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For those of you who attended today's scheduled guy group livestream, you'll notice that audio is just not playing. I have no idea what the issue. It's an issue on OBS' end (OBS is the program used to stream and record). I had this once on my old computer and I fixed after being on support with OBS for 2 days so I'm going to do that again. I'll try to have this fixed by tomorrow, if not, I don't know. But I'll get this fixed ASAP because if I can't fix this I can't film ANYTHING.

I'm deeply deeply sorry for people who carved out their time today for this stream. I'm extremely pissed. I'm so sorry everyone, I am going to go yell at my desk now. Please have a better day for me!!!



Its okaaay PD


wishing u the best of luck and a swift response! it'll suck if you'll have to spend DAYS waiting for them


Let's hope you will be able to fix it PD. Praying for you and us.


lol it's ok PD, shit happens. Take a deep breath and work on it. We are cheering for you.


It's okay. Don't stress. We will still be there, when the issue is fixed (and if it takes a day or more, that's no problem) :)


that's okay pd. hope the issues get resolved!


It's okay PD!!


Thank god, you didn't throw your computer out of the window!


It's okay PD!


Awww :( first time catching a livestream, but its okay PD, take all the time ya need, I will surely tryna join later. Now Im off to sleep, its 2am here hehe


Don't be sorry it is OBS fault.. I hope you can fix it soon 🙏

Oscar G.

i hope you can fix it PD! i wish i knew something about it to help you, but i've only ever used Logitech Capture once 😅 good luck on fixing it!


Sorry you're having computer problems, PD! Good luck getting everything fixed! Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon *fingers crossed*


PD!! 🥲🥲 don’t stress out too much ok.


This is literally the worst time for this to happen because PD has 5 upcoming streams this week. Hope everything goes well.

Amanda Araujo

its okay PD unfortunately these shit happens but i hope you can get it fixed soon! <3


Pd I'm so sorry that you've been having so many issues with the streams recently... I hope everything gets fixed in the end. Joining you when you're reacting to stuff is one of my favourite things, it's always so much fun, it's a shame that the tech is being such a party pooper, I don't like seeing you stressed :/ So don't worry about us, we can wait, it's not your fault!

Marcela Pereira

It's okay, PD! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


It’s alright PD, don’t worry at all. ^^


dont worry PD. Hope it can be fixed soon... dont stress to much