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Hi there

I guess it’s time for an update about how things are going and some explaining as to why I have been absent for the past few weeks.

As a result of me coming down with pneumonia and all the extreme coughing, my back tensed up to such a degree, that it locked itself in place and forced me to spend an extended period chained to my bed.

I have only been able to eat, sleep and shit for a long time now and in this time, I have been on another trip down the rabbit hole in the company of my dear and trusted friends: Oxycodone and Codein.

I tasked my youngest daughter with keeping an eye on my email account and this Patreon account, but she apparently didn’t take the task at hand very serious. I’m sorry about that lapse of judgment on my part.

I’m returning to my normal dosages of medication, but it will take some time to get the higher dosage out of my system and letting me have coherent thoughts once again.

I’ll just address a question here: I will not change the story in any way. Not even to appease the Patreon inquisition. If I should get singled out, I will simply leave this place and make it available elsewhere.

That being said, you must understand that the dreaded “I”- word, is not the focus of this story. It is by no means the “endgame” of the story but merely one of many things that can happen depending on the choices you make down the line.

So, what about version 0.6, I hear you cry! I will get down to it, as soon as I’m able.

Lastly, I want to thank you all for sticking around and not giving up hope. I’m very much alive and I consider myself lucky to have the most patient and empathic followers, and patrons any developer could wish for.

Cheers - Kaffekop


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