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Kim, sitting at the kitchen table scrolling through messages on her Kimmunicator, tries to ignore her brothers as they yammer on about filming schedules and prop budgets.  Ann, feigning interest in the boy's conversation, stands over the stove with a cup of coffee in one hand and a spatula in the other as she fixes breakfast.  James, oblivious to all four of them, sits at the end of the table looking through the 'help wanted' ads in the newspaper as he endlessly stirs his coffee.  Looking over her shoulder, Ann queries Kim...

Ann: You want one egg or two, Kim?  Hello?  Earth to Kim.

Kim: Huh?  Oh uhhhh sorry, Mom.  Uhhh, just coffee.

Ann: Just coffee?  You want a cigarette to go with that?

Kim: Uh-huh...  Sure, Mom.

Ann: (pointing at her Kimmunicator with the spatula) Annnd what's so important on that thing that you can't pay attention to your own mother?

Jim: (teasingly) Kim's got a hot date tonight.

Tim: (sing-songing) Kimmie's got a day-ate, Kimmie's got a day-ate!

Kim: Shut it, dorks.

James: (monotonal) Kimmie-cub, be nice to your brothers.  Boys, stop baiting your sister.

Jim and Tim: (in unison) Sorry, Dad.

A notification tone goes off on Kim's phone.  Kim, eyeing her brothers with disdain, pulls the device closer so that only she can see the screen and presses an icon...


Ann and James: (in unison) Language, Kim!

Jim and Tim: (sing-songing in unison) Kimmie's got a day-ate!  Kimmie's got a day-ate!


Short story and artwork by PhillipThe2 

Thank you Phil, great stuff!



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