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This week you will wet yourself when reading a book. You can choose any book that you like, or you can read something on your phone. It can be anything, as long as you can read to the end of the page. 

Sit down, and read one page of your book. You already know what's going to happen on this page, and you see that last line of the page. Now you're going to read the same page again, but this time, you will start wetting yourself as you get close to the end of the page. 

There's something about reading that is hypnotic... you follow the text with your eyes, you see that it's about to end, and you can't help but keep following. As you read the page a second time, let your bladder loosen more and more. Don't fight against it. Just let it all happen. As you start to leak, just keep reading. Pay attention to the book. 

As you get close to the end, let your bladder completely empty. Empty your bladder into your pants.

Keep reading the page. Let the wetting happen subconsciously. Don't worry about it and just keep reading. When you've finished reading the page, look down and see the accident you just had. 

How did it feel to have an accident, while only half-aware? 


Dottie Dairymilk

just did it, in my tub which is my peeing spot. Sat and readed JURASSIC LEAGUE and suddenly the suggestion hit so kept doing the same page over and over again and couldn’t move past it and sudddnly yelled “DINO PEE” and peed my dinosaur leggings making “ohhh” sounds and then sat in it for a while. this is why dottie need ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS diapers on all day and night isn’t it?

Don the beta bitch

I completed the task. After I drank a pot of coffee. And finished some work. Sitting in my office chair wearing my diaper under my normal clothes. I read a article about being a Better Beta simp, for my crush