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Remember the Ann / Poolboy one from last year?

The Roth Automotive Company (makers of Kim's original Roth SL Coupe, aka the "Sloth") is branching out into motorcycles.  Ann, trying to get a side job as a legitimate model to supplement her meager porn income, is called in for a test shoot.  Little does she know that the she and the photographer have a little history...

Photographer: Mrs Possible?  Wow!  You look great.  It's been years since... 

Ann: Ummm...?  Do I know you? 

Photographer: Seriously?  I came to your house once a week...or more...for, like, two years straight? 

Ann: You'd think I would remember that.  I'm so bad at putting names with faces. 

Photographer: The guy that cleaned your pool?  ...I was in college. 

Ann: Nope, doesn't ring any bells.  You sure you're not confusing me with someone else? 

Photographer: I think I'd remember that body...I've seen every inch of it. 

Ann: Young man, I've had a lot paparazzi try to catch me naked over the years.  If you want me nude for this shoot, you need to start talking dollar signs. 

Photographer: Wait, what?  No, that not what I...  (rolls his eyes and grumbles) Hang on.

The photographer puts his camera aside, unbuttons his pants, and lets them fall to his ankles.

Ann: Brian, the pool boy!  Wow, it has been forever.  See, I told you I'm bad with names...and faces.


All praise to PhillipThe2! Thank you, Phil! Great job!

UPDATE April, 11th:

Alt to the Ann one... the Roth Automotive Company decided to go with a younger demographic. Kim files added.

Thanks to PhillipThe2!



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