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Hey guys I just wanted to clarify something/bring something up.

Occasionally I'll react to series of videos and drop/stop them. Sometimes it's because I get swamped with other stuff but other times it also depends on audience engagement.

The point of Patreon is to check out stuff curated and tailored more for you guys. But the thing is, Patreon doesn't have "analytics" or view counts so there's no way to tell what is popular or in demand except through LIKES and COMMENTS. The amount of likes a post will get or the amount of comments a post will get tells me either: oh a lot of people like this and want more or nobody cares!

There's a little over 2,000 of you here on Patreon but if a post does well it'll maybe only get 20 or so likes. If something is REALLY popular it'll get 40+ likes.

So here's a heads up: If you watch our Patreon videos, there's no pressure to comment but if you do watch the video from that post, hit the "heart" button on the post to leave a like. I'm not asking for "likes" to get clout or some shit. That's not what Patreon is! It literally just tells me what series or groups y'all like and don't like. 

When I put up a post and it only gets like 5 or 10 likes, it makes me think "oh not a lot of people care about this". And it influences what I watch or put time into. I know a lot of this seems easy, but a lot of this requires attention and focus and most importantly: my time. I literally only have so many hours in a day so time is extremely precious so I want to utilize what limited time I have in the most useful way possible.

Just keep that in mind and have a lovely day and make sure to get a little sun if you haven't left the house in a while!


shivan lachman

I didn’t do this before but thanks for mentioning it! I’ll definitely give more feedback now!


I always make sure to like everything I watch since I enjoy all ur content!!


Got it. 👍 I primarily became a patron for your txt content so I hope to see more txt videos.


I always press like on everything I watch but not always comment so I'll keep in mind to do that more often from now on! If there is a way to do it, you should pin this post so people will always remember!

Clarie Q

Thanks for bringing it up! I watched most of ur videos but always forgot to hit the like button. Got to remember it next time!

aicrylic (aimee)

so patreon doesn't even tell you how many views a video gets? i think that's pretty weird

Alice Owi

Thank you PD for reminding 😄😄😊😊


You're very active and vocal and I always mentally make note of that; much appreciated! Your participation isn't unnoticed!!


I definitely should have brought it up but thankfully someone asked me about an old series and it sparked this in my head!


any txt variety suggestions because I've seen zero txt variety stuff and only performance and music stuff!!


well the videos aren't hosted on patreon, they're merely embedded here. they're hosted on vimeo but those numbers aren't as deep and accurate as youtube and doesn't account for rewatches


Thank you for clarifying that! I’ll make sure that I like everything that I watch from now on! Have a nice day PD(:


Also, does liking and commenting on early access reactions help with the YT algorithm or is it better to do that when the video actually goes live? I always like the early access videos and sometimes comment, but I notice not everyone does(the discrepancy between the amount of views/likes)


Awesome, thanks for the clarity on this! I don't post a lot of comments but I do hit 'like' on the posts I watch.

CRAYON weiwen

I see Apink and IZ*ONE, I press like.


Good to know! I always try to leave a like in content from groups that I like but didn't know you took this in consideration to continuing watching certain variety series. Hope Punch Time is still in the watch list somehow.

Marcela Pereira

I always did this even before I watched the video in case I forget after I do lol I also try to comment everytime I have some type of reaction to whatever you're watching or saying in the vid. I guessed that was the way to let you know what things I wanna see more of :) Also, just to help out, I try to rewatch kulture study vids after you published them on YouTube and give them a like 👍🏻

Marcela Pereira

I wondered the same thing. That's why I always go back and rewatch the vids after they're posted on YouTube. Just in case lol

Mariam Fernandoy

Thank you very much for saying it, I will try to give heart to everything I have seen! I am not a person who comments a lot due to the language barrier, I am not good at writing in English, thanks google, but if it is not annoying, I could leave a comment in Spanish if the community does not mind.


This is my very first comment on one of your posts because I’m not really the type of comment a lot but I do like what ever I like watching pacifically RTK and oneus content I really enjoyed very much thank you. And I enjoyed your YouTube live just ended now💕

Kim Chaewon

Will do PD! Also just wanted to ask when you’ll be starting the Treasure Box series?

린 애

Not at me running back to like all the videos i've watched lol but really looking forward to more The Boyz content since they're coming back in September, i do be parched 🧎


Let's not assume the worst in others in this case, some people just don't think about things like that but at least now they know!


I always try to leave a comment or at least like the post if it’s groups I like, precisely because of this lol

Mark Bauckhage

I never thought about it that way but I definitely never really liked or commented on posts here on Patreon.


I don't usually leave comments ,but I always like the videos I enjoy watching, I will keep in mind to continue to do so😊 I also tend to like comments that I agree with( i don't know if that helps or not)

Jason van Dam

Yeah, I guess I'm just here to support you PD. Though I am a gg listener, I lost interest in the whole kpop scene recently, so anything you post is not that appealing to me anymore. I will still follow my favorite groups, but I've gone back to listening japanese rock/metal bands like BAND-MAID, LOVEBITES and some others.


I will keep that in mind! thank you!

mohammed alamri

thank you , will do my best to like and comment on some of the stuff i like :D


I always thought there was a way to see how many people were viewing your content on Patreon. I’ll make sure to like the videos and leave comments when possible!


You’re the only Patreon I follow! Sometimes I forget to like after watching but I will make sure to do so even before I watch the video(I like all of your content anyways!) Will you react to TXTs Eternally m/v? It is quite long but worth the watch!

Mesha ✌︎

PD I’m waiting for some TheBoyz reactions 🥺❤️


I will make sure to interact more. Hope you can finish HTR this month 🙏

grey whalden

i hope you don't get notifs every time someone likes something bc i'm about to go interact with every post on here i've ever enjoyed for your stats ^^;


I came to be a patreon because of NCT/WayV. I'm glad that you are reacting to more of their content and getting to know them. I can't wait for the next reaction... NCT WayV have so many good ones.


i will do that, thanks for informing this pd!


I’m definitely pretty bad at that but I’ll definitely try and like and comment more. Personally I really like variety show reactions. Things like Road to kingdom they’re fun to see your opinions and reactions


I'm going to try and think about that more! Thanks for speaking out on this! :)


I'll go back and like the videos I've watched =)


For me personally it's because I'm not on Patreon much and don't get to see as many of your videos as I would like and not because I don't like them and am not commenting or upvoting, thought that's not by choice. I'm always getting logged out, and often when I try to log back in I can't because the page won't load or there's an error when I do try and log in. So my lack of likes and comments on my part is not because I don't like your stuff but because Patreon doesn't like me and won't let me watch your stuff.


Will do! I'll go back and like the ones I've watched!


Oh similar thing happened to me, but sometimes switching browser works, I use Firefox sometimes or sometimes Google Chrome, cellphone app works good too =)


Well I joined recently and I did like and comment since I joined just for (G)I-DLE.... I liked all the GIDLE content I've watched..Thanks for this 💜💪


oh i always forget to like


I'll make sure to do that!