his mental health. But we still promised content so the best we can offer is that we will be releasing throughout the week in random order.

Some days PD might drop nothing and some days might have 10+ videos. Sounds like him right? That will be the plan going forward. No deadline schedule. If this is something you do not want, you completely can ask for a refund in our DMs. This is just what he needs. We will probably never have a deadline schedule again for the foreseeable future so he can have a more flexible free mind and lifestyle.

PD is back to work and we’ll drop whatever is he wants to just film ASAP! This week’s content will all be out by Dec 25 the latest! Our Christmas promise if you will. ✨

We love you guys,

Stay happy, healthy, and hydrated! 💕

Side note: We will be adding a new public chat purely as PDs social media, where he will also talk about when he’s filming and you all can talk :) y’all can give suggestions live, chat and just share some good vibes.

Edit: we do mean weekly or biweekly schedules! We post just what’s coming that week, with no set dates in between. Someone’s comment was totally right and we feel it’s the best way to manage the content 👍🏻



i genuinely don’t know how i feel about patroning a channel where now i have no idea when or if things are coming out. i wish you guys the best

Eman Khan

You guys too, stay healthy, happy, hydrated and everything else! Both your wellbeing’s matter so much and this is a great way to help manage things for yourselves ❤️Happy pre Christmas haha 😂🎄


So will anime and drama club videos be released randomly as well?

Eman Khan

At least you’ll know things will be coming out, since for each month there will still be a schedule, just not at a specific date in the month


that is true, and i appreciate that, just the format makes me anxious cause then i’ll always be checking haha. i prefer schedules. i respect their decision though


We love a free PD 🫶🏻 can't wait for the creative spirit to fly. Hoping you both have a wonderful, stress-free Christmas!!! ✨️

Christina M Villa

Most of the people I am a patreon of don't have schedules and it is just fine. I come here a few times a day to see who posted and what. For me, all I expect is some content during the month. Not going to lie and say I'm not disappoined if I don't see anything for a few days, but it is not the end of the world. In all honesty, I have been thinking you need to not have a schedule as you seem to get too stressed if life happens and you need to go deal with something. I'm glad you are taking time now and hope it helps you feel better. Especially as the next year of your life will probably not follow any schedule as babies don't care about schedules except their own. I look forward to your posts and will think of them as fun surprises when they drop :)


Oh, very much looking forward to that public chat with PD! Being able to interact with PD live is something I think a lot of us miss. Was probably the best part of the livestreams (yes, better than the reactions during those livestreams).


I believe this is the best decision because the amount of pressure your guys put in yourselves by having a hard schedule is insane, you put some many content in the list that just by looking at it you can't tell is not feasible or sustainable for the Patreon, YouTube or personal life. Please, just be healthy and don't try to overwork on pressure. Also, happy holidays 🤗


It doesn’t, it’s a mental thing not a physical thing. I’m all for it working for them, and this is PD’s channel so they are free to run it as they see is best. I’m just a little weary and i think justifiably because there’s been many times they’ve promised stuff and there hasn’t been follow through. I may change my mind, I’ll just wait to see how it pans out


i think if y’all are doing this then you should also consider lowering the tier costs


If that works for you then I can just accept it as I already paid for this month. However, I can’t say I’m happy with this. As an organized person who subscribed after seeing the schedule, I was excited that I could enjoy the content I’m interested in, during specific days (as I also work and study full time). That’s not the case unfortunately. I just hoped you could not change the schedule this many times and then decide you don’t have a schedule anymore right now (20 days have passed since the first of the month). As many people have said, this is not the best way to treat people who pay for the content as much as 10 or even more. And as someone who subscribed in the past years as well, I saw this kind of posts many times, but I guess nothing works for a long time, so I’m not sure if this will last either. Idk…


So now they're just abandoning the plan they raved about so much? Okay cool, you got rid of scheduling, that's whatever. But doesn't change anything if he still doesn't release the things he said he would like before. Just a continuous cycle with excuses. Can't continue backing a so-called business that doesn't even know what they're doing. I have mental health issues too so I get it but that's, at this point, becoming a convenient excuse for you. Wish ya'll the best but this has been going on since last year, only gotten worse since then.


Hmm. Does it mean that the BG content supposed to be out today will also be release on the 25th? Anyways stay healthy PD!


so no content tonight?


I'm happy that you are all staying healthy and of course that is top priority but, most people are paying the amount that they are paying because they were being assured that they would be getting the content they paid for. We've been through this early in the year too. If you are not going to put out the content promised, then do not put it on the schedule! only put the ones you are sure you will be able to go through with. put a reasonable limit for yourself like 10 a week. and then just release the rest as bonus drops. It would take the pressure off y'all to make it time and then the audience wouldn't be upset that they didn't receive the content that they paid for.


Thank you for the update. Hope this will help y'all to enjoy your work more instead of just seeing it as an obligation, too. I get this stuff happens and I also understand the work ethic involved. Thank you always for explaining it, though.


I'm think he will post them tonight, and the rest will be recorded and released "by the 25th".


so is the bg content from yesterday not going to be posted tonight?


like 3 months ago you made that post about the new era of the patreon where you said you’d stay on schedule, no more excuses, all that. many people in the comments voiced their concerns, me included, cause PD has said stuff like that in the past and it never lasted. glad to know that cycle of making a promise and then going back on the promise is still going strong lmao edit: also, ‘mental health’ has been an excuse since forever at this point. my mental health is also shit, i get it, but when it continuously gets in the way for like years, it either means you need to change something or you’re actually using it as excuse. just reduce the content, don’t make a set schedule, get help, something. i’ve been a patron for years, why is this still an issue


“We really appreciate the feedback and it helped PD a lot mentally to know y’all are not hard deadline people either ” Over 50+ comments said the exact opposite COMPLAINING about the deadline not being met constantly.

Josh Kalmikoff

Thanks for the update! Focus on yourself first! You're more important than the content!!!


So, I work with my family in a business and one of the things we'll never do, or try to never do, is give a set date to give someone their order. Because life happens and things are unpredictable, be it in life or things related directly to work. But we still do what we can to do the work when it's possible to work on it. I'm all for the new arrangement. I know it can work for you, because y'all are responsible and want to do a good job in whatever you set out to do :) all we need is to take things as they come and we grow from it with time


if this is the case then tier prices need to go down. how are we payin £20 for content we dont know will be out? your maximum tier should be at £10 if this is how things are moving. this is so disappointing


yeah, ignoring hate is one thing but ignoring criticism is another…i always get the feeling PD never really addresses concerns or takes accountability and instead just love bombs with extra content to make up for it

Violet Joo

I don't know PD but I just think that you should reduce the amount of content, get the content you have with consistency and if people leave then just let them go. I support other patreons with less content but they are consistent with it. I get one content per day from monday to friday and then just stick to it. I think you over promise and overload yourself and then you realize it is too much and then people get frustrated because they were waiting for that content. Many of us love and support you and try to understand you but there is just a limit to it cuz we get tired too. I might be an asshole for saying this but we told you that having a baby will take a lot of your time. Pregnancy is just a very small part. When the baby comes out then there is the real thing. To be real I don't think you can go with this amount of content anymore. We love that you work this hard but it's not healthy and it's not realistic. Rethink your schedule and your tiers. At first you may lose people but with consistency other people will come to you.


I know some others have also suggested this as well - it would help to change the subscription system to the one that renews 30 days after the date we sub, not the 1st of every month. That way, it eases our minds a little. I know life has gotten in the way for me lol and sometimes I can't consume the content that gets delayed or feel too anxious to catch up or ask for a refund before the end of the month. That way we can sub when content does get released and then have a month to access it.

maya k

This is getting ridiculous. Please reduce prices or change the tier renewal system. I have been a patron for years and the overpromising, underdelivering, and constant excuses are exhausting. Everyone has struggles in their lives but they learn from their mistakes instead of repeating them over and over again while lying to themselves and others. I will be requesting a refund. Please do better.

Luxia Scarlet

Does the DM even work? Have they ever replied to any of you? My messages has not been replied to since 2 years ago but I was patient and give them more chances but they never replied

Marcel Wannieck

I'm worried about this. Because I've seen what happens when you don't have a set schedule: The October bonus drops. You had a list of all the stuff that you wanted to tackle but without a set schedule to allow yourself some freedom. And you ended up cramming everything into the last few days of the month. A good bunch of it didn't even come out in October. I want this to work but forgive me for being a bit skeptical here. Two things are clear to me: 1. You guys need help. So please get back on those Street Team applications. There are so many people here more than willing to help you, me included. 2. Something I've already said in a huge comment one year ago: you need to cut down on the amount of content you release here. This is not sustainable. Y'all haven't even unlocked Attack on Titan 20 - 22 for summer tier yet, even though I've reminded you about it several times. I don't run a Patreon myself but I can't imagine that changing one setting on two posts takes more than a minute. I even have the direct links to the posts here for you: AoT 20: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89847121 AoT 21-22: https://www.patreon.com/posts/90904901


Things have been delayed so much I don’t even know what schedule to follow, what’s been released and what hasn’t been released. Things got removed from the schedule just for the reworked one to not be followed in the first place? Do you guys not see how messed up it is to be charging the first of every month when you guys can’t stick to a schedule? We have no choice but to wait because we paid already and are basically hoping to actually get the content this month. I really hope you guys are doing well but while we hope for you guys do you actually care about the patrons that are spending money despite our living conditions? Your tiers aren’t cheap despite constant breaking schedules and over half of your videos don’t work and you don’t inform new patrons before paying. This has to be an equal relationship for your “business” to work. I’m just really confused. :/


In this moment we need PD to get it together with this month's schedule, just get it together. also if you continue with this idea (that I'm quite worried about) the tier prices needs to go down, because it doesn't make sense to pay without knowing the content in advance, you guys need more people to help this patreon, so come back with the street team's project. I hope you realize the number of people who invested in your patreon. Thank you for the update, stay healthy


Dont mind me, I am just sad because I subscribe again by december because I know you're on vacation in November. I havent watch anything for Treasure yet (my only reason why i sub) or even their old videos are not working atleast while waiting for new upload. And dec is almost done, another billing cycle on the 1st :((


I never had a mental health problem so I don't know how you are feeling but I do believe It's is important to listen to your body and mind and what it needs. I don't watch a lot of your content so I don't know if you have mentioned it somewhere but if you don't depend on the income of patreon maybe just stop for a couple of months. Just freeze the tiers and take some rest. Maybe get all the older content up to date that has been deleted and maybe just watch some mv to release on youtube and come back in February/March and make and easier schedule for yourself. I know right now you guys get a hundred different opinions and suggestions so It must be difficult to see what the best option is but just take care of yourself


I was one of the people on the other post that said I would be okay with a "content whenever I get to it" type of system because it has worked well enough for some of the other creators I support, but I do also understand all the outlined concerns from other patrons on this post and your earlier post. I think this approach will be the best for you going forward. I just hope this doesn't backfire for you in the future. All the best.


ugh im here for the GG stuff, I guess in a couple months?


I 100% agree with you. I'm not one to amuse hate and it doesn't seem like anyone's hating but he always sweeps accountability under the rug. Yeah he spams with uploads but only AFTER the fact that it had to be pointed out in the first place


It’s unfortunately hard to even believe the “it’ll be out by the 25th the latest” part, due to patterns of how deadlines fall through, so I assume the content will be out when it’s out :) I really do appreciate the constant updates, sincerely! But yeah, it’s probably not the best to set deadlines cause the reality is, they don’t usually work out for one reason or the other. Though I won’t be surprised if you end up going back to a scheduled format, cause we’ve heard a few times “going forward it will be like this” only for it to change shortly after.

ruby sun

honestly, disappointed. I been waiting for this BG listening party since the beginning of the month and I was so happy when it’s finally the 18th, now the content is keep getting delayed and delayed and I’m just tired of checking Patreon all the time and all I hear is “sorry but the content won’t be out according to schedule” because of something going on again.


Copying my comment and adding on from the other post because it's relevant: So you have roughly 5.5k paid patreon subscribers, who (if we roughly estimate that they're mostly paying the $10 fee since we don't have exact figures for each level) gives you a pay out (after a 60% deduction for patreon fees, pay out fees, taxes, video platform costs, etc. (this is a rough, high percentage rate for all the fees and you might honestly be paying less)) $22,000 a month. If we look at your work, the consistency, constant issues, moving, etc. it makes no sense to think that we, as a collective, are getting our moneys worth. I know you have a passion for making videos and kpop culture in general, but I really wish you would treat this like a job moreso than you have, specifically one that is paying you $22,000 a month. While being a content creator is hard, it is a luxury to have that job. Not having to constantly commute, not having to deal with awful coworkers, not having to handle a horrible boss, etc., in general it is a privileged profession compared to other jobs. I might be seeing this from a different standpoint from others because I'm a grown adult who also suffers from mental health issues, and have had to navigate the work world for several years, but I'm a little astonished at everything, hence why I'm being harsh. Realistically, uploading at least two hours worth of content a day, which is reaction based and simple editing, should be achievable. If you compare that work, which might take 5 hours a day total after reacting and editing and uploading, then you still are working less than an average 8 hour work day. And, you sometimes take random weeks off, usually at least once a month. What job in the world would ever allow that every single month? While you should have passion for your work, and shouldn't force yourself, that doesn't mean we, your viewers, have to settle for substandard consistency, communication errors, high prices, etc. You don't have to upload videos, but we also don't have to support you because of these constant issues. It's a two way relationship that I feel you've been taking for granted. I wish you all the best, and hope everything goes smoothly with the baby, but I will no longer support you. ALSO, let me add that for anyone who is feeling super frustrated or disappointed or like your voice is not being heard, do not feel bad about unsubscribing from PD's patreon. I used to feel guilty about unsubscribing too before I realized something. I think PD might subconsciously lovebomb people on here (or something similar), where he constantly has a cycle where he has issues, makes a post about a new epiphany and says he's super thankful and loves his supporters and WILL change, releases some extra content, starts having consistency issues, and then the cycle continues. It's been that way over a year, and while mental health issues excuses some things, it doesn't mean everything is acceptable. If that cycle negatively impacts you than it is unhealthy for you and you should take a step away. Taking a month or a few away from PD to see how he changes or even keeps up with the content is okay. I've learned it's alright, and for anyone that is struggling, I hope you understand it's okay too. If anything, the possibility of lost income might incentivize more change too. Also, it might cause them to notice the billing cycle and cost comments.


i’m done after this month 😂 time to put my money where my mouth is and say bye until they actually know how to run a business


Disappointing and inconsistent. That’s how I’d describe this Patreon page and how y’all run it.


I’m ok with this cause yeah things happen I am disappointed though. If this is the new structure you need to lower the prices I can’t pay 20$ for content that might or not come out. Not to be like this but that’s the cost of 3 other people’s patreon combined that I support on here that are constant throughout the month even if it’s less content. Don’t overdue it, take care of yourselves! I hope y’all can hear our concerns. I have supported you on and off for years now and I hope something changes for the better please I really like y’all as reactors cause you genuinely enjoy the groups. I’ll choose to believe y’all one more time that content will be out by then and not get a refund but after this month I’m probably taking a break from this patreon and based on yalls schedules and health I think you should too :(.


Yeah, I'm done as well. I've been a patron of yours for years so I tried to be understanding but honestly the most recent issues - inconsistency, delays, and lack of transparency (i.e. actually addressing our concerns) - have pushed me to cancel. It's disappointing as I really enjoyed watching PD and his reactions. Good luck everyone.


half of our comments are begging for pd to take on less content bc that’s obviously the biggest problem and there was absolutely no acknowledgment of that. and the fact that you’re charging an obscene amount when other react channels on here’s highest tiers are $10 (and they react to the same exact stuff). it’s just ridiculous at this point to expect ppl to spend that much when what they are paying for isn’t happening


I’m so disappointed and this is honestly so shameless how things have been going on for years and all you guys ever have done is upped the price instead of dropping it, and or lowering the tiers with the inconsistency for years! You’re getting paid more than most people get paid for their jobs that they have to attend to full time no matter their mental health issues, life doesn’t just stop, there is money involved and contracts. I really need to stop giving you guys the benefit of the doubt after 1/2 days of scheduled videos everything is not even uploaded yet that was promised, how do you have a conscious when you’ve promised people and they are paying you. Sorry at this point what is the point of having a Patreon other than greed. This may come across as harsh but it’s gone on too long.


and i’m sure we’ll get another 20+ minute long “apology” video sometime next week because that’s how it always goes 🤷 you can argue about legitimate excuses or reasoning but that doesn’t mean anything when for the past year and half or longer we’ve gotten the same thing and empty promises. very happy for pd and blaire but they couldn’t run the channel before the move or the pregnancy so i know they definitely won’t do it now


I thought you said that you already filmed ahead a few days worth of content together (on Monday‘s post I believe) so I thought Moving would still be released today, is that not the case?

Nell ♡

i feel like instead of getting rid of deadlines completely having a weekly or biweekly deadline would be sort of meeting in the middle. that way there is some structure and reasonable breathing room. people have different energy levels on different days and thats literally something we can all relate to. I just feel like having no structure at all wouldn't be too good of an idea. but yeah definitely take rest when needed. there is no point in all of this if you're just filming videos for the sake of it(not saying you do) but one thing you need to realize is people are paying real money for this and expecting to receive what they paid for. ive been here for two years or more and this is a pattern that im starting to see. i have mental health problems too. while not everyone has the same problems or reat to them the same way, you have a responsibility here. you need to be consistent with all the promises you make. just take a minute and go through your posts and see how many times thus has happened this year alone. we all know that doing this makes you happy and we want it to remain that way but lately it feels like you've been taking the patreons for granted. i hope you read all of these comments and realize that so many people are criticizing the incident for a reason. and come up with the plan that is the most reasonable for you and the people who are paying thair hard earned money. If you are unable to keep up with all this work with just you and blaire you should definitely get back on the street team because by the looks of it you guys clearly aren't able to keep up with your commitments. this may seem harsh but its the truth. Ive read all the comments so far and i really hope you dont ignore them because uts starting to feel like you are ignoring all the criticism. At the end of the day remember that this is a business and we are paying our own money to support it hoping that you'll eventually react to something we enjoy. Do not take it for granted. you cant expect to run this thing with doing the bare minimum.


I hear you on the privileged profession part. I certainly don't doubt the mental struggles that come with it but its also a privilege to be able to switch up your schedule as often as they do. Is this "schedule change" truly much of a change? Having a deadline or not doesn't seem to really matter. I honestly never really had faith whenever they said XYZ has a "hard deadline", cause deadlines don't hold much weight when you're your own boss. I honestly don't doubt that they feel bad about the inconsistencies, but at the end of the day, people don't have to deal with it and don't have to feel bad if this was the last straw.


