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As I have begun porting version 0.4 I have also taken up working on version 0.5.

There are still quite a few renders that needs to be rendered, and quite a few dialogues that needs to be written.

If all things go well, I may be able to release version 0.5 in early August for the top tier supporters.

Have a good weekend.

Cheers - Kaffekop


Marty McLean

Just replayed 0.3 and I am still wanting to let it slip to Spyder that that little punk Dylan is playing Slave/Master games with Samantha and is bragging about it all over town!

Marty McLean

Oy! Dylan, don't forget, mate, I was the one that pulled you under the water in MY pool. I wonder if it works in a bath tub?


I can feel, that he is in for a nasty wake-up one day. Looking at a horses head lying at his feet.

Marty McLean

And if Mack punishes Dylan in front of Spyder, 2 birds with 1 stone. Spyder learns not to cross that White Boy 'cross the street!

Marty McLean

Even better. We know Dyl thinks he is the cat's ass when it comes to women. Video a 3 way with his mom, Marsha and Mack as those 2 are screaming like banshees about how Big Daddy is the best they've ever had and how the last guy just doesn't "measure up". "See, Jenn! I told you it was HUGE!" "And so talented too Mar! You found us a real keeper this time! I can't wait until he can spend time with JUST me."