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Finally done with this one.

0.5 proved to be quite the bumpy ride, bu now it's here and I can finally get some sleep!

Changelog for 0.5:

Removed the choice where you could choose to not investigate the fathers death. It would have brought further complications to the story down the road so it had to go.

I fiddled with some variables, changed how some of them work and added some functions, to make my life easier.

This, of course, means that you'll have to do a new play-through as the old saves will fuck things up. Remember "tab" and "ctrl" - they are your friends under these circumstances.

It has been tested to the best of my ability and I haven't found anything game-breakingly wrong with it. If you should find a bug, please let me know so I can fix it.

Be aware that I'm not at my pc for the next few days so nothing will be fixed until I get back on Monday.

_32 can be found here: Mega 

_64 can be found here: Mega 

OSX can be found here: Mega 

Enjoy, have a good weekend and thank you for playing and your support.

Cheers - Kaffekop


Marty McLean

You glorious plot twisting bastard!!!!!!!!!!!

Marty McLean

Koffee, I just played the Nat route because a friend swore I would like it. I said it before, and I will say it again. You glorious plot twisting bastard!