I'm on the same page as many other patrons who are saying tier prices need to change because it's no longer fair. Why am I paying $30 a month for content that I may or may not get? It's one thing if we get the content later, but honestly to be yanked around here and there saying 'it'll be out this day', 'this is the plan going forward...' 'well actually now it's this day'...it's just getting old. I really don't want to end my membership because at the end of the day I want to support you and I love both of your reactions and insights on things, but this is getting frustrating and it's been a consistent issue since last year even after promising that it wouldn't be. I wouldn't feel so conflicted about sticking out an unknown schedule if I didn't feel like I was throwing away so much money. I pay for four other people who cost less combined than what I pay here. It just doesn't feel like the patrons are being respected. Shit happens and I get that. Mental health is important and I understand where you guys are coming from because I have many of my own, and it IS important to tend to yourself. But when you are consistently putting yourself in a position of over overworking and over promising when you know you struggle to, despite multiple people saying they don't think it's a good idea, you then become the perpetrator and are responsible for the outcome and for how you handle it. I'm sorry but this has been going on too long.


same. the main reason im putting up with their delays is because i enjoy their reactions and they genuinely seem to like the groups and understand the content. i'll also believe them one more time. but the first time i joined, it was so fun bc i was actually getting my money's worth and the constant, scheduled uploads.


I forget what the status is on recovering old content, but I think that could be an option of focus? For me personally, a lot of my subscription is towards looking at older content(especially during "break" months). I understand not being able to work on new content consistently, so maybe some of that time could be put on fixing more old content?


I’ve been a patron for a couple years now, and I honestly don’t expect much change unless something drastic is done. I saw a comment somewhere saying that you should cut down on drama/anime club content, and I kind of agree (I’m saying this as a fan of all the shows PD is planning to watch this month)- drama clubs are quite long to film, each episode can get to be over an hour, and I feel that may be draining. Plus 4 shows and anime club is a lot- I’d be down to cut it down to around 2 if that may encourage filming of other promised things? I’d also like to mention that I seem to recall from November that the original reason this month’s schedule was ‘cut down’ in the first place was because PD said he would be focusing on catching up with kpop content like Kulture Studies. I think you’re behind a good couple of months on many k-pop comebacks (and there have been some AMAZING recent releases). But yeah, I agree with everyone that the lack of consistency is frustrating. I seem to be in a cycle of forgiving the lack of content when you release an apology post, renewing my tier, getting excited about new stuff for next month, and getting frustrated when it doesn’t come out on time. I’ll continue to renew as long as this relaxed deadline thing seems to work and we get the content, but elsewise I think it maybe be wiser for me to spend my money elsewhere. Best wishes to you guys and happy holidays!

Sami Casingal

I disagree. Honestly, it’s only some boy group content and anime/drama club that I really watch from PD so i don’t think that would be fair considering I’m paying autumn tier. Not saying it’s solely about me, but that’s not what I would suggest. Binging the drama and anime would be my suggestion especially if this change is going to be more flexible for them. It’s not a unique suggestion but it just makes sense. Just like what they’re doing with the darker anime rn and plan to do for the lighter anime in January. Literally they could just do 2 episodes per release and it’d still go by much faster than just 1. And they could rule out watching the super long anime and dramas in the future unless they’re ready to take on those challenges.


Yeah, that’s totally fair. I guess my suggestion is more to just cut down on some content, but it’s definitely difficult to say which since everyone is subbed for different things. But I also do agree with everyone else that tier prices need to change if we’re still like this moving forward.


Same I’m here for Treasure content but a lot of the older reactions aren’t available, i wonder if they’ll ever fix it :(


so is the bg content from yesterday not going to be posted tonight? really looking forward to gg and moving


No use waiting for an update. Just gotta keep checking back to see if we get the content 🤡.


well this is just ridiculous.....if such inconsistency is going to be the norm going forward then there is no way you can justify these tier prices

Sami Casingal

I agree with you about the prices though. Also, idk if this suggestion is any good because I can’t account for every aspect of its implementation, but would it be better to have a cheaper tier for solely kpop content (both boy groups and girl groups) because it seems like the majority is here for kpop rather than like me who is here for both kpop and drama/anime? Then a tier for solely drama/anime but it would be a little more expensive and the perks would include the previous tiers so like you could also have access to kpop content and it would be released a little earlier than if you were to just pay for the kpop content tier? Maybe it’s similar to this summer, autumn, winter tier system and won’t make much difference, idk. But just thought I’d put it out there if anyone thinks it would actually be a better idea than the current tier system. Also, prices will be chosen by you PD and Blaire, but if it’s to replace this old system that many are upset with, the prices would have to be lower but still set up in a similar way where you pay more for more perks


I’ve only become a patron somewhat recently, so I don’t have the same issues that other people who’ve been here for months or years have. To give you a perspective of someone who’s new to your Patreon, I was already annoyed because a good 75% of the content I became a patron for goes to broken links, only has one episode working out of ten, or isn’t uploaded anywhere at all. A lot of the posts with broken links have comments from months ago asking for reuploads, so this isn’t a new issue. Don’t advertise that you have certain content when none of it is accessible once you become a patron. I have mental health issues as well. One of my unhealthier coping mechanisms with stress or overwhelm is avoidance, so I get it. But in such a short time of supporting you, you’ve primarily made posts about not meeting the schedule you made or content being late. I enjoy your reactions and analysis, but I can’t see myself supporting you past this month.


I was lucky enough to meet PD through his reactions to Loona on YouTube a few years ago and decided to start following him here on Patreon for his content. Fresh content, daily MVs, different groups but I think that for some time now you have tried to cover too much variety of content. I have tried to understand your situation many times, even those free months without content I paid for without asking for anything in return but... it has been frustrating, for some time now, to see that to react to a Heejin MV, for example... it has taken you almost 2 months... PD, you're a good guy and I enjoy what you do, but the situation is getting out of your hands. Take care (I hope you read these messages) and sorry for my level of english by the way :)

Amanda Bernström

I’m okay with this only if we get like a list of everything that will be out every month so I don’t pay for a month with no content I want to see


Wasn’t November a break month? It was mentioned in a November post that December content was being filmed, was that not true? I hate to say it but at this point I think the issue is that you just aren’t doing the work - plain and simple. So many excuses and nothing to show for it, I truly don’t understand. I really enjoy the content and reactions you create but I think it’s best to subscribe every few months to guarantee there’s substantial content to view.


i pay almost 30 bucks a month (when btw im a trainee at my office and only make 600 a month) for this? i'm sorry but december has been a mess so far we have barely gotten any of the promised content so far and idk if we're gonna get it tbh bc atp after seeing how thibgs are run for the past 3 years on this patreon, i cannot trust your word or promises anymore. i've been disappointed so many times now its honestly ridiculous.


that's what i'm feeling as well. they're always saying it's due to mental health, but it's been going on for years at this point. it just feels like they procrastinate the work, don't get it done in time, and don't wanna admit that the content is late due to their own faults


I think the main problem here is that the price of your patreon does not match the content given from it. I completely support taking the time you need for your mental health especially when you have a job as accommodating to that as this. Still, people will only pay for what they consider the content is worth and if you can't provide consistent content I think the best solution would be to lower prices so that your members feel they are getting their money's worth. I hope you all are doing okay and that things go well going forward!


I am all for a free schedule because sometimes I wonder if you ever feel like doing this is no longer for passion but mere obligation. I think watching what you want, whenever you want is the key to a better mental health. I am a super fan of some groups, but there are just days where I don't feel like watching their content not until 2 weeks has passed am I am in a better place mentally. However, I second everyone that the tier prices SHOULD change if this is the setup moving forward. As it is now, it is too expensive for something very uncertain every month


i couldn’t have said it better myself. i think i’ve seen more posts about PD struggling with mental health issues (which is completely normal and valid, everybody has shit going on) than the content that we are paying for. it’s gotten extremely hard to excuse at this point, especially when, like you said, the freedom this job gives them is astronomical compared to a normal 9-5 that the majority of us work. i can understand it getting overwhelming at times. but the constant empty promises they make just rub me the wrong way and make it seem like we’re being taken advantage of.


sorry if this will be harsh but yeah this is probably it for me, i don't know what im here for anymore. i've been a patreon for about two and a half years and for skz reactions mostly, which there has barely been any at all this year and i still stayed as a patreon to support y'all. now that there is finally something on the schedule for me too that i've been looking forward to the whole month im still not getting it. yesterday it was said bg variety will be out today, well... it gets frustrating to be let down like that all the time im honestly a little sad. over the years i've seen all the empty promises for us and just like a lot of others i am at my limit right now, why am i paying for this? anyway i hope we get the bg variety eventually

Winter Rian ~

We going circles so often that it's actually crazy. With all the philosophical posts regarding all the dreams and goals and motivation you supposedly have every 2 weeks you would think that the content is actually going to drop on time, for once. Things like "I'm sitting down asap and film the stuff and release it at 5pm" to "I have to prioritize my mental health" within a span of a few hours. Honestly it rather seems that there are huge procrastination issues, doing all the reactions last minute and not being able to get it done in time, resulting in delays and more procrastination and mental stress. Removing the hard deadlines? Great, let's see if all the content for this week is actually out on the 25th., cause I don't think any content actually has been filmed so far. I'm a bit annoyed seeing mental health as the excuse for EVERYTHING here. Most people have some form of mental health issues, me included, but I still have to do my daily 9-5 job and I'm not experiencing the freedom of being able to be my own boss and basically do what I want, whenever I wanna do it. I'm having responsibilties just like everyone else. And after I work my 9-5 I still have to deal with personal stuff that happens in my life. We are not donating money here out of a kind heart, we are paying for your "business" to get the content that's been promised. All this philosophical rambling about being a better leader, doing this like a real business and so on but failing to do the easiest and most important tasks over and over again. Remember the "street team"? Dead silence but it was announced as the next big thing for this channel. I guarantee you before the content drops we get another "sob story" as to why life is hard and mental health this, mental health that, and how evrything is gonna change next month. We're getting new plans and promises with yet another uploading schedule and so on just to see it doesn't work the way it's been planned resulting in more delays.


Take it from someone who has multiple mental health issues as well...this is unacceptable. We go to work even when we have daily breakdowns. We still do our jobs. Procrastination only makes things worse. These are all just excuses atp. And it's lowkey starting to feel like a scam again.


Okay. I can't go into detail rn, because it's 7am and i have to go to work (because that's what we non-privileged ppl have to do...). So i'll write my full comment after i come back, but here just a few key words: (EDIT: i'm way too angry to even write an entire essay on this...so i'll continue with keeping it short) I'm DONE. Disappointed. This is ridiculous. A f-ing scam. Excuses after excuses. I don't believe a f-ing word anymore. Atp i wonder if you actually have mental health issues, or if it's just a way for you to get out of doing your job. Where i come from the average salary is around 1.500-2.000$...you get at LEAST 25k a month!!! How DARE you atp. I don't know if you realize...but you have posted almost NOTHING from your schedule yet. You had the entirety of November to take a break. WHY tf are you taking a break rn??? This is a business PD. We are PAYING you a lot of money for your service. We are not your friends. We WANT what we payed for. It's been hours and you haven't replied to a single comment. You'll probably make a useless "apology" video again (cause that's what you always do)...and not only will you LIE to our faces again...but you'll also probably not even address ANY of our complaints. We are TIRED PD. You're basically robbing us. I will not be subscribing to this Patreon anymore...and i hope everyone else leaves as well. Maybe then you'll finally realize, that we are the reason why you can even afford life.


for the people who don't realize why some of us are a little pissed off : imagine your fave group announces a comeback. Then they day of release they say it's been delayed for a day. Then next day they say "yeah it will be out eventually idk " ....


i’m sorry but this is getting ridiculous? i truly understand taking some time to focus on your mental health but please remember people are literally paying you. if all these videos were free then it wouldn’t be a problem lol but we all have to pay (and quite a lot too) so seeing all the promised content get delayed is quite annoying. i’m a student and i can only do so much. i subbed because of your enhypen content and i kept going back because of your genuine love for the group and your insightful reactions but tbh i don’t know if i can keep supporting you monetarily like this. trust is key when handling a business like patreon and i don’t think it’s been going that well. all these delays may seem like nothing to you but again, we’re all paying you…i hope you will learn from this and you’ll become more consistent because yeah this is just not it rn.


This is RIDICULOUS. To be honest, for the people who have applied to their “Street Team Project” and are still waiting for replies, you guys should let go of it by now. Why? Because clearly they are constantly running away from their responsibilities and not even recording on time in the first place so there won’t be any recorded reactions for the team to even edit and put out. If they managed to have the Street Team done, then that means they are now responsible for not only us the patrons but also a team that they are paying for, which most likely is just going to add more stress on their end because they need to get the video out for the team to edit. Therefore, this Street Team was never going to work if they don’t change THEIR way of handling things on THEIR end to begin with. November was the break month for them to move from Vegas to LA, and guess what? Their move happened this month. In a November update post, they were saying that they’re recording contents ahead for December content and guess what? We faced several delays as December started off. I think it’s pretty clear at this point that none of their words is trustworthy. This sounds harsh but I get a feeling like we patrons are being fooled around by them for a LONG time now. Why? Because then PD may post a video or another long ass post later on apologizing and promising and playing the victim card of something that we people are not responsible for in the first place, and people are just going to be GASLIGHTED by them and feel bad for them AGAIN, and PD WILL take these for granted, AGAIN. Sorry not sorry but actually WE are the “victims” at this point with the overcharging tier prices that was increased to accommodate the “Vimeo” issues back then while they aren’t even using Vimeo anymore and we are not getting the contents with what we paid for. If you got mental health problems? 👉🏻GO SEE A THERAPIST/PSYCHIATRIST AND GET SOME MEDICATIONS IF YOU NEEDED. 👈🏻 That’s how you solve your mental health issues as a responsible ADULT, and clearly by taking breaks and resting isn’t enough because this has been going on for ages now. You said so yourself that you’re running this page as a BUSINESS. Yet, we see NONE professional aspects of this Patreon whatsoever. Not to mention that you want to create your own “HYBE” and sorry if I’m being mean, but I truly don’t think that Bang Shi Hyuk PD would be able to create HYBE or BIGHIT in the first place if he is running his business the way you’re doing now.


i’m sorry but i hope you know that we aren’t paying to support your personal lives. yes, we want to see you two do well but most importantly we, your PATREONS, are paying for a BUSINESS. we are not your family. we are not your safety net. we overpaid for services that were promised but cannot be carried out. the way you’ve both acted is beyond unprofessional at this point and i’m sorry that you both are dealing with things but this is genuinely insane. you ask for help from us ( the street team editing thing) and we APPLY and actually try to help out and you STILL DO NOT MAKE USE OF IT. there is no way i just spent 20 dollars this month for this i don’t even care if the content comes out later. you’ve taken advantage of the hearts of many with your consistent lies and then sudden epiphanies and apologies. and it IS that serious. ridiculous

Sandra l.

Here we go again...

Sami Casingal

I actually have had a change of heart very recently after reading all these comments. PD you’ve said before you’re done trying to please everyone because it’s affecting you negatively which I can totally understand. But honestly, your YouTube channel should be more of reacting to whatever you want and not being tied down by requests there. However, because patrons are paying for content on Patreon, it might do you good to maybe care a bit more about our opinions and what we have to say/suggest. Obviously, no one can please every single person and that’s not what I or anyone else is asking. But it’s also not as if you can be as free on Patreon because we pay for the content, basically paying for your time. If you want to be more free, then I’m not exactly sure what the point of this Patreon is if that’s what you wish compounded with not going through with releasing content reasonably. I understand struggling with mental health because mine isn’t the greatest either and yet I still do what I have to do regardless of my state on whatever day. Whether or not you are still passionate about reacting, this needs to be a priority if we are paying. You can still have breaks, but you have to be communicating frequently with us about these things and you need to be crystal clear about your intentions for future plans for reacting and stick with it. Why did you name this Form of Therapy in the first place? Did you not say it was to be your form of therapy as well as ours? If that’s the case, wouldn’t it make sense for these problems to not be so bad on here? (Unless patreon’s purpose to you has changed) Also regardless of mental health, you started all this so you should either fix it as best as you can or end it all because this unsustainable relationship won’t get you anywhere and it’ll only result in more mental pain and negativity. This mess you created, even if unintentional, has caused you harm and has costed you but you’re not making it any better for yourself as far as I know currently and that’s dragging us down too and causing us pain, whether financially, mentally, emotionally, and whatnot.


I’ve been supporting the Patreon for about 3 years now way before drama/anime club. Joined mainly for bts content and a few other groups and it used to be decently consistent when I first joined. But the past year, almost two has been so inconsistent. Once you started adding wayyy more content to the schedules that’s when I noticed everything falling apart. And because way more content was added I noticed I would only be interested in a few videos a month compared to most videos when I first joined when you’d stick with certain groups or theme. I have pretty bad mental health issues myself and I work 10-7 so I would look forward to certain videos on the schedule so I could watch them after work just for them to be delayed constantly. I do agree with everyone else in which it feels like mental health is an excuse now as it’s been the excuse for years. I wish I could use mental health as an excuse for my job or any normal job but then I would be jobless and homeless but we all have to push through to live. I thought in November you were filming a bunch so I don’t understand why content isn’t filmed. Unfortunately within the past 6 months there hasn’t been enough videos I’m interested in personally. I was hoping for you to continue Run! BTS this year but it seems like you won’t continue at all as it’s been forever. For the price and lack of videos I’m interested in as there’s not really consistent people or groups you’re reacting to every month, this month will be my last. I may check in after a few months to see if anything has fixed but I can’t justify $20 a month for what we’re actually getting. I do however still wish the best for you pd and blaire.


I know you rely on this money PD but it's really hard to support your business with the inconsistencies. I've loved watching your reactions for years, and was so excited this month because SKZ was finally back on the roster after what felt like forever. I'm still holding on till the end of the month - but I really hope you'll take the feedback on board and consider what you seriously want and what would work best for you and Blaire for the new year!


Personally I think the most organized your Patreon has been was when you were consistent with what you were filming. Like for example when you’d do showterview once a week, a listening party once or twice a week, the same group content like in the soop once a week until you finished those or just took a month break, did different content the same way then resumed previous ones. But now everything feels so random and inconsistent even when you do upload. You’re trying to do everything now and you need to narrow it down or your schedules will never be manageable.


If you don't mind me asking, do you know where I can go to request a refund?


