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Hey everyone so I come bearing some good news and information about some upcoming changes.

First off, wow. June was a stellar month for me on Patreon. Ever since I began putting more effort into it, and with the help of the LOONA marathon, we quickly DOUBLED the amount of our Patrons. 

But with such a rapid growth, it was way too hard to keep our Patron credits list up to date at the end of very video. It took a lot of work and organizing but I'm happy to announce: it's finally done!

That's right. If you're a current Patron you will find your name among the scrolling credits at the end of very video STARTING with the NU'EST W "Deja  Vu" video. The MAMAMOO and Kim Dong Han video currently still have the old credits.

And with that said, there will be some upcoming updates to the other rewards. I will be reworking all of the rewards and will be both removing and adding things. Just some of the upcoming updates:

-Will remove FOT trading cards. I am officially SOLO now on this channel with no team. I may bring this perk back in the future and just use models from my photography but that will be a whole legal process and I'll probably have to pay models as well. So for now we're just removing this perk.

-GROUPYS CHOICE/PRO CHOICE. So every week I'm going to put out a vote that will belong to two tiers: the groupys tier and then the groupys pro and elite tier. Each week you will have a chance to suggest AND VOTE for a reaction! As you all know, I don't take public requests so this exclusive for Patrons.

-HAND WRITTEN LETTERS WILL STAY. I know we haven't fulfilled these in a while but what with the restructuring of Form of Therapy it got away from me. No matter, I'm keeping this around for Elite members and will deliver every month! I'm thinking they will be sent out at the END of every month.

-MOVIE CLUB PASS. Enjoy our movie nights? Find it hard to get in? Well movie club pass members will get first dibs on getting in with a special password before anyone else! This may be a Pro/Elite only perk.

-PODCAST QUESTIONS. Also exclusive to the Pro and Elite Tier, I have a new podcast I'm launching and I will guaranteed always answer at least ONE of your questions. The rest of the audience will have their questions chosen at random but Pro and Elite members will have an opportunity to ask questions ahead of time and I will answer at least one from each person guaranteed!

These are just some of the few ideas I had in mind. I don't know if you guys were aware but I quit my job this month and I've officially been doing this full time and rely on Patreon heavily. So really, your support means a lot.

If there are any ideas you may have for perks and benefits, let me know in the comments of this post!


Lauren Freeman

I'm glad you worked out the tiers reward system a bit better. I was thinking about pledging more but honestly I was wondering if I could justify it but adding the different tiers convinced me.