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Hello Hypno Permanence Fans! 

One of the suggestions I received from this tier was a Babygirl Rebirth file. 

I was thinking of designing it like this: you enter a trance and another part of your identity is born. You still have your old self, but you discover a new part of yourself that is a baby girl.

This side of you would like to wear pink and purple, wear tutus and dresses, have bows in her hair, do ballet, and in general do typical baby girl activities. 

I might include a trigger that gets you to switch into Babygirl mode. 

What do you think of this? 

What babygirl /sissification ideas would you want to see in this kind of file? 



What about a fear of the dark, so we would need to sleep with a nightlight?


How about a pacifier addiction?


wondering if this file is still going to be made? :)