Hey, so yeah, probably going to cancel my sub because of this. I feel like y'all are a little in over your heads. Best of luck! Might check back in a couple months to see how it's going!


i hope the woodz oo-li listening party is still happening?


what i just dont get is how other patreon pages i’m subscribed to/was subscribed to NEVER have this issue, like ever. they react to multiple anime/kdrama episodes per day which are way longer than the average kpop mv or variety show and they always upload daily… i know it’s not fair to compare since everyone is different but how come this patreon always has consistency problems in the 3 years that i’m subscribed 🙄 will probably ask for a refund, if they even respond (dmed them before for a refund and it was crickets)


How could you read all our comments and ignore all the valid complaints the rest of the patreons including myself have voiced? Like I truly don't understand. Do we mean nothing to you, is the money we spend month after month worth nothing. We are paying for a service we are not getting point blank period. For you to consistently ignore what we have to say, make excuses time and time again, lovebomb and gaslight us is honestly shameful. I paid 20 dollars plus tax this month and im from another country where the dollar weighs more so im paying way more than I should to get the content you said would be put out. You have been spinning this same speel for over a year and even longer than that since ive been a patreon on and off for about 2-3 years. And these complaints are not new at all , they just coming from new people. You need to lower the costs of the tiers. The highest you should be charging at this point is between 5-8 dollars for the amount of content you've been putting out if we compare to other reacters who thankfully don't pore out excuses over and over. My empathy and sympathy has reached its max, you have a job that grants you way more freedom, so why cant you deliver? Why cant you do your job that we pay you for?Why are we just accepting this treatment? I genuinely enjoy your reactions and insights thats why ive come back time and time again but its not fair to me anymore. Im paying real money for only 20% of service. Its disgusting that you would read what we have to say and just continue the way you've been running this patreon. It pissing me the fuck off...truly.


They are offering a refund btw if you didnt't read the message

aicrylic (aimee)

Damn. So it's actually gotten to this point. I've been holding out for a good while now just praying you'd get your Patreon together finally but it seems like that isn't gonna happen unless maybe the majority of us leave and you can realize that we are paying for a SERVICE. I dunno, I guess you must make so much money off us that you're out of touch now but, you could view it like paying for Netflix every month and every day a show gets taken off, delayed, or just cancelled, even when promised release dates? Wouldn't you be pissed? Why am I even paying for this? I've been on this Patreon for years.... all of it was because I loved your reactions and truly wanted to support you. As I've gotten older, I started following way less groups and have had less time to sit down and watch the longer form content with you, like dramas. Wanna know how many groups I sub for? Only one. I sub for your Stray Kids content. Sure, maybe it's not the smartest thing to pay what, twenty fucking dollars a month to only end up watching content for one group, that's not your fault, PD. But I know you like SKZ, and many patrons love them too, and all your content covering them does really well, so why should I not expect SKZ content? I understand alternating between groups every month, there's a lot of groups you like. So i was willing to keep my subscription going for the off months, just to support you. But this... it's become a never ending viscous cycle of over promising and not delivering, not even addressing our concerns directly then hiding away for a few days to make a long ass post about how you're sorry and you'll make it up to us this time and you're working on yourself and all these new sudden huge dreams and goals you have. I don't know how you expect to do anything beyond this Patreon when you can't even handle scheduling posts to come out on time. What happened to filming in advance? If you need help, use what's at your disposal. You had the street team going, didn't you? What happened with that? There are just so many ideas thrown around and put in the air that never end up going anywhere. It's just moving constantly to realize some new project of yours, that goes nowhere and you've screwed us over because you put the Patreon on the backburner. I'm sorry, isn't this your only source of income? Not even YouTube. It's the Patreon that keeps your lights on. Why do you put your hobbies over your literal job? If I did that, I would be homeless. Because I gotta go to my 9-5 every day, whether I'm sick, or have chronic pain, or I'm having a hard time mentally. This time of year is especially draining, I know. If you need that kind of help, please get therapy or see if you need medication. This is not okay. I'll stick around to see if you make any type of follow up post about all this, but I don't have high hopes. Thanks for everything, best of luck and happy holidays.

maya k

through patreon dm it seems… not sure if refund requests will be honored though xx


If a free schedule works better for you then that's fine (above all your health is more important ) but I think it should've been started next month and not the month people have already paid for even if you are giving refunds... I hope the content that is being promised ends up coming out because so far your promises haven't been kept. It's good that you are aware of your mistakes but nothing is improving since the same things keep happening and being said. Your audience is way more understanding compared to other content creators I just hope our kindness isn't getting taken for granted. Best of luck.


Also I do hope you consider changing your prices... I doubt many people want to being paying $10 or more a month for content that might come out and empty promises. Sometimes it feels like my money is being thrown away. I hope you take what everyone saying into consideration to make yourself and your Patreon better. Please take this all as criticism to help you improve.

Bright G

Hey, PD and Blaire, it is possible to do a 4 to 8 hour stream each day, 3-4 times a week, just like a regular work day/week? Once a stream ends, take the VOD down and upload the VOD on a server and post the VOD link behind a paid Patreon post. This way, people can see that you did film that day (and they can catch part of that stream). The only follow up required from you would be to upload and make that VOD available within 24-72 hours. You don’t need to cut or edit the raw reaction and people/patrons would be willing to help and take the time to mark down the group/item you reacted to and the time it started (for easy reference for others). Maybe this method would help keep this Patreon accountable and the patrons would then be able to see measurable/quantifiable effort you’ve made towards deliverables. I understand you don’t want to be beholden to a schedule, but since you do marathon uploads on random days, perhaps this may be a method that can have both you and patrons compromise and meet halfway. Edit: I would also work on your backlog of reuploading previous videos that were removed. You just need one centralized post hyperlinking all the things you have reuploaded - your reuploads aren’t tagged properly and are definitely missing things. You need one centralized location for everyone to check. Then, make an excel file listing all of the videos that have reuploaded, videos in the process of being uploaded in the future (with soft timelines), and videos that have been lost - and make that list accessible in an unlocked post so those thinking of subscribing are aware of what’s available.


maybe just lower the prices of the tiers at this point?


But reading all of these messages i kinda agree with you guys but few people are being kinda nasty instead of just refunding.


Also, unlike some of us, I’m actually being very doubtful for this no-set-dates schedule pattern because of the October bonus drops issue we had and all the other times where all we got are empty promises. That list was also things that PD wanted to react whenever he can and PROMISED would be released throughout the month and GUESS WHAT? Those vids ended up being crammed into the last couple of days of October and even got pushed to November. Knowing and seeing how unorganized PD and this Patreon page is, I doubt that this pattern is going to work for them. It’s ridiculous for me to think how high the possibility for the “worst case scenario” (which is contents being out by the end of the month IF we are actually getting them) is actually going to happen here on this Patreon page. Some other reactors could work with this pattern is because they do manage to get the contents out within a certain period of time and very rarely couldn’t keep their promises for their patrons, but how many times have PD bailed on us already? How many times have we witnessed them muted on us and just popped in with an “Update” post? How many empty promises have we heard JUST THIS MONTH ALONE? Fellow patrons, think about it and the answer is crystal clear.


i been looking for the kiss of life content and if i dont get them then i'm sorry to say but i wont be sticking around for next month


The comments I am sure are overwhelming PD, but our frustrations come from loving your content and wanting to enjoy MVs with you. I have unsubbed because I am a student and just cannot afford it at this point, but I will return as soon as things settle down. Remember that we are all here because we at one point or another loved your content and wanted more than just the youtube uploads. We of course all want you to be well, and to enjoy your time reacting to content, but you do need to change the way you currently run this channel to ease the pressure on your side and the frustrations on our side. Happy Holidays Blaire and PD <3


Couldn’t agree more! You pretty much sum up everything that has been going on here for the past year or longer even.


I agree, I support them entirely in this new approach but $20 a month for unconfirmed content doesn’t feel logical


I don’t know if it was my comment you saw, or someone else’s, but thank you for adopting this approach! I know a lot of people still aren’t happy but I think that would always be the case. This weekly system seems the best for you and us for the time being. And I would also consider repricing the tier system, but I know you guys just moved, and you’re expanding your family, so it’s not like you want to cut down your income. I think maybe you guys need some time to settle, and those unhappy with this sort of system need some time away as that’s financially in their interest. It may be like this for some time, but I hope when everything calms down a little you can just reevaluate. I know these comments must be stressing you out, but it is my belief that this is the best approach for now. I hope you guys don’t get too stressed and still manage to have a happy holiday season!


I also saw someone say you might want to go on a pregnancy hiatus of sorts - essentially you could completely stop patreon and focus on just YouTube reactions (and opening up that channel to more sponsorships etc.) and use that time to fix the links on patreon or even trial and error some new platforms/systems that work for you. This time is so important, and especially once your baby is here, you won’t want to (and shouldn’t!) miss out on their life because you’re stressed about keeping up with this. I think it could really provide you with some downtime and some things you desperately need to fix, without the pressure of constant deadlines that you just can’t facilitate at the moment. I know it would be hard for us to not have content for a few months, but people can use that time to save their money (or still pay if they can afford to support you regardless) and then come back to a platform that has everything working or has been significantly improved. It may seem drastic, but I think it would be good to take a break and go into the new year and come back when everything is sorted and you have some more free time to truly commit. Just another option you could consider, but we want the best for you guys ultimately

kim dc


Wambits Ran

Welp, changed my autumn sub to support until things are fixed(just enough to access the next month calendar). I refreshed this page everyday but no contents. See ya guys next months2..~

Jasmine sumner

I've been your fan pd since the very very start. I've been here since before 2018. Before the sming live stream days. I've supported you every single month, even when I can't afford it. I've been here through everything. You changed my life. You've kept me going PD though all the hard times. You truly have. I've changed my life because of you. I kept living. I found a reason to live. I don't know what I'd do without this patreon. This is more upsetting than angry for me, because I used to think "wow pds so inpring with how hard working he is and everything" but nothings changing. It's all a cycle of: over promises, adds more to schedule, videos get delayed, few days later "big" update post on "why" he couldn't film, promises content again, never arrives, tries setting up a street team, never happens. Repeat And I guess the real only way pd and this patreon is going to charge is if everyone or most left. Only if it gets to that state would PD and Blair realise. The unprofessionalism is not right. I'm living of less than 800£ a month living with my mum for your content and to support you. That's like less than 1.2k dollars. I have serverve mental health and physical health but I still have to do stuff. Even when I don't feel like it. this is a business pd. Something we're paying for, content is just delayed with excuses and over promises. Why? So people keep supporting you. You make a ton of money a year. Most people here have to work 9-5 and don't get to be their own boss. But you and Blair are unprofessional. My mum broke her leg and lost everything. She was on the brink of homelessness. Still tried again and got to work. There's no more excuses pd. No more. I'm fed up. I was literally saying yesterday how you change my life and saved my life. Those videos that were supposed to drop in the last 2 days I was very excited for as I've been in a dark place lately. And your videos are my time to relax, unwind and have a good time. I wasn't even thinking about writing anything here because everyone said what needed to be said anyway. At this point I think you should make a video addressing everything. But all well get soon for all these promised drops by the 25th, is "sorry I couldn't upload today. My mental health" blah blah blah. I get it you have struggles, mental health, family issues, autism. Well so do i have it all. but I still do what I gotta do everyday. If we all leave (not saying everyone should) pd will have a big wake-up call that's for sure.


Guys, how I can refund the money? Where should I apply? Cause it’s my first time doing it


i agree with this! i'm a high school student and im paying my patreon subscription with my allowance😭😭😭


I really hope he can find a healthy mindset and peace soon. This isn’t a criticism but more advice. The one thing I’ve heard reactors say that supporting allows them to make this their full time job. If one of my employees felt overwhelmed that often by the requirements of the job then maybe the job isn’t meant for them and it’s time to try something new. I mean this a sincere heart. I love your reactions and insight but maybe this type of paid forum is too rigid. Something like YouTube may be the way to go. Hoping for a healthier and happier you.


I will hold my judgement for the next month. It's to late to fix December. I've watched this loop for 2 years now. You change you approach every month but it's always just a superficial change. You need to change the core, which is to reduce your (promissed) content by a lot. If January starts with another completly unrealistic schedule where everybody (exept you) can immediatly see that it's not doable, I think I'm out. Cut your content in half. And promise even less. Slow down and get the basics under control. Be honest to yourself and us. And only then once you have that under control for a couple of months you can think about announcing big plans. Consistency and reliabilty is waaaaaayyyy more important than quantity.


PD probably makes around 20k$ for a month probably even more . Sorry to say ,at this point all mental health talk just feels like a lie to scam people. I have mental issues as well but I don't have a privilege to use it as an excuse, if you are going to do this as a full time job you need to treat it like one. I don't think you have any source of income other than this. you are taking us for granted. I'm sorry to say this but we who likes your content here are not your fans or something,we are paying for entertainment which you are failing to give us. The fact that I know this comments from ppl will not change anything because this already happened many times before but nothings changed. And I'm glad ppl are talking about tier prices because those are ridiculous.


Thank you for this post, well summed up, covers my own feelings very well. I did also feel bad about unsubscribing, like I'm abandoning the support of a creator I enjoyed so very much, but at this point it's like a toxic relationship and its like taking our own monetary support for granted. I'll probably sub in 6 months or so for 1 month, catch up on the content I'm interested in (if it's out and working) and I'm out again, unless there is visible change in the way whole thing functions


I tried dm'ing them on intagram but I got a notification that the account cant receive new message requests from everyone. So Im confused on what to do next.


We are so tired


I hope everyone leaves. Then you guys will finally realize, that we're financing your entire lives...for barely anything in return.


I doubt, that you'll even post HALF of what's still on the schedule


The audacity is insane


honestly this patreon is doomed. there is no way in hell they're going to be able to put out the amount of content they want, ESPECIALLY with a newborn on the way. with the amount of money PD's making from this i feel like this was all just a scam to get us to fund their moving/living/baby costs. i've already requested a refund for this month and everyone should message PD asking for one too, seeing as its already the 20th and we've barely gotten any promised content???


Wait is blaire pregnant? I didn’t see any post about that


I found out today too! It was announced in the Phase 2 video back in September


do we DM on Patreon for a refund? I've never done this before so if anyone can help that'd be great :)


usually i don't have an issue as long as i get the videos. but as someone who's an autumn tier patron i feel like it's really disappointing that i'm paying so much for scheduled vids that aren't coming out on time. ESPECIALLY when you then mass drop these vids near the END of the month, meaning we literally do not have time to catch up on them and thats a whole £20+ wasted. especially then considering it's the end of the year, we're busy with christmas and many of us students with assignments & deadlines, it's these videos that we look forward to watching when we finally get a quiet moment to ourselves but now we have no vid to watch? i completely understand the new system you want to implement cause lie is busy, especially with your career plans & a pregnant partner BUT it isn't fair for you to make that decision IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MONTH after giving us barely any content so far? it just feels like you're dragging us along. you should have anticipated that december would be a busy month for you & let us know beforehand instead of overpromising & then in the end disappointing your community. i think you and the team really need to sit down & discuss where your priorities lie & change SOMETHING. cause this whole filming the day of posting clearly isn't working so it might be time to start changing your methods if you truly want to keep this patreon running. if we do not get the promised videos by the 25th i can no longer be a member of this patreon & will be requesting a refund.


PD, Blaire, Respectfully, this has all gotten really out of control. There is a clear discrepancy between how you all view the Patreon and how your customers (because that's what we are) view the Patreon. This is not a donation tool, this is not a fansite, we are paying you to provide a service. When Patreon takes money out of our bank accounts each month and gives that money to your channel, it is in exchange for a service. It is genuinely unacceptable to promise a service, take people's money, and then try to negotiate with us after the fact about what we will actually receive and when. Let's look at it this way: I order a white tank top online, size small. Estimated arrival is 12/30. 12/30 comes and goes and the business messages me and says "hey sorry about that, I've been dealing with a lot. It might get there 1/5." 1/5 comes and goes and the business says "hey it's coming tomorrow, I promise, but it won't be a white tank top size small, it will be black leggings, size large. thank you for understanding!" Then 1/6 comes and I get a wool sock. Do you see what I'm getting at here? I want to reiterate: You are not doing us a favor by providing us content, we are PAYING for it. It is not people pleasing to provide people with the service they are paying for, that is part of running a business. I want to emphasize something that everyone else has already pointed out: Most of us do not have the privilege to neglect work when things get tough. We would get fired and/or end up with nothing to show for it. You are in more of a place of privilege than you realize. Finally, as someone who struggled with executive dysfunction all my life until the last year or so, I see myself in you, PD. I really, truly think it's time to take a step back and find help and support. It might be as easy as talking to a professional. I promise you it's so worth it. This might be the only way to make some of your dreams reality. You have so many good ideas, you are a brilliant brilliant mind, but executing on these ideas often requires a certain level of discipline and peace of mind. I hope you find it, genuinely.


ps. does anyone know if the tax is included in our refunds ??


at this point i don’t even care if ALL the promised content comes out at the end of the month (which i can promise it won’t) im so done. we aren’t paying you as fans supporting your dreams. we are paying for a service. i really hope every single person is asking for that refund. unbelievable. i am sorry you two have a lot on your plate but to see what blaire wrote in this post is outrageous. “ok we hear ya!” “it helps pd mentally to know you aren’t hard deadline people☺️” BRUH. WHO’S WE? it would be SO different if this just happened this month due to unforeseen circumstances. that would be understandable, but no this happens like every second week and then some. to see you treat this issue so lightly is disgusting lmao. same cycle over and over: we remind them to not go overboard with the schedule and prioritize consistency, pd makes a schedule, pd has some issue come up, blaire pulls out the sob story, PD COMES BACK WITH SOME EPIPHANY??, pd talks about his dreams and future goals, promises us shit, and delivers 0% of the promises lmfao. grow up you two. we all have our issues and you don’t think we just push through and deal with it? i’ve never EVER felt the need to say anything of this sort to ANYONE before but i really hope you both read every single post. guys ask for your refunds please this is so ridiculous and they are never going to learn


Thank you for saying this. It’s kinda wild that PD might make over $200,000 annually (more than many doctors make). That is an insanely privileged income, and the job itself is too. I would love to make 6 figures just by reacting to stuff. PD could watch all of this on his own time just for enjoyment since it’s all entertainment anyway. He literally watches kdramas and anime… that isn’t really work lmao. I watch kdrama too but I don’t get paid for it. I’m not complaining that his job is easy, but that he’s acting like his easy job is hard. I wish I could empathize a bit more, but I really don’t get the struggle here. I suck at deadlines too but I don’t think I could handle the guilt in this situation. Making more than a doctor while having an extremely easy job and taking it for granted. We are all paying PD’s paycheck and for what? It’s just weird how expensive the tiers are considering PD’s job performance. How does he feel okay making so much money from us while not really earning it? It feels disingenuous. He should lower the prices. Or make it free. What happened to YouTube? But I guess once you make that much money you don’t want to stop.


