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I skipped weekly therapy and the podcast this week cus I was depressed and crying all weekend and then I got drunk and passed out lmao. Sorry guys. I’ll have the podcast up tomorrow or wednesday and then get back to weekly therapy on Sunday


kaylee zhu

feel better:(💕


❤️❤️ no need 2 apologise, happy 2 have u back whenever


No need to apologise PD, take as much time as you need

Angie Johnson

everyone needs a break now and then, and taking time to physically and mentally healthy is okay...i hope you feel better and remember we love you! 😌💕


The most important thing is that you take care of yourself. I hope you have someone you can talk to. I have really severe anxiety and I'm in a bad place right now, so I completely understand what is like to feel like you have to do something, but just can't. I hope you feel better soon.

Katie Smith

Take your time! All we care about is that you’re healthy and happy (or at least working towards both). We can wait for content. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself 💕

Lauren Freeman

Just take care of yourself that's all we care about. You are important and you matter as a human being.


Your well being is so much more important to us! If you need a break, then take a break - don't ever feel guilty for doing so.