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We want to let you know, we'll not be able to delivery the update in June as we've have said, some healthy issues happening lately, update is almost done. 

We're working with a new writer and the update got bigger than we've thought, there's too much to be coded and drawn.

Besides that, we need to think of a great plot and how the new characters will be involved with Chris and James to not have loose ends.

One of the new features we are adding is the possiblity for players go out alone as Chris or together with James, that increases the possibillites of dialoges and how the story goes, this changes the game totally.

We hope you understand, if not you can back later when the game is avaliable.

SM Team



sounds great!can't wait to play,please release as soon as possible.Of course,I can understand the body problems,please take good care of your health.:D