The tier prices went up because of vimeo, but now pd doesn't use vimeo again and half of the links are dead lol, the prices are so unjustified

Ebony Coco

I personally love the reactions with Blair, and I understand it can get boring reacting alone for PD and not good for him mentally. Even my favorite YouTubers without a history of mental health issues have talked about how hard filming alone is for them.


PD and Blaire, you guys really need to respond as soon as possible. This is your job and source of income. I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation considering the amount of people looking for refunds and leaving the patreon after this month. Please just get your shit together and stop with the excuses.


yes! just go to the chats tab and in the upper right corner there is a little envelope icon. that’s where the dm is

Winter Rian ~

Hmm.....now that I'm thinking about it again and also read more of other peoples comments I can't help to feel sad that this month, which could've been absolutely incredible, is a complete mess man. Things like Award shows, Moving, Listening parties, the anime binge.... SO MUCH stuff that I was looking forward to so much and now the month is almost over and we're basically sitting here with empty hands and a bad mood. And the worst thing is I already had the feeling at the beginning of the month that this schedule was doomed the second it got posted. If I'd handle my daily job the way this patreon is run by you guys I'd have no job. Literally. I remember all these huge plans and dreams and essays on how you're going to turn this patreon into a professional business. All these words just have no weight anymore in my eyes. It's baseless. I present you: The "vimeo is our worst enemy and all our content casually just disappears so we need to take more of your money until we have a different solution" arc. The "Phase 1 and Phase 2 and I make my own kpop group arc" , The "I wanna move to korea and become like NA PD arc" , The "I can't film because an album made me sad arc". I could keep on going. All these things were just 2023 alone. I don't even know anymore how often you guys have changed your system and scrapped it again and tried something else and scrapped it again. I can't wait for the "2024 will be my year, let's leave this year in the past, everything will change and I show you guys how professional we can be" arc. Man don't give me this shit I just wanna enjoy nice reaction content to the things I love. The sad thing is you're LITERALLY THE BEST reactor out there held back by yourself. I sincerely mean this. Completely honest. There's no one out there doing it like you and that's why I'm still here for years now. Cause I fucking love this shit here and I'm having the best time of my life seeing you react to k-content and anime. Being your own boss takes an immense amount of self discipline AND and working schedule. You guys are taking our money and be like: "nah dude I'm not feeling like working today, let's do it at the end of the week who cares, they will forget about it anyways." SO MUCH WASTED POTENTIAL just makes me angry. So many people genuinely want to support you guys and also help you with making this thing the best patreon it could possibly be but it's just getting ignored. It could be so easy literally... And I have to emphasize that I'm really fucking tired of all these mental health excuses. Dumping all your drama on us whenever you're not able to keep your own selfmade promises just feels like we're getting emotionally manipulated. I like and understand that you want to connect with us cause we all share the same hobby here. But this is a business afterall. We pay for your service. Not providing that results in unsatisfied customers. Just do the work you're getting paid for like everyone else does aswell. Everyone carries their own bag of issues in their life. We still need to work 8 hours a day, or study or whatever so we can make a living.

Winter Rian ~

NOT THE WOOL SOCK LMAO 💀It's so true though which makes it kind of sad. But you nailed it and I agree with all your points here


I’ve lost words at this point… The over promised of content, constant delays which seems to be getting more worse each time, the endless apologies… all of these are just getting ridiculous at this point. Not to forget mentioning the high amounts of $ we are all paying for your service which it seems we won’t be getting anytime soon. It truly fucking sucks because I enjoy watching your reactions the most, I always come back to your videos whenever my days are down. This issue has been happening for far too long and I’m done doing my best to understand at this point. It has reached not only me but many people’s limits.


I literally can’t believe any words you guys will be putting out. I’m done .


i've been with this patreon since 2019 but im honestly so fed up im gonna stay for this month and then im done


I mean for me personally i love revisiting older contents but it comes to a point where im tired of it already and since im new to this i also try to check some of the listening parties but lots of them are either gone or unaccessible such as tripleS's Access, Assemble, Aesthetics plus some stayc albums like the album with run2u as its tt is gone..i honestly dc about future content that much unless its from my favourite groups but please pd..please check some of the older uploads and please do restore it at some point..new content is good but make sure to keep in check for some new fans like to see you react to their group's older albums pd..much love pd..you got this


girl… 😭


I hope you are not weighed down by these comments. Mental health takes years to overcome and I know this personally. It will be alright, don't stress about this being the end as people give harsh yet true feedback. We still love your content, and think you are amazing. If you need a truly long break or need to space out postings etc, really take time to think about whether you can achieve that goal. An alternate suggestion, which would lose you a lot of pateons but may be more sustainable, is to not make schedules/agreements and post what you have. That way you are providing the content as you post, instead of saying future content will arrive. i really wish you the best


Facts..ive been reaching out for a reupload for like months now and still no progress..god i just wanna see how pd thinks about certain albums that's all


YESS A 1000% AGREE..it would be better for pd to focus on bulk reuploading old contents since half of the majority patrons here are here just for older contents which is now nowhere to be found..it either leads you to a broken link or its totally gone


ive never felt so disappointed before. i come back to see if you guys have posted anything only to see nothing but upset patrons. you should be updating us every day since we literally contribute to you taking £20k home every month. similar to how much i make in a whole year of working, and if i did the things you guys do, i wouldve been fired by now. i dont think you guys realise how serious this is. other patreons charge less and actually put out content. you charge crazy high and put out more excuses than content. its disgusting. we love your content, that is why we are so mad. our december has no been ruined thanks to you. i will be requesting a refund. and i suggest everyone does too because we should not be treated this way


i unsubscribed months ago because of the very same issues but decided to give you a shot this month because the schedule seemed promising, although too packed again. personally i work 9-6 job that often requires me to work +12hrs a day or 48hrs straight if necessary and i have the kind of job where i can't tell my clients i need a break because me getting the job done can be their be or not to be. your patrons would appreciate if you thought about the privileged position you're in - because you're your own boss, have flexible schedule that you set to your own liking and have a really wide audience because you react to so many different things. if you're incapable of delivering just stop overpromising and stop gaslighting people that pay you money for certain content you said will be out. if you want everyone including yourself treat your patreon as serious business then just act like you run one. and as content gets constantly delayed maybe consider change of billing time (instead of 1st to 1st, just 30 days) or lowering the prices, just to be fair and respectful towards people who support you




i think overall im just sad bc everytime a notification pops up with "Form of Therapy" i feel excited to watch amazing reactions but then realize its an announcement about the content being delayed once again


I’ve decided not to request a refund not because I don’t care about the money, but because I’m a long time fan and also as someone who had to missed work for my mental health, i understand, but i also got fired as a result, which i hope you’ll understand the privilege you have, to be have able to keep all your work and money even you cannot show up to work, not everyone have that. so I’ll just leave for the time being. Hope you’ll find your balance soon and I genuinely hope to see you guys in the future. (Sorry for my broken English)


PD and Blaire please respond us with something an alternative anything, I really hope you guys can post everything by the 25th. It will be alright


Like many others, I’m just about done after seeing just how little they care about us. Imagine receiving $20k a month and just SITTING ON IT. And how long have their patreons been overly kind and forgiving? This grown man, who has a child on the way, is being babied beyond words for doing a job that is easier than 95% of other jobs. We are paying because we support you yes, but we are also paying to receive a product or service - this is a business. Quite frankly, isn’t it a bit embarrassing putting out all these excuses time after time again? I hate to be the asshole here, but you cannot expect* to properly take care of a child if you can’t even handle yourself, much less your job. Like dude, this feels like a toxic relationship with an ex who doesn’t know how to change or grow up LOL I’m not even gonna be surprised if the next post if another excuse and how our comments have taken a toll on their mental health. Well I’m sorry in advance for being so harsh, but I’m tired of being treated like dirt when I’ve supported this channel for years. Best of luck PD and Blaire *i’ve provided some clarification in my replies… :)


wool sock took me OUT 😭😭😭 that is a perfect analogy and i agree


people have been commenting and leaving and theres still no response... like give us an update... srsly this is becoming so tiring with all this waiting for nothing


Serious question: what are you gonna do when you have the baby??🤨 I feel like you guys don’t realize how much that baby will take your time and energy. And considering this patreon is already a dumpsterfire…


i know i’ve commented a lot on this already but if for any reason these comments do make you reconsider things and you decide to take a break to get things together: wait until next month or refund everyone. that probably sounds really harsh but getting this months content out despite it all is really imo is your responsibility to all of us. hoping that after this month you do take a GIANT step back to reevaluate things. i just have seen this film before and have a feeling we’ll be getting a 20 min video and then no content for the rest of the month


I can only assume they haven’t even filmed the reactions that were supposed to come out already and honestly if it were me I’d be too embarrassed to sit down and film anything after all this. Don’t wait for content guys cause it’s probably never coming 😞.

Josh Kalmikoff

I understand people's frustrations, but some of the comments are are bordering on being a littttle too mean. Be cool, dudes


just to add on to my thoughts, it's also so unfair that regular people working full time jobs and preparing to have a baby can't just freaking drop everything and use mental health as an excuse to not perform well at work?? of course getting professional help and taking a leave of absence is something to consider in the normal work force but pd just keeps on changing the schedule and promising more, not following through, and then just disappears for days without any updates. he legitimately would be fired if this was a real job, yet he's getting paid at least $20,000 A MONTH for this bs????


i'm trying so hard to be considerate once again but its just--


I've only been subscribed for like a year but the amount of schedule/content drop changes is a little crazy. I think posting a weekly schedule is the best option for you guys. And maybe, stop asking or taking requests from people. In a post a while back you said there was too much to react to, but then asked for suggestions for "bonus drop" content in the next post when you haven't react to the original stuff that was promised. Make it make sense.


i mean considering this has been going on for 2 years i actually don’t think people are being mean at all. harsh? sure but absolutely warranted in my opinion


people have been too nice for years now and look where that’s got us. if people being a little too harsh is the wake up call they need then oh well


I feel this so much. like i love their content so much but i cant help but roll my eyes whenever i see a motivational quote paired with another delay. :/


some people are paying $20 a month and getting it slapped in their face for months. Some people pay $20 not knowing links are broken which there is no disclaimer for which PD can make but chooses not to cause that may take money out his pocket. They deserve to be mad in my opinion. :/

Ebony Coco

I agree. I definitely get the frustrations because I actually just joined this month after a long break from being a patreon due to this very issue (I've been a patreon on and off for years), but there are comments talking about their abilities as parents and Blair, and I think while some are valid, some of those comments are completely out of line. I do get the frustration though. I wish I could make as much money without having to work when I don't feel well mentally, but when I struggled after losing both of my parents as well as a childhood friend relatively close together, I lost clients from work and had issues with school that I'm still paying for now. They've been lucky that people here have been way more understanding until now than I, or most people, receive when we deal with mental health issues. If not for the support of my family, I would've been homeless, and even they were close to getting fed up with me until I eventually got my shit together. PD has been very lucky to have the audience they do, and I do think that they've been taking advantage of the kindness of many of the people here, but I also think it's those people's kindness that has enabled this behavior to escalate until now. Even now, and especially yesterday before Blair's post, there were people saying that this is/was okay and to take care of themselves first as if they aren't running a business. I'm not surprised that those comments led them to believe people were/ are going to continue to be okay with this because for so long so many people have been okay with it and even now some still are or are trying to justify it. Mental health can be a reason, but it can't be an excuse, as I have had to learn the hard way myself.


THIS. Glad to see I’m not the only one thinking of this “grown man being babied” issue here. PD is like what? In his 30s? Or somewhere around that? Yet his actions and words are like coming from an immature, irresponsible and emotionally unstable kid.


exactly this. and sure people can ask for a refund but it’s moreso the fact that there’s no pinned community post or anything about broken links so you have to go behind a paywall to even find out that the links are broken (and it’s usually through other community members informing us). it’s just shady.


also my comment about it being warranted obviously are not about hateful things directed towards blaire or their parenting. mostly just talking about people questioning excuses being made and how much money they are making


oh also i only subbed for the enhypen content bc i was soooo excited for the en o’clock ep and mostly for the fate tour in seoul reaction but i guess we won’t be getting any of that :(( this really sucks because you’re my favorite enhypen reactor ever, not many love and appreciate the boys like you always do so i was really anticipating your reactions but oh well 😭😭 ig i’m just gonna have to accept it atp


that's what i'm feeling as well. of course people who are preparing for a baby get time off work on normal jobs, so take some time off from creating content. it's almost insulting to other people also struggling with mental health and who are preparing to have a baby to be acting like this, when they keep up their normal jobs anyways. of course everyone's different, but this has been an ongoing issue for several years now. obviously something else is the problem. don't make broken promises time and time again and make changes to the schedule to adapt do your lack of work, only to make changes to THAT schedule because you STILL didn't do the work. it's so frustrating at this point


you can’t possibly be telling us to “be cool dudes”… we paid for a service. a PROMISED service. again, things went to shit. this has been going on for years now, we HAVE been cool about it until now. this is ridiculous. like idk what world u live in where ur fine with people taking your money and taking advantage of u but i’m not cool with that thanks😐


PD, respectfully, you need to address all these comments. Going radio silent and dropping a few pieces of content isn't going to make any of us feel better. Responding with a long video discussing your bad mental health while taking no accountability and making false promises is also not gonna make anyone feel better. Please, just make a statement, one with honesty where you address all of our concerns. I've read through just about everything and here is a list of the top ones I've seen: 1. In November you took time off, saying it was because you were prefilming things for December and that the month would go smoothly. What happened to that? 2. Prices are too high for the issues you've been having. Especially since the reason you initially upped prices was to cover Vimeo costs (Vimeo is a video hosting site for people that don't know) but the thing is you don't even use Vimeo anymore. Why is it so high then? Also keep in mind conversion rates, and that people in other countries are paying a huge amount proportionate to others. 3. Change the billing cycle. Why charge everyone on the 1st? You used to have it differently, where whenever you joined you would have 30 days from that date to have access to the content. If you change it back so people get charged whenever they join then they can join when they know the content has already been released rather then working off an unstable schedule. It's unfair to force people to pay on the first if you promise content that is never done or if you push promised content to the next month. It is also unfair for the people that join in the middle of the month and have to pay on the 1st still, meaning they paid twice in the span of two weeks. 4. Whatever happened to the street team? Is that idea gone? 5. You need to fix the old links or have a centralized post redirecting people to what's available and what can be saved and what cannot. You said a few months ago you took time off to work on that. You never finished fixing the links or organizing things. What happened with that? 6. Someone else brought this idea up but why don't you just live stream your reactions? Live stream 3-4 days out of a week, for 4-6 hours. It's doable, gives you uninterrupted time to focus on videos, and you can knock out content fast. I guarantee you members of this community would be more than happy to keep tabs on what you react to with timestamps and then all you'd have to do is divide the VODs into the things you reacted to. You can then repost your reactions within a day or two for those that miss the livestream. That way you can also talk with your fans and it'd make everyone feel heard. I highly recommend this format, because frankly you need a new business model because the one you have is not sustainable.


damn, reading through this just highlights all the inconsistencies in just about everything he told us. i’m actually upset.


There are more, but those are the top ones I saw. I've been a supporter on and off for years so I've seen him through several periods of this Patreon (he actually used to do livestreams btw, and they were super cool when it was consistent). I feel like most people have been bothered for awhile but now everyone is finally vocalizing it. I'm not as angry as I am disappointed. And even if he makes a video discussing his worsening mental health, I really don't think he'll address how his actions affect us, the people that have been supporting him for years. That's what bothers me the most, where he minimizes the impact his actions have on others and only focuses on himself. The thing is too that this isn't a charity, it's a business relationship where we pay to get the product we wanted. And I think because PD has been so vocal about their mental health struggles people became attached and more lenient on him. If this was any other reactor I guarantee most people would've stopped supporting months or years ago, but the vulnerability he had was sort of weaponized against us as a constant excuse for constant disappointments, whether he was aware of that or if it's subconcious.


guys limits. some comments are getting out of hand. cursing people who have nothing to do with this won't solve anything

Sami Casingal

I definitely understand that and have noticed that. But I’ve also noticed Blaire has gotten better contributing new or more to their conversations. So while you have your own opinion, maybe don’t be so straightforward with the wording as what you put sounds borderline rude almost (at least to me, idk what anyone else thinks). You should still at least mention the improvements on her part because that isn’t worth glossing over only to criticize and throw hate on her just because her reactions aren’t on the same level. Also, I’m sure you’ve realized that PD’s reactions are a step above pretty much most, if not all, reactors out there so going in, there would be that difference in quality and you also can’t forget the fact that PD has been reacting for years and has admirable skill going in depth and breaking things down in such an amazing way


this isn’t really a critique, just a question for clarification - was it not said that the November hiatus was to pre-film December content, or did i remember that wrong? I guess im just confused about why, whenever it’s said that a time period is being used to pre-film, videos after that point still aren’t consistent. Nonetheless i also want to say to people leaving comments that are blurring the lines between critique and hate to be more mindful - being mean and insinuating bad things about their personal lives / abilities is grossly inappropriate and not at all justified just because you’re frustrated!!


PD really need to address these issues, most of these are not even related to the delayed schedule. Now that you pointed out it does feel like he's overcharging us and taking advantage lol

Violet Joo

I really agree with the livestream reactions. It will help get an stable schedule with an appropiate amount of content. I remember back in the days PD livestreamed, people were really happy with the content. Sometimes it got way longer because of how excited everyone felt but still it was a very good format. One week was only BG and the other was GG. Sometimes there were complains because PD would react only to some big groups but I think that could be manage in some way that everyone has a little bit of something. Plus 4 hours a day is not that much.


i believe one of the biggest problems is that this community clearly doesn't have much, if any, trust or faith left... that's something you're going to have to work to build back. i truly wish you the best.


Sigh. I'm getting really tired of all these delays. I subscribed to PD because I genuinely love their reactions on K-pop videos. They are insightful and come from the perspective of someone who is both a kpop fan and also a producer. Additionally, I've always admired PD for always telling us the blunt truth; if they don't like something they will say it. When I first subscribed to PD on YT, I remember that their videos came out relatively fast. If a MV came out, then the reaction would come out relatively fast. Often a few days later. I decided that I wanted to watch some more reaction videos and subscribed to the Patreon. But now I am left feeling disappointed. Nothing is ever on time and it feels like I wait months and weeks for certain things to be reacted to. For example, Kiss of Life. We waited 2 months for a reaction and within those two months, many people told you to please react to all the MVs in order so you understand the music video of Shhh better. Yeah... that never happened. The amount of comments you get about this too is ridiculous and I feel like you guys do not listen to us. *Every time I comment, I feel as if I am saying something into a void where no one can ever hear me. It is so frustrating.* We have been so supportive of PD and their mental health, but I just cannot take it seriously anymore when it's constantly being used as an excuse. A lot of us have mental health issues too. We don't have a choice, but to work. You on the other hand PD have the luxury of being a content creator. This job is a luxury because, although I can recognize how it CAN be hard, it is still a luxury and privilege. I don't want to stop supporting PD, but this is getting so ridiculous. I can't even imagine how the YT community feel given that they are given ZERO updates.

