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The sun had already set by the time the first week of Mallory's deceitful plan came to a close. During their last days of summer vacation, she had cunningly invited Kayden, her best friend, to stay over. The two would be completely alone at Mallory’s family summer house, and with nobody else to witness her plan, this was the perfect time to get what she wanted. With Kayden occupying Mallory’s room, the stage was perfectly set.

Unknown to Kayden, Mallory harbored a secret envy for her beauty. This envy wasn’t a recent development, though - it had festered for years. Mallory's jealousy resulted in her purchase of an expensive and green possession stone from a witch, and she fully intended on using it. Despite being rich, Mallory’s poorly done boob and lip job left her feeling uglier than ever before. Money couldn’t buy what Kayden had. 

Sure, Mallory had inherited millions from her dead parents, but she was alone with unbelievably low self-esteem. Now, with this magical stone, she had the power to possess another's body. Kayden had natural beauty and a loving family, and Mallory could easily transfer her wealth once she got comfortable in her new body.

Each night, as Kayden slept peacefully, Mallory would use the stone to familiarize her spirit with Kayden’s essence, which was all part of the stone's preparatory phase. On the night Mallory deemed right, she activated the stone's primary power. Her spirit swiftly left her body and, like a ghostly whisper, slid into Kayden and began to control her every move. 

She now saw the world through Kayden’s eyes, and felt the world with Kayden’s toned skin. The real Kayden, now a displaced spirit, could only watch in horror as a passenger in her own body. She was trapped, powerless, and at the mercy of her so-called best friend. To the unsuspecting eye, Kayden, with her smooth skin and beautiful blonde hair, was simply enjoying her summer stay. 

But behind those radiant eyes lurked the cunning spirit of Mallory. The body thief approached the ornate mirror hanging in the corridor. She stood before it, her heart pounding with anticipation while Kayden yelled at her. Unable to hear her friend’s voice, Mallory gazed at the reflection, and she was met with the mesmerizing beauty of Kayden's face. The perfectly arched eyebrows, the depth in her sparkling blue eyes, and the fullness of her lips made Mallory's heart race with a thrill she had never known. “God, stealing this body’s totally worth it. She literally has everything, and she doesn’t even have to work that hard to look like this…”

Mallory traced every detail, every curve, every feature that she had longed to call her own. The smoothness of the skin, the delicate slope of the nose, the way her hair cascaded down her shoulders like a golden waterfall, it was all intoxicating. There was a power in this beauty, a magnetism that Mallory could feel emanating from the mirror while she fantasized about all the things she could do. 

However, this euphoria was occasionally ruined by a sudden jerk of an arm or an unexpected stumble. Kayden's spirit was still fighting, attempting to reclaim the body that was rightfully hers. She managed to gain fleeting control, pushing against the force that kept her bound. But Mallory was determined. “Wow, you’re really pushing your lucky with me,” Mallory laughed. “Sorry, bitch, this is my body now…”

Every time Kayden tried to exert her influence, Mallory would pull herself back to the mirror, anchoring herself with the reflection she adored. Each stolen glance, every moment of admiration, further solidified her dominance. Kayden's efforts to regain control only seemed to make Mallory's connection stronger. It didn’t take long before she realized that she was actually losing the energy to break free. Sadly, by then, it was too late. Mallory’s control eventually solidified, and she wasn’t about to give it up.



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