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So tonight was the night I interviewed Ashley Yoon who has produced and worked on songs for LOONA, GWSN, Red Velvet and more!

Ashley gave us a REAL in depth explanation of how the K-Pop music industry works in 40min-ish discussion! It’s a fascinating dive into the mind of a real music producer especially someone who is starting out like her. Video will be out in a few weeks but Patrons will definitely get it earlier as soon as we have the OK from her side. Meanwhile check out some behind the scenes photos!

Thank you to ALL our Patrons. Ashley was complimenting our high quality setup and it’s all thanks to YOU guys and your monthly pledges. That money is going towards funding new series and projects like these!



Oakley Chen

Who is guy on the left? Her boyfriend? Btw your March listening party is over due, it's almost May now please get your sister to speed it up after she come back from Korea


We know Patrons pay to be here and we’re grateful but I thought people would at least understand if there was a big delay on production because she’s consoling our grandmother. I know our grandfather’s death is inconvenient for a lot of people but a funeral is not something one can just speed up.


Very excited to see the video and still excited for you to be able to do it. Thank you for the photos and update. Hugs

Kate M

So glad you got to do this! Sounds awesome and I'm looking forward to the finished product. It's great you can share this sort of content with us. It's good your sister is able to help your grandmother during a really tough time. I hope you're taking time for yourself too. Grieving isn't convenient, but it's necessary and you've been busy out in the world. /worrier mode