Violet Joo

PD I know it must be a scary to read all these comments but I really think you should give an update. It may seem that everyone was so supportive and suddenly they are not BUT this has come a long way. People are really concern about your bad habits and the way you are running this patreon. We are frustrated that you seem to get in your own way. We give you so many alternatives and so many other options and at the end of the day you don't seem to get any of them. There is just so much people can take and then just get tired of it and explode. Giving false promises, saying you will change and get help is really not an excuse anymore and people are getting fed up. Get things together, maybe refund this month take a break to reset your schedule and your patreon. Take the time to really think for the future of your family and this patreon. I don't think people will still support you next year if things stay the same way. You really need a major reset in your patreon.

Sami Casingal

Almost 200 comments and not a word. Let’s reach the goal of 200 guys and set the next goal afterwards 😔


I just wanna clarify I am NOT doubting PD and Blaire’s abilities as parents, as that would be way out of line for me to comment on. I am stating that PD really needs to get his shit together in terms of himself and his job, hence why I put “EXPECT to raise” and not “you won’t be able to raise”. You have a wonderful mind and heart PD, it’s just a matter of reflecting on yourself and where you’re at, and essentially improving it. I’m just being realistic here because smothering PD with kind words has not worked in the past and ultimately, reassures him that being late and ghosting us is okay. Please look around you and recognize that we are not children anymore, we need to just deal with things sometimes. We all have bad days and we all have to man up, put on a brave face, and go do whatever we need to survive. This is your source of income to live, please treat it seriously like one. Again, my apologies if my comment is overly harsh, but imo the harshest words come from those with the most love. We support you PD and only want you to improve, that’s why we are so vocal with our concerns.

Nell ♡

ik this is my second comment here but i realized that there were more things that i needed to say after watching pd for more than 2 years. i started watching his videos during covid and a few months after i subscribe to his patreon because i genuinely relate to pd's ideas and insights and wanted to support him so i could see more of it. for the past year and a half ive seen more excuses on this page than i have anywhere else. im not saying you dont have any serious issues going on. but its been going on for so long you need to figure out a way to work through it. just saying you mental health took a hit and not taking accountability for all the commitments you made is making people feel cheated. its been almost a whole day and theres no way you and blaire dont know whats going on. not responding for so long is just making everything worse. the very least you can do is let people know that you are reading everyone's comments and are going to come up with a plan that actually works. by the looks of it i thi k you need to cut diwn on variety shows and at least 1 or 2 anime and drama club because the main content which is supposed to be kpop mvs and albums is being pushed back months after its release when all the intrest around it has died down. instead of doing every episode of variety shws i think doing most requested episodes would work better till you guys get it together. i feel like you guys have lost sight of what people are actually here for. there are many people with mental illnesses that completely take over there day to day life (me included) but we dont have the luxury to say "oh i can't work today let me do it next month" we have to find a way to live with it and so do you because at the end of the day this is a business which you get paid by. i truly do want to keep supporting you but we are tired of asking for the bare minimum. which is literally keep up with the commitments you make. get it together please!!


PD and Blaire please respond us with something an alternative anything, I really hope you guys can post everything by the 25th.


No comment or post regarding almost 200 comments. Maybe putting the patreon itself at stake would deem them to view it more like a business like they proclaimed. Seems that's the only way to reach PD now, by threatening the termination or suspension of his patreon.


hi totally off topic but I love that pic of Gunwook, it's so cute and his snorlax pajamas are adorable


As many others have said before me I truly enjoy your reactions and look forwards to watching things as they drop. I know it is probably rough reading all these comments but I think this feedback is a long time coming. I read somewhere in these comments that your lack of posts/excuses/promises/no follow up/miscommunication etc and then blaming it on various issues (mental health, risk of self harm, family issues) is like being in an emotionally manipulative relationship. Yes, we care for you and will support you but how many months should we donate money and then not get what was promised in return? It was very frustrating last week to be getting all these updates that things were being pushed back but would be posted and then those dates not being held to. Also, we all love artists but to say you couldn’t post because an album made you sad and all you wanted to do was cry and listen to it was such a crazy excuse. - please decide what course of action you would like to take with your life whether that be producing or making a group or moving or any of the other things you have told us. I have unsubscribed not as a punishment to you but it just doesn’t make sense for me to continue to spend my money on something stressful when this is supposed to be a relaxing space.

Nell ♡

literally the very least you guys can do is let ys know that you're aware of what is going on because now it feels like we're taking to a wall. its been over 24 hours you guys . ik you're getting all the notifs from email and patreon itself. its almost making it look like you guys just want us to yap about everything alone and cone back when everything is calmed down


I dont understand why we have to wait AGAIN for the drops? they will be posted before the 25th, Yes, but at the very least start dropping SOMETHING to show that there is care towards the people paying for your content. How is it possible that even after this update 24 hours later nothing is being uploaded or anything? I totally get mental health can be a struggle but postponing things can only make it worse and it feels like this is the case of it.

Nell ♡

fr. like not being able to do his job as promised bc something made him sad was an excuse so insane that im literally not sure why he's running this patreon in the first place


It is truly upsetting and unsettling to read through these comments. I read through perhaps around 50-100 of them just now over the last hour, and felt pretty emotionally affected personally. PD and Blaire, while I do understand it must be even more time and emotional consuming to read these comments, I still hope you can face them directly and really address the things people mentioned. The reason I spent an hour reading these comments are because almost all of them are well grounded and practically reasonable. People spent considerable time (not even paid for) to share feelings, provide rationale analysis for why it has not worked out lately, and even proposed a variety of solutions to the problem at hand. The 200 comments probably took all of us days worth of time to type up collectively. Regardless of the mental stage, even a one sentence simple acknowledgment post to acknowledge the comments and say you are figuring out the best course of remedy would take 1 minute, and be the bare minimum to equate the 40 + hours of commenting and god knows how much money we paid. I am also a full grown working adult who is probably older than both of you. At work, we always say feedback is a gift. Please do consider all these 200 comments as gifts that your audiences have spent effort to give you, instead of attacks or criticism. I can assure you that although we are upset in these comments, most of them are truly written in factual, objective, actionable, concrete fashion which the best constructive feedback can be in.


(adding on to my previous comment) mental health struggles are completely valid. but people are using their own money to support you, & constantly using your mental health as the reason they aren't getting what they paid for... it makes people feel guilty for giving any kind of valid criticism. that's totally unfair. i'm sure that none of us want you to sacrifice your health for this job... that's exactly why it's your responsibility to really consider what you can handle before overpromising on things that people are paying for. you have a huge following & when i compare the way this community is treated to how other smaller creators i follow treat theirs, i think you really take this all for granted a little bit.


I hate to add to all these comments because I'm pretty much reiterating what has already been said. I hope you are not perceiving these comments all as 'hate', but understand where our criticisms and frustration come from. We're frustrated because we genuinely enjoy your reactions and thoughts about the groups/dramas that we like and we contribute our money because certain content was promised. A change like removing the deadline schedule is probably more feasible in the long-term but I wish it had come at the start of next month and not mid-month when most people have already paid and are still awaiting the content that they signed up for. Anyway, I hope you guys find the change works out better for your physical and mental health and lifestyle!

Nell ♡

we are genuinely not trying to hate here but are trying make you understand how frustrating it is to keep hoing on like this there is only so many times we can be understanding when we are using our own hard earned money to support you. there us only so much we tolerate because we like you're reactions. please take accountability


I certainly agree with what people have been saying with the pricing: A flexible schedule is fine, but I think its only fair to then allow flexibility with the subscription renewal timings as a compromise, instead of just charging on the 1st of the month for everyone. It is a bit odd to ask for flexibility without changing the rigid memberships.


That's what I was thinking too. The amount of comments (most being constructive and offering solutions) is showing PD just how much people care about him and his work. If we all disliked him we would've just left, not leave long comments talking about our feelings and what could be done for the future of this Patreon. This just shows a lot of us are still invested and care for PD and the Patreon in general. I really hope he digests this feedback, understands it's coming from a place of frustration from people who genuinely care, and then make changes. The opposite of love is not hate but indifference, and I think people not being indifferent is a sign of their investment in everything.


Ok now what is going on? Uploading us whats going on is not that hard to do? Please


It really has been frustrating 🥲 coming home from a long day and getting really excited to watch PDs content only to realize there has been delays… i am no longer working full time as i started school again and i really question myself if i should spend the money on this patreon or not (roughly 31$ CAD, autumn tier) but in the end i always decide to, cause that just how much i enjoy watching PD and Blaire’s reaction. I understand that filming the content and posting it the same day could be tough as things can happen in life without us wanting it. I’m not sure if this could be a solution. But i really think you should consider taking a full month break from patreon (or however long you’d like) just to film content ahead. For example, if this month’s content was already filmed last month, that means you can focus filming for the next month ahead. That way you can curate a schedule that is guaranteed with content you have already filmed. That also means, if something were to happen during a filming day, then it wouldn’t really affect the schedule as its release day is in a month. If everything is prefilmed a month ahead, then nothing will be delayed or missing. Of course, i get that this might not be possible if you’re dependent on each monthly patreon income, but i still wanted to throw it out there. After this month, i hope you guys can think it through and create a feasible plan. Something that could address and fix everyone’s concerns as much as possible. Just like many others have said, I hope PD doesn’t take all of these comments as hate. It’s because we care that we are voicing out our frustrations with you and truly hope there could be changes for the better!

Ezra mooneyham

God this is so hard heartbreaking to see this play out, even though I felt it coming. I'm really struggling right now because I'm really really empathetic to your situation PD. I have severe ADHD and just recently got diagnosed with autism. I have really bad executive dysfunction issues and a processing disorder. Working is difficult. Eating is difficult. Hygiene is difficult. Any type of schedule or routine is difficult. I relate to that. Not sure if it's the same for you, but if it is then I really feel the struggle you go through. I tried so long to function just like everyone, to be "normal". I thought if I just tried harder, told myself to be stronger, that I could "fix" myself as long as I kept pushing forward. But by doing that I was not only shaming myself by believing there was something wrong with me, but I was also neglectly myself entirely. I ended up breaking down and had to take a year off college and work. I was lucky to have a parent who was willing to help me BUT only if I got professional help, which I did. It's not your fault that you struggle with your mental health PD, I hope you know that. You can't control it. But it IS your responsibility to manage and cope with it. This is something that I really had to change my mindset on. If you're mental health is affecting your daily life to the point where you are not functioning on at level that is healthy for you, then it is on you to seek that help and try to work through some of your struggles. You owe that to yourself more than anyone. You truly are the only one getting in the way of your own success. There's nothing wrong with needing to get help or struggling with things other may not struggle with. The issue is trying to force something that can't be forced and letting yourself down as well as others, and instead of trying to break the cycle and find what works for YOU, it just keeps repeating. Sometimes you have to approach things differently in order to get them done, and that's okay. But it's up to you to be self aware enough to know what you are able to do and what you are not able to do. Unfortunately, no one else can do that for you. I don't think people are upset with you because you struggle with your mental health and that of course, will sometimes effect your daily life, it's more the frustration that nothing is being done to improve it. Or at least that is how it seems. This is really really hard for me to speak on because I know how crushing the self hatred, guilt, and disappointment is. The hopelessness of it all can feel suffocating. But it doesn't HAVE to be that way PD. Life doesn't HAVE to be this hard. We don't HAVE to struggle so hard everyday. There are ways to ease that burden. But it's ultimately up to reach out for that support and guidance. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to enjoy life. You deserve to actually LIVE your life instead of trying to survive. Maybe I just care a little too much, but this is so sad to see. I really hope you read this PD and know that we really see you, we hear you, and we care for you.

Ebony Coco

They took November off to do your idea of filming a month ahead, and you see how that turned out. The issue isn't the schedule. The issue is procrastination and not wanting to/being unable to work, and regardless of the reason, at some point it reaches the point of being unacceptable. I've had to learn that myself the hard way, so I get how difficult it can be to overcome that and get out of that pattern of, quite frankly, lacking discipline, but even though it's hard to overcome, it must be done because people can only be patient with you for so long. PD has burned so many people with their promises to film ahead, only for it to later be obvious that they didn't, that I don't think many people will trust them doing your idea again because they've attempted the exact same idea (as well as other similar ones), and each time the result was basically the same: What we're experiencing now. Content that was supposed to have been filmed ahead actually wasn't until it piled up so much it became too overwhelming for them to film/too daunting of a task for them to tackle, so bit-by-bit they cut stuff down until they eventually just give up trying to provide the content promised.


I would also like to add on. I don’t know if it’s possible, but please consider taking a break just for your mental health if needed! I think it’s better that you take a break then go on with the monthly schedule that doesn’t meet what was promised. This might take a huge toll on your patreon audience and income but i think this is something that has to be done so that in the long run, it will be beneficial not only for us but you as well! It sucks that this is what the situation has become but just know that we don’t fault you for having mental health struggles. None of us would ever wish for a person to go through them.

mistywolf the dragon rider

I 100% agree with what you said. I'm also in a very similar situation, just decided to take a break from college and started therapy. It can be easier to just give up on yourself and not believe that you have the ability to make change in your life. But it will end up hurting yourself and everyone around you more in the long term. I still feel like a failure/burden at times but I know that I'm at least trying to change. And I also know that it takes time to build up trust in yourself and trust from other people as well. So I hope PD really takes this seriously and realizes that for change to happen, you really have to put in the effort to seek out help and take control back of your own life.

Ezra mooneyham

Yes, exactly! Giving up and blaming yourself is easier but it actually just causes more damage. I relate so hard to feeling like a failure and a burden to others. It's really difficult to break free from that. I know I definitely still feel that way everyday lol. It took me breaking down completely to admit that I needed help because I thought by admitting it then that would automatically make me unworthy and a bad person. But at the end of the day, I'm really just doing myself a disservice. By getting help I have been able to make my life so much easier. Going back to my original comment where I said sometimes you just have to approach things differently than others, an example of that for me is because of my processing disorder I'm not able to follow verbal instructions or even understand them. They need to be written out for me where I can go back and keeping checking. Otherwise, I won't be able to do anything. My brain works different than others, and that's okay. I have to wear glasses and ear plugs for some of my sensory issues but it's worth it. Life really can be peaceful but you gotta find your own personalized way of living you know? I hope we all can find that in life.

mistywolf the dragon rider

Absolutely. I have such a hard time asking for help too, but I have different needs than other people and that's ok. Struggling with things doesn't make you a bad person, you just have to figure out what works for you as you said. At the end of the day we all jsut want to be happy <3


I think what ultimately was the problem was, a post a couple months back they said they were trying to break the cycle and start a new routine.. but decided to take a break in November. How are you gonna build new habits and stop old ones during a break.. isn't consistency key?

Ezra mooneyham

I'm in no way defending PD. Just simply saying its hard to watch, even if it's justified. I have followed PD for many years so it's just heartbreaking to see everything fall apart finally.


100%. one of the biggest shifts for me as far as mental health goes, even though i’m still struggling with it big time, was the realization that i just kinda have to put on my big boss pants and deal with it. the world won’t stop for me, and it’s not other people’s responsibility to adapt around my struggles. it sucks, but you just kinda have to come to terms with it at some point

Bright G

I'm the one who suggested both the livestream and two posts containing: (1) centralized location of hyperlinks of what has been updated (behind a paywall) and (2) a public post with a link to google sheet of what has been updated (no hyperlinks), needs to be updated (w/ estimated timeline) and what has been lost. I just wanted to reiterate than if they do stream and upload VODs, try to do it using 1 post containing 1 VOD only (break it into two links/files if it's too long). It's not a good idea to have them cut them down 1 long stream VOD to specific groups and posting separate posts - it is going to bog them down and it won't end up happening; it's also guaranteed some posts/reactions will be missed and it won't be fixed. 1 VOD paywall post per stream is enough - people can just parse through the timestamps for the reaction they want. Note: Both livestreaming and centralized list of re-uploaded videos is just a quick fix to show accountability - they can fix and reorganize the patreon later or pass the responsibility on to the street team if that ever happens. We just need a quick bandage to stop the bleeding, allay people's concerns, and get PD into a rhythm of regular uploads. And I think streaming and uploading 1 VOD per stream is doable. Once they get used to the cadence, they can build up a passable foundation and add little fixes bit by bit.


Same, I'm also here for the enhypen content. I truly hope he does upload the reactions by the 25th


THIS! I remember them removing the LPs from the spring tier because it wasn't profitable since it was hosted on vimeo. Now what? As someone who's service is greatly hinged on his reputation he should be doing more to be more transparent. Where does that extra money go? How do hosting costs work on bunny? Since all of the recent videos are on patreon and all the other links are broken, whats the excuse there????


and still nothing. bc what was i even expecting tbh


It's been heartbreaking to read through the comments, I only recently resubscribed to PD due to ups and downs in my financial situation, and I don't want to add on to the train as I think people have already voiced their frustrations pretty succinctly. Instead, I will say something coming from a person whose job it has been supporting artists, directors, and writers: I'm very doubtful of this new strategy moving forward. I've worked in tv production for over 7 years, both remotely and in office, and there were directors I could trust to stay on schedule and there were those I would need to check in with every morning, afternoon, and evening and schedule their calendar down to the minute for. Nothing good ever comes from reducing structure in a production pipeline if there's no proven track record of trust to meet deadlines. I know you mentioned a street team, but honestly, you seem to need a line producer or production manager more than anything. I understand that Blaire takes a role in that, but I feel like if you consider this to be a business, having someone whose job it is to set a schedule and keep you on it, with less personal feelings in the matter would help you immensely. And I don't mean a schedule of content, I mean an actual production schedule of completing the content. At the end of the day, it is a job, and someone less attached who clocks in and whose entire job is to deal with the deadlines, the upload management, and general efficiency of the channel would reduce a lot of the stress on you and Blaire if you commit to trusting that person to do their job. And don't take this the wrong way, I'm not saying you need a drill sergeant to keep you in check, LPs and PMs are extremely adaptive to the needs of the director, and every production I've been on has had a different process because it was a different show with different people. There's a reason why there's one on every large scale production and its not due to lack of belief in the director to run the show. So if you truly want to run this like an entertainment company, that is where I'd start. Otherwise, this new approach seems very unprofessional and ambiguous, so I'll probably pause my subscription for a bit to see how it pans out. Wish you all the best.

laura ramirez

Y'all really have the nerve to say "if any of you want a refund" omfg,.of course most of us want one...this is so disappointing but not surprising at all


damn i remember canceling my membership months ago to a similar excuse, i thought maybe u guys got your shit together and finally rejoin the patreon just to find ya'll haven't change.

