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While today’s stream is rescheduled; this week’s scheduled videos are all pre-filmed and already slated for scheduled release. These situations are exactly why I decided to switch into a month ahead pre filming format! Just thought I’d clear that up because there was some confusion and people thought EVERYTHING was delayed this week. Nope. All videos will be released normal according to the April schedule.



Got it c: thanks for the update PD! Hope it all goes well with the vaccine

Sabrina M.

Thank you pd! Let us know how it goes with the 2nd dose!☺️☺️☺️

Giu Bressani

Okay!! Also, was there no Kingdom episode last week? I didn't see anything about it being delayed


I hope you feel ok after your shot PD! Sending positive vibes Phoebe style (from Friends)


I hope you're feeling well after your shot pd! I had my first dose yesterday and thankfully nothing worse than a little arm pain.