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Should I just fucking move back to LA? I’d been thinking about it all weekend and now this...


Frank Ardolino

This might be a sign. Honestly you're always traveling to LA for shows, shoots and collaborations with other people. Might just be easier to be back in your comfort zone and be closer to the music scene.


Honestly just send it


I’d have to say no. But I might be biased because I lived in LA for a while and it was a miserable experience. You already have a lot going on for yourself and a move is always stressful.


You should move where you're more inclined to live. Do you think LA would make you happy? Would it be an easier life? Also another question is have you been thinking about moving back and that's why that train of thought is in your mind? It would be best to make a Pros and Cons list before deciding anything

Katie Smith

Honestly if you’d feel happier in LA and can afford the move and rent I would do that. But if you feel happier where you are now then that may be the play. Ultimately your happiness is key!


Before you make a final decision, take a minute to remember why you moved away in the first place - was there something negative in LA you moved to get away from? Or did you move looking for different opportunities? To be closer to support? If so how would going back to LA change that. You left for a reason, and you dont want to accidentally undo whatever it was that brought you to your new place

Patricia Dysinger

Was it easier in LA? Would it be easier to meet your shooting goals in Vegas or LA? Where do you have a better support network?

Andrea Z

Home is where the heart is

Shelby Sheffer

Go with your gut! You got this!! :)


Whatever you decide, I wish the best for you. 💗