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Hello Hypno Fans, 

This is for those of you who are brave! If you are truly ready, then you will wet yourself just before opening the door. Or if you are too nervous to do that, you can do it outside the door to a bathroom. 

This weekend, pick a day to have this accident. You can pick a time when there aren't many people around. Remember to drink liquids that day, so that when you're at the door you have to pee. As you're at the door, just as you put your hand on the doorknob, start wetting yourself. Feel how your pants are getting wet. Stand there, wetting yourself for about 5 seconds before you open the door and go inside. 

Once you're inside, you can continue peeing yourself. You started having an accident in public, but no you're having an accident inside your own home. Enjoy the feeling! 



Du hast immer so tolle Einfälle Mommy.🥰😘👍

Dottie Dairymilk

Dottie did it, walked up to my door. got a thing of liking to pee all over my door from the inside for unknown reasons so it wasn’t tough. Went out to get mail with no pull ups or diaper just triple undies and came back to my door. Nobody was around and it was late so covered my mouth cuz when pee pants go “oh no oh no oh noooo” and then peed for five seconds and then went inside and peed my pants all over the floor. Stood there for a minute knowing got no chance to control it. No chance, no way, am kind of girl just pee and poop with no control. Just how it is

Dottie Dairymilk

Honest surprise not more people reply here this is a big good one