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This article is a download page for supporters who forgot to receive data last month and supporters this month.

Please use the password given by the message function to receive the work data!

Please note that each download page will disappear in a week!

Data will be distributed at the beginning, middle, and end of the month, so thank you!

* The password is distributed by DM, but if I use the simultaneous message sending function to all supporters, the DM may not be delivered. If you haven't received the DM, I would appreciate it if you could contact me.








■Last month's supporter page(先月の支援者様向けページ)

2021/01-2021/03▶️ https://firestorage.com/download/4ddb8f8e91bc5820043a8cbf08bb9bc67961ddc5


■This month's supporter page(今月の支援者様向けページ)

2021/02▶️ https://firestorage.com/download/8c429aa57d71f995321079693d90c7c3ec4e99cd

2021/03▶️ https://firestorage.com/download/1e926dec41909d7346e2d9741d0ceba29dc7fd3f



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