Thabit Ayob

I also thought about the one month filming ahead. But it turned out that was actually the plan that failed and resulted in this situation. So idk what to suggest at this point. He needs to find the solution himself

Winter Rian ~

The thing here is its indeed totally doable because I've been subscribed to channels here on patreon before that are also doing reaction content as their main source of income while having to take care of their newborn. But they have a set working schedule where the reactor is working on reactions while the mother is taking care of the baby. And the privilege of this job is that you can always pause the recording and go help and continue your reaction after. It's very flexible in that regard. It basically just means that Blaire can't be in reactions anymore unless the newborn is fast asleep. The big difference is though that these creators also employ several people/cutters who take care of all the bare reaction footage, cut it, and then schedule it for release. It's all perfectly planned so that the focus can be entirely on the recording/reaction part and many organisational tasks are being delegated to other people. They have a daily upload schedule with several videos for different tiers, and an entire discord server that's well structured and connected to the patreon itself. (That's also what's missing here. Discord can be such a simple and effective tool. The form of therapy discord is completely in the mud) What I'm saying is, that if it's not possible to manage a newborn while doing this job then it's solely because pd and blaire themselves and the way they doing this business.

Winter Rian ~

it's really a neverending story. It's been like that for several years unfortunately, no joke.

Thabit Ayob

Reading the comments i can summarize it into: 1. People do like the reactions of both PD and blaire hence why we're paying such a high price compared to other creators So please don't take the comments as hate, but as a wake up call that even if prople like you, they're still expecting the thing they like from you. 2. People are tired of the multiple promises that change every time 3. There's a big issue that should addressed very deeply about the root cause of the procrastination that you're doing all the time. The solution should come from you. 4. People are tired from excuses, we've been here for years, so we've already seen this same drama happening couple of times already. You shoukd break the cycle. 5. The prices are too high. There should be a discussion in terms of the tiers. There are people who are interested only in kpop, and those only in drama and anime club. The autumn tied is too expensive to get only one of those for 30 bucks. You should consider making the prices lower as it's too much. 6. The cycle of billing is a Bit ridiculous if we're getting content by the end of the month repeatedly (not just this one), there should be a possibility to restart the billjng from the day of subscription not first day of the month so that we can enjoy thr content when we can not have 5 days to bjnge watch all content.

Thabit Ayob

Summary of comments: 1. Fans appreciate PD and Blaire's reactions, but the high cost compared to other creators is a concern. 2. Frustration with changing promises and a call for addressing the root cause of procrastination. 3. Request for a deeper discussion on tier prices, considering preferences for specific content types. 4. Fatigue with excuses and a plea to break the cycle of repeated drama. 5. High prices criticized, suggesting lower tiers for specific interests and more flexibility in billing cycles for better content enjoyment.


the fact that it’s a whole DAY and there’s no response or uploads 😵‍💫 i know that ppl have already talked about the prices but here in aus, I’m paying around $35 just to watch 3 weeks worth of content yet something always gets delayed until the end of the month (or it even gets pushed to the second week of the next month) Mental and physical health is something you should always put first, however this happens nearly every month and it’s v unfair for patrons. That’s all I have to say 🙏

Thabit Ayob

I honestly was afraid these comments would be tood harsh on PD and blaire and they would feel some kind of way. I was even the one who suggested taking the last week off without wifi to rest and be able to film everything this week since it would be still like 2 weeks worth of content. However i must admit, that i kind of feel relieved reading some of these comments. I realized i do have the right to be mad about the situation and vocalize it. I do have the right to ask for a better service that I'm paying a lot of money for (autumn tier). I do have the righ to to complain, it doesn't mean i hate you, rather the opposite. I do have the right to feel manipulated into letting you take money for no reaction, rather just couple of posts every week about your mental health taking a toll and kind of gaslighting me into thinking i shouldn't add to your struggle even though i paid.

Aiz (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 00:20:16 As we go onto what's Day 3 of radio silence I do sincerely hope you won't do what has happened before - a delayed response video and then another break to recalibrate where the promised content won't be posted until the next month or the month after. I can't say anything that hasn't been said yet, but at my day job I deal with reputational crises and media/comms and...yeah this is a nightmare. Like many others, its becoming very clear to me that you aren't acknowledging the privilege at play here - not to sound cold but we are essentially people who pay for services, and I can't imagine treating any of the clients/people I work with like this. Please at the very least acknowledge that you've heard us, and then post the content, or have it up for public viewing if you go past the 31st, as I understand it may be difficult to sit down and enjoy content right now. Please try options like getting a team of external professionals, even short term, to do the archiving and fixing of broken links and other managerial tasks to hold you accountable. Please have it pinned/in the banner that so many of the links are broken. I also request transparency on the tier prices - wasn't the initial reason the prices increased and the spring tier became a support tier because vimeo hosting charges were through the roof? You no longer host any of your videos on vimeo, and a large percentage of the older video links are broken. I know some people have had their refund requests not go through. Surely there's a better system for this if the root cause of needing these refunds (i.e. the schedule and delays) can't be fixed right now - changing the subscription system, a google form to have the refund requests in one place, something, anything? Ultimately it's extremely unfair to all of us and I hope you take the time to do what's right. Maybe I'll check back in a few months - I really wish you all the best.
2023-12-21 10:19:45 As we go onto what's Day 3 of radio silence I do sincerely hope you won't do what has happened before - a delayed response video and then another break to recalibrate where the promised content won't be posted until the next month or the month after. I can't say anything that hasn't been said yet, but at my day job I deal with reputational crises and media/comms and...yeah this is a nightmare. Not to sound cold but we are essentially people who pay for services, and I can't imagine treating any of the clients/people I work with like this. Please at the very least acknowledge that you've heard us, and then post the content, or have it up for public viewing if you go past the 31st, as I understand it may be difficult to sit down and enjoy content right now. Please try options like getting a team of external professionals, even short term, to do the archiving and fixing of broken links and other managerial tasks to hold you accountable. Please have it pinned/in the banner that so many of the links are broken. I also request transparency on the tier prices - wasn't the initial reason the prices increased and the spring tier became a support tier because vimeo hosting charges were through the roof? You no longer host any of your videos on vimeo, and a large percentage of the older video links are broken. I know some people have had their refund requests not go through. Surely there's a better system for this if the root cause of needing these refunds (i.e. the schedule and delays) can't be fixed right now - changing the subscription system, a google form to have the refund requests in one place, something, anything? Ultimately it's extremely unfair to all of us and I hope you take the time to do what's right. Maybe I'll check back in a few months - I really wish you all the best.

As we go onto what's Day 3 of radio silence I do sincerely hope you won't do what has happened before - a delayed response video and then another break to recalibrate where the promised content won't be posted until the next month or the month after. I can't say anything that hasn't been said yet, but at my day job I deal with reputational crises and media/comms and...yeah this is a nightmare. Not to sound cold but we are essentially people who pay for services, and I can't imagine treating any of the clients/people I work with like this. Please at the very least acknowledge that you've heard us, and then post the content, or have it up for public viewing if you go past the 31st, as I understand it may be difficult to sit down and enjoy content right now. Please try options like getting a team of external professionals, even short term, to do the archiving and fixing of broken links and other managerial tasks to hold you accountable. Please have it pinned/in the banner that so many of the links are broken. I also request transparency on the tier prices - wasn't the initial reason the prices increased and the spring tier became a support tier because vimeo hosting charges were through the roof? You no longer host any of your videos on vimeo, and a large percentage of the older video links are broken. I know some people have had their refund requests not go through. Surely there's a better system for this if the root cause of needing these refunds (i.e. the schedule and delays) can't be fixed right now - changing the subscription system, a google form to have the refund requests in one place, something, anything? Ultimately it's extremely unfair to all of us and I hope you take the time to do what's right. Maybe I'll check back in a few months - I really wish you all the best.


Pls give us an update… at this point even the ones who were still going to continue to support you will leave … this situation could’ve been handled like days ago if you’ve just addressed the issue instead of hiding behind Blaire and your excuses.,.


I know the comments will be overwhelming, but I’d just like to say 2 things: 1) the comments are valid, and the frustrations of patrons must be taken into account and worked on for this platform to exist 2) the reason a lot of us are frustrated is because we love and enjoy the content you do put out, and value PD & Blaire so much that we want to still be able to support you guys and get your reactions. I hope you take everything on board and don’t get disheartened - there are so many comments because so many people enjoy what you make.

Luxia Scarlet

I'm guessing another long apology video is coming after probably a week of radio silence until the end of December subscription, probably only those who stay will actually get it, starting to feel like gaslighting to be honest. It's like if Netflix promises there will be certain shows, releasing previews and date of release but suddenly cancelled all of them, saying hey, sorry, our team has been dealing with some health issues, but still keep charging for the service and asking the subscribers to understand and support them. They said refund is available, but I have been applying for them since 2 years go whenever they said "we'd be glad to refund if you're not ok with this". Never even gotten a response back in 2 years! I still subscribed because I would like to give them another chance but I don't know anymore...

Céline Verhaeghe

I've actually debated a while if I wanted to add my comment as well, since there are a lot of them and I'm not even sure if you guys would go through every single one them and read them. But know they are valid and things does need to change. Most of us are longtime subscribers and we have been through a lot. I think its for most of us the it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. What I think you (PD) need to do, is figure out the reason why this keeps happening, I do think it is something mentally/personally and until you figure this out, It will keep happening. So it might be helpful to go through you patreon from the beginning to see why I was working in the beginning and how you felt doing them. If you figure where the change started happening and you can figure out why, that's where you can go move on and find a solution. It might mean to go to a therapist that you feel comfortable and stick with it. It will help the channel a lot, if you look deep down in yourself and find the reason why everything keeps spiralling down. And it will help to keep you're promises to us. Another point I want to make is giving us silent radio silence is kinda a toxic trait. Communication is slowly getting better, but it would also be better not to promise things, that won't come through. But also we get an update and then nothing for a while and then apologize for it, isn't working, now is it. I'm also that kinda person that goes silent when things happen in my life personally, but I learned that others don't know that and will think you don't like them anymore or that something happened to you, that kinda thing. It might just be better to just say something short to us, just to know you're alive. We don't always need to know why/what happened and you saying it won't happen again, cuz clearly we know that is not the thruth. And lastly, don't put the blame on others. It is you're patreon, not that of blair or the others that are working in behind the scenes. It is your responsibility and blaming others won't work anymore, because we heard this last year and yet here we are again. I truelly think everything has to start with yourself and if you can manage yourself, than you can start looking at others. I hope i was able to get my point across, english isn't my main language so there might be errors, but I did my best. And i hope it helped you guys in some kind of way

Thabit Ayob

I do have to agree with your last point abiut not blaming others, blaire or his team. I felt multiple times that there was always harsh take from him towards them whenever there was an issue and he blames it sometimes on them publicly and says he'll make sure that they get better, in sometimes a weird not very friendly tone honestly. But i always think they're probably used to that kind of communication in both ways so it's their business, literally. However whenever it's something related to him not filming at all, he keeps playing the mental health card to discsrd any responsibility and we feel bad for him


I hope you guys are okay, I understand these comments must be overwhelming, especially the ones that are taking it a little far. But they are all valid concerns. I hope you understand this comes from a place of genuinely loving your content and wanting to support you making a career out of it. But as a consumer, I can no longer justify paying for content I’m not receiving. I hope you’re well, and I really hope you find a way to make this work if you’re still passionate about it. I might check back in the future to see how everything works out but if theres really no content for the entirety of December, that might be my last straw. Wishing you the best, I really genuinely hope you find a way to make this work.


Why is this comment so funny 😭 like the comment section in an MV...let's reach 300 guys we can do it!🎉 Ty for making me laugh lol

Sami Casingal

Np 😂😭. It’s just gotten so bad, it’s sometimes funny to think about it


Pathological liar! Been following for 5-6 years and always making excuses, wifi not working, mental health, etc. Always rolled my eyes at how easily people believed this bs. Always trying to get sympathy for monetary gains, very despicable and shows the true character.


Due to my personal life I haven’t checked in on the patreon in about a week and came back to all this. I’m not that shocked but just saddened by this. I’ve been an on/off patreon subscriber for a few years now and viewer for longer. I’m aware both PD and Blaire are dealing with mental health and a baby on the way. But I see that everyone’s main concern in correct. We were already on a thin layer of trust PD. We stuck through all the inconsistencies and major sudden changes because we care about you and the content. But it seems you’ve taken in for granted. At the end of the day we are paying consumers of the service you’re supposed to provide. I thought some big fixes were being made with the idea of the street team but it seems like you silently ghosted that idea like all your others that deal with helping get content out. I thought the team would be a good help especially with the baby coming and kids are huge part of you daily life. So I was hoping you guys understood that and wanted to have a working schedule before then. But the problem has gotten even worse. It seems you’re constantly counting on us all just forgiving and hopefully forgetting. But we haven’t we just didn’t want to rush into the conclusion that you weren’t changing. Personally, I genuinely hope you get back to us very quickly. That you at least take some major steps back and take each comment to heart as we all love the content we do actually get from you. I want better for you but it’s not going to happen until you get help with staying on schedule and being realistic with what you can do in regards to your on going mental health and future life changes with the baby. I’m staying till the end of the month to see if you will hear us out.




Like others have said, I hope this radio silence doesn't mean that the content is not coming out at all or will be postponed to next month and stuff like that. I am only on the lowest tier right now because I just wanted to support a little and come back next month due to my own personal reasons, so I wont be seeing it anyway, but for everyone who has paid all that money I hope they get what they were promised


I downgraded my tier to the support tier for like half a year after being a Patron for years, now I just upgraded again after seeing the YouTube releases and wanted to catch up on the content I missed during the last few months. Which I did and it reminded me why I love PD's content so much. I had a blast watching their aespa reactions and the Twice & Blackpink concert reactions got me through two very long and boring work days. However now I see this thread and it also reminds me of why I took a break from this Patreon to begin with, which is such a shame. I still love this channel and care about PD & Blaire, so I might just join every few months or once a year to catch up but I think this might be it for me as a long time regular Patron.


I hope this silence is because you guys are really busy recording. I hope that at least we receive everything that is on this month's schedule PD and Blaire if you guys need help with something to organize/edit anything just ask, many people here have offered help. we just want everything to work out


hoping that this gets addressed by the latest tomorrow. and that the content promised to us is put out despite everything because we’re owed at the very least that. and just as a suggestion if you guys are planning how to address this: please don’t make a video. at least for me whenever these update videos come out it’s much less accessible than just a post where things can be read quickly. i’m sure videos can come across more genuine in a way but most of us don’t want any fluff or personal anecdotes we just want an answer


I love this Patreon but as a new mum with a 6mo baby I’m really worried about you guys and what will happen to all this when you have a newborn. For your sakes I hope you organise this whole thing before they arrive and then you can take a long break, because a baby is a massive life adjustment and you will never be the same again, and there’s a good chance you won’t have time to organise all this from scratch any more. I don’t want to be a doom bringer, ofc I’m sure you’ll be fine, but I know I found the newborn phase really difficult and your videos got me through some tricky foggy mh times in those early days so I hope you can work it all out. Good luck


i really want you guys to find a long term solution to this long term that will also work when the baby arrives

Milli Mey

I rarely ever write negative comments on here but this is seriously too much. I am still subscribed because I just like your reactions that much but I agree with the others that you should reduce the prices if we have no guarantee that anything ever even comes out. And PLEASE if you write a schedule, only write down as much in as you know you can DEFINITELY put out. The December/January schedule had so many reactions that it was clear from the beginning you could never film that much with all your issues.


It’s unfortunate that if any new patrons wanted to join, this post is closed to the public, so they’d have no idea about the schedule changes.

Jasmine sumner

Welp no update post. I guess we'll be leaving in a train one by one. Had more of my internet friends leave too. By next week they'll be no one here cause I just don't think PDs the same person anymore. This patreon doesn't have thought or care anymore. I mean look at the yt this year. Like the people on that recent community post weren't happy. And they're right to complain. Sorry this sounds harsh but you PD left yt in the dark for ages. Can't even react to CBS. So many forgotten ones. Wayvs took a year nearly. So many legendary CBS not even reacted to. Patreons a huge dumpster fire now. Just a dumpster fire of excuses excuses excuses so you can rack in that money cause oh we'll forgive you cause your depressed. Well yeah aren't we all. But for us we can't just quit are job. We keep working. I lost my dad and still had to work that day he passed because if I lost my job I couldn't afford rent as I'm supporting my family and we would be on the streets. We all have to work. Yt is forgotten about. Why? Sorry if this sounds like the most brutal comment yet. But you PD were my everything. Rn I'm on benefits I'll admit. But it's because I'm physically unwell to work. I'm mostly in bed resting because of my health and the only thing I had was pds videos. It was the only excitement. Not to make this a sad sob story about my life. But since I lost my life I'm mostly indoors now and pds videos got me though all the pain. Pds videos and kpop were the only things getting me though the day. This sucks the way the patreon is. Now I just look at the blank screen knowing patreon will never be the same again. Even my mums upset as she hated kpop but would still watch PD with me as she knew how much he ment to me. Thank you for saving my life this year PD. I mean it. You did. But I can't continue to be on this patreon if things don't change. Writing this again as tbh I might leave. Never thought I'd say this but I can't afford to next month anyway as need it for emergency food stack. But I'll never forgot this patreon. All the memories. All the fun times and laughs. Even my mum would laugh at pds going seventeen reactions. Thank you for the amazing times pd but I'll be cancelling subscription on the 29th and will pop back here in February. If I get money from grandparents I might stay for the December drops if they come then I'm done for January. 😥


wasn’t intending on leaving because of this, but the radio silence is really convincing me to lmao


We're still waiting...

Alice Kim

There have been 23 “update on my condition” + “releasing tomorrow!” posts in this month alone. Don’t announce that you’ll release something tomorrow or next Monday if you won’t follow through. I think that to me has been the most expectation raising, and the most let-down when you check an update email only to see it’s pure text.

Alice Kim

Not to say the occasional update is unwanted, we love to hear how you and Blaire are doing and working on, but somehow you guys manage to say a lot without really telling us anything at all.


This situation is ridiculous and the worst of all is that after so much time the idea passes through my head that they are laughing at us... We all have a limit but I have already exceeded mine and I have unsubscribed, I'm sorry. Personally I think that you organize yourself poorly, you have many free days in which you could use a couple of hours to record (it is not mandatory to record everything the last day...) Of course, I think you are one of the best Kpop reactors and I really enjoyed this channel, thank you :)


I am staying for that one piece of content I want to see and then I am gone. This is getting ridiculous… If you want to handle your Patreon like this, feel free to do so. But not for the price you request.

