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Hello Hypno Permanence Fans!

Time for a messing check-in with those of you who have trouble controlling your bowels. (Or who can control them, but have accidents anyway!) 

Are you messing yourself as often as you would like? Would you like to have  more messing accidents? Share your thoughts in the comments. 

This is the poll question: 

When was the last time you messed yourself?



I go whenever I'm diapered. I rarely go when I'm not.

Dottie Dairymilk

For me messing is not every time because it’s hard for me to do the clean up with my motor problems. Also am in pull-ups so gotta be careful when messing. Compromise is sometimes making it to the toilet and sometimes not making it. It’s a proud feeling to make it to the toilet and a proud feeling when not making it. But deep down knowing what am and who am is important. But making it to the toilet sometimes doesn’t mean am not a gold star Pants-Filler because AM AM AM !


I poop my pampers usually after a meal 3, sometimes 4 times a day. Usually I wake up messy and wet every morning.