Ra Oro

You clearly have not read the room with this happy go lucky response. We want to support but it’s getting very difficult to with the lack of content flow and new array of excuses that come Monthly


Not super angry just disappointed a little bit and also if you can't run a Patreon right than thinking of creating a group of your own in the future like you said probably wouldn't work out.

Winter Rian ~

I don't really like to make another comment here but somehing just came into my mind. Guys do you know what the funniest part of all this is? I just remembered the YT community being left in the dark completely for more than several months now, basically this entire year if we're being honest. With occasional video dumps while not adressing anything regarding all the concerns and unsatisfied people on their YT comments (the videos that were already uploaded HERE for months but they just procrastinated (surprise surprise) actually uploading them on YT) We basically saw it coming with how YT was being treated this year.


this, i harped on them for not updating YT and their audience satisfaction there plummeting, and i had a feeling it would eventually catch up to Patreon

Sami Casingal

There’s so many comments, the comment section is lagging every time I scroll down 😭


Commenting again since there is more silence. I'm not going to raise any new concerns or voice my thoughts on this whole situation because I have already done it, but I just wanted to point something out. This is more directed at PD, although I don't know whether they will read this, but I believe that part of the issue is just the amount of content you are expected and promising to react to. I don't mind the variety of reactions or the drama reactions etc. But sometimes I find you are reacting to SO many things at once, that there is no doubt that you're no longer able to keep up. This is because 1) there is just so much content to be watched, but most importantly 2) you get bored, feel pressured, and start to make yourself lose interest in what you are watching because you are forcing yourself to watch something. The only way I see this working out is if PD cuts down the amount of things that they react to. The things that do get cut out will make some people upset, but that is unfortunately the consequence of promising so much at once. You eventually let people down because you realize you can no longer keep up. It sucks because I really enjoy your reactions, PD, but something has to change. Whatever happened to find some people to help you balance things out? I reached out months ago and never got a response and it seems like no one else did. PD, you are biting off more than you chew.


endless cycle of finding "a new way of doing things" before getting a new one next week


We are 2 days later and yet nothing has dropped yet? Or any update regarding the close to 270ish comments... I just feel hopeless coming here hoping for a update and seeing nothing


Everyone, if you've ever requested a refund before, did you actually get a reply/your money back? Because I know for a fact that PD has said multiple times in the past that people could request a refund and so far I've only ever seen comments about how people never heard back after doing so. I just want to know how likely it is that people are actually getting their money back as promised this time. So if you've ever tried to get a refund it'd be awesome if you could just share real quick if you actually got it, a simple "yes" or "no" would be enough. Thanks in advance!


hi, another silent watcher until now, i guess. I read all those comments and I must agree on a lot of them. It's a neverending circle, I am not mad, but disappointed. You dont want to have a certain schedule? Fine by me, I am subscribed for the whole month, so if it's not for the last day of the month (for me middle of the night) I am ok with it, but please dont promise something else from now on. Also, for me, I see one big problem with binge-watching everything all at once. I can tell that when you are doing that, you are not enjoying it as much, you are tired, you just watch. And that's not what I want to watch either. I want you to react to something you find enjoyable and it will have your 100% focus. I already saw that with you a few times and I didn't enjoy it too. So now, I am afraid that I am not looking forward to new reactions anymore because 1. you will binge-watch everything and 2. you will be affected by all our comments. So for me now, I think there is no solution for me now. I hope that you and Blaire will be able to find the solutions soon you can do what you have been doing great for a long time now, it means being a fun and smart reactor and creator. Wish you the best! .-)


For anyone wondering, if you unsubscribe from this patreon you can still comment until the end of the month btw. Also, PD, I really hope when you do eventually respond you don't shift blame on others or Blaire in particular. She joined this for you and while she has been instructed by you to help, that doesn't mean this is her fault. This has been a deep rooted issue with you and you alone for years, even prior to Blaire joining. Also, don't put that stress on a pregnant woman who is already going to have to comfort you. Putting the responsibility on her is both unfair and cruel, she needs to focus on being healthy and not take the heat from 5,000 people about justifiable criticisms.


just a reminder the ateez listening parties are missing


you’ll have it all out by the 25th are the latest yet it’s been two days and nothing has been posted. this silence is getting ridiculous


We just need an update news


When they say it’ll be out by the 25th what they really mean is it’ll be out on 24th night 😂


And even that is looking unlikely at this point

Julia Guedes

Im just reading all the comments.. you guys suck! They are having a hard time and you all just keep being selfish, they said many times, if you are not satisfied just unsubscribe, don’t need those harsh words. God let’s be a little more human guys


we’ve been giving them chances for years. like actual years. people are trying to hold them accountable because most people don’t know the state of the channel until after they’ve already paid which is insane. sure people could put their money where their mouth is and just leave but pd should be held accountable for the way they’ve mislead people for this long.


we’ve been giving them chance after chance to get things together so now, yeah, people are fed up and have the right to be. it’s not us being selfish at all when it’s our money being put towards a specific service. god forbid we expect our money to go towards what we’re paying for


Ig he forgot that us patreons all came from YouTube 😂

Julia Guedes

I just think that that’s not the right way to deal with this! I’m not saying they didn’t do anything wrong, but a mass attack like this can’t do no good. They will just get worse and will be more difficult to record videos


there is no way you're saying we’re being selfish. we’ve been hanging on for the past year hoping pd sorts things out and carries out his promises. we paid for a service with our own money and this is yet again another instance of being taken advantage of. AND THEY ARENT ADDRESSING ANY OF IT. of course people are upset and are finally at their ends with this… like ofc this means so much to us, we all feel wronged.


well part of the problem Julia was the videos were supposed to be filmed already per PDs "promise" in an update a month ago.


what would you suggest we do? most of us are planning to leave now once December is over so now we’re simply commenting out of frustration. sure some of the comments are harsh but pd needs to wake up and realize that he’s essentially been screwing people over for years (2 years at the very least but probably closer to 3). if everyone just rolls over and doesn’t say anything obviously he won’t change how he runs the channel


so sorry they might be stressed over this but they don’t even film videos on time regardless. pd has gotten thousands and thousands of dollars from patrons over the past few years and for what?

Julia Guedes

I guess I can suggest you guys to cancel the subscription, check if can get a refund, of course you all can complain! It’s your right, but the majority are being too harsh!! Cant you guys see how words can affect someone?!! I’m sorry but no money it’s worth it!!


i guess that’s where we agree to disagree. don’t agree with people bashing them horribly, but there’s honestly no point in sucking up to them anymore. they’ve used peoples kindness to their own advantage

Julia Guedes

I think you are one of the kindest ones in this reply, I appreciate that. I understand your point of view. Let’s agree to disagree then :)

Violet Joo

People have been really supportive but as I said most are just at the edge where they may feel that PD is taking our money and don't giving us content at all. As you said most could all leave and say nothing but I think these complaints come from people that want to stay but get the proper services. And if PD thinks that no money is worth sucking up what people are saying then maybe they should stop running this patreon.

Julia Guedes

If it was with me I probably would give up both patreon and youtube.. I dont know what PD thinks, but I hope they doesn’t read this comments

Violet Joo

Well I think PD needs to read the comments. Some may hurt a lot but it is a wake up call for PD. At the end of the day PD's income comes from this patreon and if they wants to be in the long run they have to change the management of it.

Julia Guedes

I agree that they need to change, I’m paying too! I would love some more content too. But I don’t know if it’s healthy for them. As a mental health worker I cannot stop thinking how would this affect them


I agree, the binge watching is not good for him nor us the audience :/


We are paying customers so we are allowed to ”be selfish” when we’re not getting what we pay for. We are paying for a service, not donating money to charity. We basically keep food on their table, this is PD’s job.


That’s totally understandable and admirable Julia! And thank you for what you do, truly. But a lot of these comments are also right that mental health genuinely can’t always be an excuse especially when money is involved, an explanation sure but not a constant justification. If PDs mental health truly does suffer from comments like these that are offering important, mostly constructive feedback/criticism then they may want to reconsider their patreon as a whole. I’m worried about both PD and blaire as well but this has been a long time coming


exactly this! no one is condoning the mean and hateful comments but most of these are harsh criticism that is very much justified. if pd truly isn’t able to handle rightful criticism then this is most definitely not the right career path. we’ve given chances and been nice for years and that obviously hasn’t done anything so if they need a harsher wake up call then so be it. i don’t believe they should suffer but rather learn that their actions very much have consequences

Julia Guedes

I don’t think that Paying gives you the right to bash someone’s out as you want, but hey, that’s my opinion! You do you! If you feel like it gives you the right to mistreat someone, that’s not a thing I can say to stop you


which is exactly why i said i don’t condone the bashing but pd has not been mistreated in any way 😂 if anything he’s abused his privileges as a public figure to get money from people which i would consider mistreatment.

Julia Guedes

I think if you guys want to convince me that this is the right path or justify your behavior, you guys really are aiming the wrong person. Constructive criticism is okay, but that’s not what I’m seeing in these comments. I won’t spend my night trying to convince you all what’s right and whats wrong, but I really hope PD’s sees in the way you guys are seeing and not as I am.


the majority of comments aren’t bashing at all. most of us just refuse to baby a grown man for any longer while he uses our money for who knows what when we’re paying for a good we most definitely are not receiving

Nell ♡

clearly you haven't been here for long enough to see how this just keeps happening

Julia Guedes

Okay, you do you MK. I hope ( and I really do) that you are doing the right thing. I will go to sleep now cause it’s almost 1 am where Im at. But please, don’t stop what you doing because of me, I’m sure it’s gonna work somehow


when you click on a profile it tells you how long they've been a member 💀


Commenting just to say that I understand people's frustrations...It's been a constant thing of broken promises and hiatus and lots of apologizing and excuses about why there isn't consistent content or excuses on why things are late. I understand that COVID really was one of the main reasons because of its domino effect in PD's life (in general...everyone's), however it has been going on almost 3 years since the US has fully opened back up and things have not settled. I felt terrible about PD's situation and mental health and decided to stay subscribed to help just a little because the only content I only really care about is Twice, some ggs, and &team...however since it's such a small pool of content, it is not worth it anymore. These days, these updates about why things aren't out on time, is because of PD's mental health, and I get it...I have friends whose mental health aren't the best too, however what differentiates them from PD is the fact that they went and got help from a professional. From what I assume, PD has not, and for that reason, I am taken aback on why not? Their mental health has been so bad to the point of ending things, and yet no professional help at all? Of course if PD has gotten a professional, then that is great! It is a process, and it does take time, but its been months...years even and I cannot support someone who clearly does not care about themselves. So from today onwards, I am unsubscribed and can only hope the best for PD, Blair, and their family. I wish you good luck, a happy holiday, and a better new year.


"let's be a little more human" coming from you is crazy because you are actively against us displaying our very natural, human emotions of frustration and anger towards the person who caused it, aka PD. You've only been in Patreon since February, many of us have been here since 2020 and prior. If you cannot fathom holding someone with mental health issues accountable and cannot believe people have a right to vent out their frustrations about the situation (99% of comments have been respectful and even offered advice, which is very much human) than that is an issue with you. Don't bash the people discussing their feelings, because most of us have bottled it in for PD's sake and now are doing the healthy thing and discussing it. Just look at the amount of comments and how many likes some comments have, people agree. And the people that are being rude are getting replies telling them not to be, hence why that negative Blaire comment eventually was deleted.

Julia Guedes

What you want me to say? That I agree with all this? That will make you happy?! If you have so many likes in your post why do you need one more?! Can’t I disagree with you guys or I should just be a sheep with no opinion just to make you happy. This is ridiculous. Please go find someone else to bother, this is so annoying. I already accepted that you guys have a different opinion, I agree to disagree, but I will not Agree with you just to shut you guys up! If you wanna keep commenting and being annoying, god keep going. If I’m annoyed with your constant bickering I wonder how PD feels.. go for it guys, demand all you want, scream on the top of your lungs your rights, bash them, give them hell, if that what you think it will work. I will not say another thing. Go do you for god’s sake


its okay julia you said your opinion and it's ok let's stop it here


wonderful venting session yall :)


i come back every few months and it never gets better…

ivanna clouds

Bruh at this point just pull the plug on the whole thing, bffr. You will NEVER own up to your actions or keep your word, you’re just milking your subscribers at this point. What a scam.


Hi Julia, I understand where you're coming from and I really admire that you refuse to give in and change your opinion when you're in the minority,I really do. But I have to say that I agree with most of the comments, some of them I've found a bit hateful and distasteful but I can still see where most of those are coming from as well although I'd prefer if they didn't read those. But all in all I really hope that they see all the criticism. Because I've been here for a bit more than 3 years (probably close to 4), ever since they started doing drama club together. If you click my profile it might tell you that I'm new but that's because I wasn't subscribed last month. These problems that keep happening have been going on ever since I first joined. Whenever PD puts out a new post that things will be delayed again because of who knows what people have always been majorly understanding and I think this time it's important for them to see that it's really not ok anymore. If what they were putting out was for free it'd be a different story but people are paying for services that are not being provided and keep in mind that this is literally his full time job and income. The reason that so many are voicing their frustration and not simply leaving and requesting a refund is because most are actually willing to stay or come back as long as their criticism is being heard and things are being improved. If you don't want to respond to any comments anymore that's fine and I'm really not trying to argue with you, just wanted to add my opinion :)


pls give an update i want to decide if i wanna refund or not


no, dm wasn’t even replied to in february

Sandra l.

At this point even if they drop the content on the 25th, which is unlikely lets be honest... I'm done here, I'm sick of this never ending drama... the prices are too high, the content is not enough for this price, I'm sorry but PD needs to look at the other reactors out there... they charge half of this price and we get more content and even livestreams for some. PD wants to be one of the best reactor but truth is they're far from it because they don't care about their audience most of the time, ignoring their YT channel, or the comments voicing concerns... Regarding YT it doesn't really matter to me because it's free BUT patreon is not, some people are struggling with money but still decide to give you 20 dollars or more per month because they trust you and they thought they would get what was promised. PD has too many dreams (making music, making a tv show, making a reality show, producing a group, etc...) and now with a kid on the way it's going to make it even more difficult to have it all. This is a business, and PD is the only one responsable for it, not Blaire, or his "team", not the people that according to them mess up all the time... It's PD's business but it's never their fault of something goes wrong is it now? I already unsuscribed for next month. Good luck for you all next year :)


There is over 300 comments here now and new keep getting added as the silence continues... I don't know if you read all/most/some/none of the comments, but on an off-chance you read mine, I just wanted to express my hope of you taking this storm as an learning opportunity and warranted criticism for your future. There is hundreds if not thousands of people willing to support you through this business. But you have to be consistent and follow up on stuff. There is plenty of solutions if the patreon grew too large for you to handle alone. And it will be even harder once your family grows, as children eat up majority of your time in a day. Also, I don't know if you have other business ventures I am ignorant about but if patreon is significant part of your income I would expect you to treat it as a regular job and us as customers. Therefore even if life gets in the way (f.ex. mental or physical health issues, family matters) I would still think an written update post here would not take you longer than 10 minutes to write. Regardless of all, due to my disappointment Ill be cancelling my sub, but I still wish you Happy Holidays, Happy New year and many good wishes for the future of both of you.


I think it’d would be ok to inform what pd gonna do for a week/ month in general. There is no need to set a fixed date for what content. That’s so burdened for you guys.


Ok… I also have mental issues, I always try to run away from negativity, but if I have something with Money involved, I do. Because that’s how world works. I hope u understand what’s going on. If Money is involved, it’s business. Not just support.


Have to be professional


Not even need to be professional, it’s a need for our promise.


I do not condone any bashing but I do think all the frustration and disappointment is warranted. I’ve been an on and off subscriber to this patreon over the years and honestly can say that I’ve seen PD make promises, break promises, release a bulk of videos in place of his apology and repeat the same thing again. Agree to disagree with the unhappy patreons, but please go and see the amount of paid patreons. 5K+! Which could easily add up to $50-100K PER MONTH with the prices he charges for the benefits we may or may not get. Mental health is important, no one has said otherwise but it has started to look like he uses it as an excuse whenever he comes up short with his promises. At the end of the day, this has become a business as it supports him financially. Be professional. Please do not take our hard earned money for granted. If this is not what you want to do anymore or hinders your mental health, then stop. This is not fair to you and especially not fair to us.


"Form of Therapy." I remember hearing the story behind this name a long time ago. Sadly, it looks like it has lost its meaning along the way. It's honestly heartbreaking watching all of this unfold. I struggle a lot with mental health myself, and watching PD's many spirals is almost like looking at my own toxic cycles and bad habits from an outsider's perspective. Disappointing, yet also unsurprising. I want to root for you, I really do. Your reactions are of a different caliber, which is why I always seem to come back despite the inconsistencies and hefty prices. But as much as we'd like to give you our unconditional support through the ups and downs of your journey, things change when money is involved. We are your supporters, yes. But we are also your customers. This is a BUSINESS. We don't pay out of the kindness of our hearts, we pay for a promised service outlined in the schedule released at the beginning of the month. Imagine going to McDonald's and ordering your meal, only to be informed that they're going to switch things up in your order because of an unorganized kitchen, only for your revised order to never come out. You wait and wait, but the front counter and kitchen are now empty. You call out and ask and plead for them to give you an update, but it feels like you're talking into the void. How did it come to this? I know things seemed okay just days ago and it must be surprising watching everything explode out of the blue. But that just means things have been simmering under the surface for a very long time, and now people have had enough. This is the reality now, PD. No matter how much you put off releasing a response, things are not gonna change or be swept under the rug. You're gonna have to face this one head on. But that's okay. That's the thing: there's always gonna be a way forward. But you're gonna have to take the first step. Please talk to us, PD. We hope you and Blaire are doing okay and taking care of your health through it all. We're gonna be waiting for your response, hopefully not for much longer. Thank you.


Weird... I thought ppl would be leaving but I see his subscribers going up 😂


Really not one to comment on patreon or on anything really, but this is just very sad. I have been subsribed on and off like three times this year. I manily sub only for the content i want to see, which is ateez content and i really love PD´s commentary on my ult group, but the first time i subbed i really thought that there is much more content than what it really was and i only learned that most of the ateez links are broken after clinking on them which is really sad and frustrating. I understand that links get broken or errorr occur but after a few months i get back and even more stuff is missing with no explanation and its recent stuff like the cyberpunk live reaction and variety salary lupin, gone with no explanation. It must be even more frustrating for long term subsrcibers and i cant even imangine the feeling of more promises and more disappointment.


I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve asked for refunds twice in the past and it never happened either of those times…. ;;


Cause when you are not subscribed, you cannot see schedules and posts, so people subscribing thinking that he will upload more content before New year, but no

Marcel Wannieck

The subscriber count only goes down when subscriptions actually run out at the end of the month.


Ahhhhhh anyway I've alr unsubscribed. So sick and tired. The worst kind of hope is false hope


December is almost over and its sad knowing that ppl subscribed after seeing the schedule but literally didn't get anything after the first week and having all the promised content up by the 25th seems unlikely but i guess good luck on that.


has anyone actually gotten refunds from them before? wondering how they plan to process hundreds of them for this month now


I will say PD if youre reading these comments and do make an update post dont shift the blame. Blaire has a part to play in this too but this is as it's always been your channel i.e your responsibility. Stop hiding behind others and actually take accountability for what has transpired.


i did get one but that was back in February. The one i asked for now hasn’t happened

Luxia Scarlet

Hi, Julia, I see that you mentioned that we should cancel and leave it alone but what about December's content? I paid for it but got almost nothing and now I just have to walk away and leave it alone? I have been messaging them for the past 2 years for the same problem after giving them multiple chances, and never even got a single reply, how do you suggest that I and many others can solve this problem then? This is not even the first few times. It has been happening many times in the past, but despite that, like you said, we have been supportive and willing to wait for them. But what happened? Nothing changed. If we don't express our opinions like this, what's the likelihood that they will not keep making the same mistake over and over again?

Luxia Scarlet

Nope, I sent a few refund requests twice since 2 years ago when something similar happened in the past, mine was never replied

Réka O.

I'm so glad someone finally said this because I felt like most patrons have been enabling PD all this time. I've been meaning to say this for a while but I felt bad. I've been supporting PD since 2019 and it's been like this for the past 2 years. It really does feel like a toxic relationship. It also hurts me to see that someone makes so much reacting to kpop, anime, and kdrama while I struggle to get by working 9 hours a day, and they don't even take it seriously enough to deliver what they promise. I understand that the pressure can be stressful and it's not always an easy job but it isn't the hardest job either. I'll definitely unsubscribe at the end of the month.

Réka O.

Agree with you 100% on everything. I didn't believe in the street team even when it was announced because PD has already announced it once 1 or 2 years ago (can't remember exactly) and nothing came of it back then either. And every time a new sob story drops, most people in the comments just enable PD and say it's ok, we understand. I'll definitely be leaving after this month even though I've been here since 2019.


Which is sad cause the new subs don’t even know more than half the links are broken or what’s going on.

Thabit Ayob

i'd say blaire has minimum to no responsibility here. It's his patreon, he's the one reacting, i'm sure the procrastination is not coming from her, because if he was ready to film and not her, he would definitely have made it without her. We literally get the updates just because blaire does take the time to write them for us; we would be in a darker spot in terms of information if not for her



yeah 99.9% of the blame here falls on PD and they need to own up to making empty promises. Since the beginning of the year though PD has been including Blaire in more content and seems like other decisions regarding the paetron so there are some things I feel could have organized and communicated better from either or both of them. I mostly feel bad for Blaire cause her increased inclusion just seems like another way for PD to shift blame on someone else and find excuses. above all I hope she's the one actually getting rest pregnancy is no joke


but thinking about it organization seems to be an impossible feat with all the things PD packs into a schedule

Thabit Ayob

just wanted to come here and say that it's at least double that amount, because you calculated based on 5.5k subs, he actually has 11k subs, so with your very big generous percentage (60% for expenses) at least he would be making like 44k not 22k. which in turn is like 530k per year at the very very least. I sometimes feel very very dumb putting the very little money i have into patreon to watch people reacting; but then i really enjoy PD and blaire's reaction in the anime club; and i don't want to be one of those who envy people for their money like they do for celebreties and soccer players


really dont understand the radio silence


There are 11k total subs but only 5.5k are paid ^^^ you can technically be subscribed to a creator and not pay and they distinguish that on the “about” page on someone’s patreon. I do think they possibly make more than $22k a month (I’ve seen similar content creators with cheaper tiers and a fewer amount of subs make more). And I totally get you about the envy thing but from my perspective it’s not so much envy as it’s “wow, the amount of content is not proportionate to the amount they are getting paid”. If they stayed consistent and didn’t constantly almost emotionally manipulate people into staying I’d have no issues with them making way more. I love their reactions, so it’s all so disappointing.


Sad to say, I won't even bother cos I know it's not gonna happen. I'll just see it as the last time I'd be supporting this channel


at this point you’re just taking advantage of your audience that genuinely wants to support you when you give basically nothing in return. it’s a shame because i really do love your content after having watched it for 5 years and many things seemed fishy in the past but this is just so blatant. you’re ripping people off while still making promises you know you won’t keep


On top of everything everyone else is saying, when you do eventually change things make sure you update your about page on patreon (that patreon guide video is out of date by years and is false advertising) and make announcement posts like these public (it's unfair that people don't know about the issues this patreon has before they join). Also, make an official pinned announcement detailing just how much content is lost (make it public as well) so people don't join for content that literally doesn't exist anymore.

Violet Joo

If you are the boss you have to take accountability even for the mistakes of your employees. It might not seem fair but you're in a high position and it has it's responsibilities.

Nell ♡

we're almost at dat for and you guys are still silent. says alot about how much you guys actually care about the people who pay to support you


im super curious, has anyone EVER paid for the winter tier and actually received a gift box?

Marcel Wannieck

That must be a remnant from like five years ago and they just never bothered to update the tier description


guys, PLEASE make some sort of update. radio silence is harming this situation so much more. I wasn’t really considering unsubscribing despite all of this as I wanted to wait and give you a chance to respond, but it’s been days with literally 0 acknowledgement. the best you can do now is move forward with honesty and release this month’s content for the people who have already paid, and then address everything/do what you need to do to fix this cycle.


you can’t really baby them and say people are being harsh when this is something that has been going on for years. people have been lenient. they’ve supported him. but you can only do so much without getting walked all over and taken advantage of. This is THOUSANDS of dollars he’s taking for people each month and there’s rarely anything to show for it. People, like me, are still financially supporting him because we like their reactions and care about their wellbeing. it’s a repeated cycle of mistakes, excuses, apologies, blames, and empty promises. Nothing has improved. He is a grown man, and he is trying to run a business. If this is the only way we can get through to him, so be it. If this was just some type of hobby or a way to get extra money maybe I could agree. But he has literally talked about trying to turn this into a business. And what he’s doing right now, is not how you run a business. If the community and its comments are so detrimental on his mental health, then I fear he should rethink the existence of this patreon. In business, he’s not going to be able to use the countless excuses he’s given us.


I was Winter tier for about 8 months, a long time ago (around 2019/2020?), I got a gift box one time


I have to say myself, honestly I kind of fell out of my kpop phase for awhile but I'm still staying mainly for the anime and drama content. But it is getting really hard to keep up with how much I'm paying versus how much I'm actually getting to see what I want to 🥲 if you ever consider to do a tier specially for just drama and anime in the future, maybe I'll come back. For now, good luck with everything!

希文 王

Waiting for the 25th (which will technically be the 26th for me due to time zones but that's a moot point), but unfortunately PD not keeping their promises doesn't really surprise me at this point. Has PD made the street team they wanted yet? And can any members of the team speak up about whether PD is working on videos yet? On one hand I understand that filming would take priority over continuously making posts about whether or not you're filming them, but it's the 23rd here for me (which means it's probably the 22nd where PD lives?) and I find it very hard to believe that these videos will all come out before or on the 25th.


wowww its been 3 days and no update lmfao

ruby sun

wow it’s the 22nd and we basically get non content this month. All the listening party all the kulture study. None. I really hope I can see all of those before the end of the month or I’m going to call this a fraud and ask for refund

Jasmine sumner

He hasn't even filmed anything yet or stuff would be uploaded. And after he sees these comments if he does film his reactions won't the same because he'll be in a panic with how big this is getting. Like he'll be shitting himself with what to do now. Probs will quick mass film everything dump it no matter what the reaction in. And after all the issues with PD seeing those reactions won't be the same anymore. Ill won't be excited anymore. I'll be angry at how everythings been handled etc. seeing pd bd like this will make the reactions difficult to watch with how this is going. If he truly changes/sorts everything out and truly takes our concerns seriously and in the future got back reacting like that good old patreon/yt days things might be better. I was so excited for the award show reactions, all the new crazy CB reactions, seeing pd catch up on missed stuff and even doing wayvs albums like finally. But hadn't happened. Like he made that crazy dec schedule so we'll keep our subscriptions and bring him $$

Sami Casingal

*(super long comment but necessary) Just wanted to say two more things that I typed when replying to someone in the form of therapy public chat: if content isn't out by the 25th, well even if they had a super busy month(s) then I think they need to take a good look at their future, taking into consideration all the possible factors and this baby which will take up so much of their attention anyways, and maybe either charge literally half the prices the tiers are rn or just do Patreon as a hobby and not a job as their only source of income. Because obviously you can't be having both a busy life and all these life responsibilities and be a reactor especially who uses Patreon as business, or rather charity it seems like atp. Not that you can control how busy your life is, but you can at least do something about Patreon. Being supportive of your dreams and future goals or lack there of on our part isn't an issue, it's the involvement of money that is especially when we need to support ourselves and pursue our future goals and dreams too. Sorry to make this comparison, but The reason people are willing to buy idol Merch and use their money for their fave idol groups/individual idols is because they genuinely love them, they think all of it is worth their time and money, the idols never stop working (not that you have to, but never lose sight of what you're doing it for and what you gain out of it - basically never losing sight of your roots as a reactor unless you wish to abandon it), they always do their best even through tough situations while taking breaks but learning to strike a balance, and they give back (not because they feel obligated-tho ig in some cases maybe - but mainly because they love what they do and they love their fans dearly, not thinking of them as just an audience that they have to please but rather as an extension of their own being and this life as an idol). I could basically sum this up into a simple takeaway: look at it as if you were in an idol's shoes. They always let us fans know that we are their everything. If we don't exist, they don't exist as idols. What they do matters to us and what we do matters to them. It's not merely all giving or all taking on eithers part, it's a give and take relationship full of support and love. We build on each other to thrive and use each other as motivation to do better and become the best version of ourselves. This can be applied to life as a reactor in general, or one who emphasizes the use of Patreon like you do. At one point you gave up on people pleasing the audience, but that perspective in and of itself is not healthy for the goal you wanted to set for this Patreon. While maybe at times it feels like people pleasing because we pay money for you to react to so and so and for you to react in general for us and release content, but if you change your perspective on this relationship and that's it's not just you giving us what we want, you'll understand and realize that this money is equivalent to our love and support for you and the quality of your reactions. We are also giving as well, therefore it becomes a give and take relationship which all you need to do is fill the gaps with genuine love and care (for us, and we will do so in return). Not to sound threatening but rather what an idol would think, your life as a reactor wouldn't exist if it weren't for us, the audience, and tho there are other reactors out there but you are deemed the best by a lot of us, our dedication to you is a blessing and our lives as viewers may no longer feel complete - the quality of our viewer life will diminish - if this love and support isn't there on your part for us.

Ra Oro

Incoming…. Long drawn out apology post or video full of excuses and gaslighting about the current troubles

mistywolf the dragon rider

I have to say I'm just utterly confused at this point... I hope we get some clarification soon


I'm all out of anger now and ready to enjoy the content. I've been having a hard time waiting for it, but it's okay now.


We will hear something like "we weren't on socials whilst busy filming reactions for you"... which is just so ridiculous


Honestly, I am actually not mad at all, but I do understand why people are reacting like this. - And for the future: It's okay to not having a schedule but maybe it would be good if you're having an weekly one. Like: "In week 1 we will have this amount of content" without a specific date when it comes out. So you guys can decide if it will be on monday or sunday. It will give you freedom and the people are not that lost. Also don't get too hurt by the comments- they're not hating you. They are sad and disappointed because they REALLY love your content and paying a lot of money for it. It is always difficult when promises are broken too often. Maybe just dont do them. Having a hard time is normal and I know a lot of people who have struggles with their mental health since covid. But procrastinating isn't the right way. I dont want it because I really enjoy your content too but maybe it's time to focus on yourself first and become more healthy - taking a break not only for one month but for a few ones. You need to work this things out. Also find someone who can really help you with this patreon thing. Get back on the street team or find something like a manager. I know there a lot of good CBS that are still not reacted too and if you're really taking a longer break it becomes more difficult to catch up. Just check what its the best for your followers and you. Best wishes for christmas and lots of love 🤍


oh and also: maybe bring back the old content, that could help too. :)

Hans Olav

There's no other way now than cutting content. Since I'm here mostly for Blackpink and Twice, I'd imagine those should go, since most of the enthusiasm here is for the never groups and comebacks. I know what's happening, and I understand. As an autistic person who has just fought their way through burnout, this can get even messier if you're not careful. I would prefer it if you created a list of groups and artists you wanted to react to and then just did them, because this way of doing things hasn't worked for years now, and everytime there is a new update with a new plan, it lasts for a few weeks before the same issue as before comes back. It's too much work. Even with the team you were supposed to put together that was supposed to stop this from happening again, haven't heard anything for a long time. I recognize these patterns, because I was caught in the same loops before it all just went to shit. We accept your issues, we love your content, we celebrate that you are open about your experience and we'd love to be a part of your journey, but I think the empty promises ae starting to get to people. An example is the twice Dates, I was hyped for them, but the whole time you had promised a block of content and did these bulk deliveries so it just felt like something you had to push through. I was so happy to see TTT back, but if you're going to do it while yawning at 2am just to catch up, maybe skip it? If you respect your viewers, I think for many, this is their last try, not for me, but I've read many of these comments. This isn't a "not mad, just disappointed" comment. It's just a warning from someone who was almost completely broken because they didn't have anyone who took the time to tell them they needed to slow down and not push through. I would really hate seeing that happen to you.

Sarah 세라

PD ily but if your goal is genuinely to become an executive producer/ceo of your own company one day and form your own group like you mentioned then you gotta start exercising responsibility especially deadlines 😅 The kpop industry is harsh and nobody is going to take you seriously if you don’t deliver. I know you have mental struggles but I will be very honest - you are extremely privileged to be able to work at your own time. You don’t have to work a deadend 9-5 job like some of us with a miserable salary :/ If you make a schedule then you need to start prefilming and not leave it to the last minute. It’s all about time management, something you need if you’re actually serious about becoming a company owner one day.


Thank you for posting some of the content that’s due!


im so confused... so we have new content.. they have clearly read our comments because some uploads were in the wrong tier... yet we don't have any acknowledgement of our feelings from this feed..


i understand mental health, mine is SHIT and i really do get it bc mine affects my ability to do simple small things on a daily basis. i get being overwhelmed and struggling, but please remember this is not a free service. this isn’t youtube, there are consequences for more people than just you when you fail to deliver on your promises. this is money out of our pockets. i have months where i can’t afford to pay for food for myself and yet here i am with your patreon bc i do genuinely enjoy your reactions and they bring me happiness- so i choose to invest in something for myself over more important things, but not anymore. i can hardly afford your patreon as is because it’s so expensive and im sure many people are the same, and this is no longer paying for something for myself when i receive absolutely nothing i was promised. not to mention how i joined patreon not being aware of the state of the channel- it is absolutely unfair to not make it known just how much content is completely unavailable, and its false advertisement to people who are unable to see all the corrupt links and lost reactions before they pay you. you will find that as you continue this cycle of rinse and repeat procrastination and disappointment, you’re going to lose your audience. we are people too and we can’t continue paying for something that has become a charity service.

Jasmine sumner

Last comment from me but and posted this from pds GC Another big thing that leads to pd not actually filming last month was he was moving and don't know why he would say he's pre filming when he's moving, won't have a filming set up, wifi. But he said he did a light packing in start of December and had time to learn his music theory all last month as he said he did that. I think he really messed up with trying to pre film and move, over promise, make a massive big December schedule with not pre filming. Thought he'd film in December by now but obviously I don't think he's filmed a single thing. He even set up an office and everything, for what when the patreons in shambles. Pds got a lot to do here. If things don't change now they never will. So if there's no update post and content drops by the 25th I'm not renewing my subscription next month which id never thought it would come too this as I've been here every month for years.


Tomorrow is the 25th so I HOPE you guys actually keep your word and release everything for this week cause paying $20 monthly is a lot and I expect to get the content I'm paying for. (realistically, I feel like we won't actually get everything tho...)


How are we supposed to watch all the content you promised us for this month in less than a week...when you've STILL not posted most of it???


I've been reading responses for the last hour or so, once I realized some have started moving their frustrations into comments on other videos, which made me curious about what was happening here. I don't tend to revisit a post to see what people are saying. It's clear many are feeling disappointed and frustrated for valid reasons. I just wanted to share that my feelings aren't the same. I view Patreon maybe differently than a lot of other people, because for me, I support creators because I appreciate their work and what they do adds to my enjoyment and my escapism from the rest of my life. For that reason, I subscribe to quite a few creators who do music and movie/tv reactions. I actually increased my tier this week to access the anime reactions early. Because I like a variety of groups and shows--and subscribe to so many different YouTube channels and Patreons--I haven't tied as many expectations to this channel in particular. I understand that not everyone here is able to do that or has as many options for the groups they like. For me, the benefits I get of watching Jaehyuk and Blaire's work still outweigh the cost I'm paying, and I appreciate the insights I get and just the joy of watching things I've seen numerous times with them or discovering something new at the same time. I'm trying hard not to make assumptions about what's happening on their end or the real feelings that the patrons are having either. We all come here with different resources, expectations, mindsets, and interests. I'm here because I love music and visual arts, and I enjoy having folks to spend time with that do the same. I'm happy to continue supporting as long as I'm able.

Chatise Smith

That's pretty much how I feel. I've learned to not put too much focused attention on one thing because then you become addicted and feel like you can't live without it. So if one of the Patreons are behind in their posts, I just watch others. It's as simple as that. They're projecting their loneliness and need for escapism onto PD in the form of outrage for posts they definitely can live without.


Its the 26th where I live and still not the content that was promised is up... Why would you lie about it if you know you wont be able to keep your word? Why change it again to "It will all be uploaded during christmas" when even that isnt happening... and I quote ; "PD is wanting me to let you guys know that we will have it all out by the 25th"


I love PD and I’ve been supporting you guys for a while now. I really loved your Twitch lives during the pandemic and your YouTube content. But after 3 years or so, I unsubscribed this Patreon. It’s so sad because I loved your reactions (specially Seventeen) I hope you can work it out somehow but I’m not spending my money on this anymore.


THE AUDACITY TO MOVE THE MAMA REACTIONS TO JANUARY- Y'all probably saw, that most ppl are waiting for the award show reactions (and the mv/dance practice reactions, that should've come with them)...and that's why you moved it to next month💀 what a scam.